What To Do If You Drop Your iPhone In Water



  • Karen
    Karen Posts: 20
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    My iphone was waterlogged. Didn't respond to any button pushing whatsoever. So how would I turn it off?? Thanks
  • WOW
    WOW Posts: 14
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    you guys are re....tarded....
  • neeraj
    neeraj Posts: 2
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    it really works out.... switch off ur phone n keep it in a air tight packed full of rice.... after 3-4 days ur phone will be perfectly alright.... i had done dis n very happy so get the result.
  • Philip Good
    Philip Good Posts: 1
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    Don't despair. I tried the rice trick but it didn't work. However, I left my iphone for two weeks and it has miraculously started working again.
  • Rib
    Rib Posts: 1
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    Im curious did u get yours to work yet I did same thing about 10 min in washer I'm on my 2nd day of drying
  • Kirstie
    Kirstie Posts: 1
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    Thanks y'all for making me laugh, y'all are nuts!!I've done the rice trick before with other phones, works great, lets hope it works with my iphone! :)
  • PutItInTheOven
    PutItInTheOven Posts: 1
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    I dropped my 4S in water (clean) by accident and fetcher it out after a few seconds.The phone was on and it started acting out and it was impossible to turn off.I towel dried it shacking it slightly and put it in a bag of rice for a day.At that point I was able to tun it off, but it would turn itself on again shortly after, every time.You could see a lot of condensation under the camera lens and some water under the screen when on. Most buttons would not work as water would interfere with the button sensors.I could not remove the cover as the screws are of the pentalobe type and could not find anything to remove them.Frustrated with the rice I then put the phone in the oven under the setting used for warming dough at a controlled temperature of 80F which is within the published max operating temperature of 90F (the non operating temperature is 115F but the phone would not turn off so better be safe). After 24 hours all the condensation had gone away and the phone was working perfectly!!
  • poopsandwich
    poopsandwich Posts: 1
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  • Krista
    Krista Posts: 4
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    so, like an hour ago, i kinda dropped my iPhone in the toilet .... yeah but my first reaction was to get the thing out of there as fast as i could. its sitting in rice right now. it wasn't in the water for long at all but it better work because i just got the thing and my mother didnt want to pay for insurance for it she said "Okay now heres a lesson, you have to take care of it because im done buying you phones." Please work !!!!!!
  • Bailey
    Bailey Posts: 2
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    OMG! 12 hours later I totally relived your experience and guess what my mom says same darn thing!! Did you try taking your sim cards out and blow drying it? That got most of the water out for me.My phone is now sitting in a bag of rice while i search on line for any other ideas!! Good luck to you! -Bailey
  • Unlucky
    Unlucky Posts: 3
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    I dropped my iphone4 into clean water for only few seconds. Tried the rice method it didnt work. Phone is functioning just can't recharged the battery. Now battery is totally drained. Any advice?
  • paula mcgaffey
    paula mcgaffey Posts: 1
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    i have a iphone 4 & put the hairdryer on it for a bit and it came on just needs to dry out it is like 24 hrs though before it finally came on so dont just think its then end of it guys... & it was in rice overnight this does work be patient xxxxx
  • NOm
    NOm Posts: 2
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    Hey Guys...Picked quickly but half dipped in water...my Iphone!!!! Just put in Rice Bag ...waiting for .......Hoping to write you guys a gud news ....:-/
  • Nicki
    Nicki Posts: 3
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    Any updates your phone guys
  • Kate
    Kate Posts: 12
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    Where do you get the tiny screwdriver?
  • thedandyman
    thedandyman Posts: 1
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    I tried this trick but it didn't work. maybe my iphone doesn't like rice. maybe I should try beans instead because I bought my iphone from a Mexican dude not an Asian dude
  • Jacinda Cote
    Jacinda Cote Posts: 1
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    So, I dropped my iPhone 4 into the toilet as well. I peed, got up and turned funny and it fell in there just after I hit flush. I scooped it out right away and the screen flickered to going kind of grainy. After about 1 minute it went off. I blew and shook the water out, took out the sim card and it has been in rice ever since. (this was at 8pm on March 24th). I left it in rice until Sunday night and tried to turn it on, nothing. I put it back into rice again and have left it there until now. I just tried to restore it using itunes and it is not working... am I Doomed??? :(Thanks for your help! I only got this phone 2 1/2 weeks ago!
  • Kermione
    Kermione Posts: 2
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    My Ipod touch (Yes, not an iPhone!) Dropped into some water, and i got really freaked out so i put it in some clothes. I told my sister this 20 mins later. she told me to put it in rice, so i did that. i waited 2 hours, and it was working again!!!! YEAH!!!! :D
  • Kermione
    Kermione Posts: 2
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    I dont think so. my problem was an ipod touch, so it was slightly differnt. I would just wait a more few days (Is it in whole grain rice? I put my in that and it worked perfectly) I would also suggest you put it in rice while you blowdry it. And dont put it in the mircowave ethier
  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    I was at work and droped my iphone4 in the toliet and now its not working. I went and bought a bag of rice and waiting to see what happens. I need my phone ASAP. I have no other means of communication. I am in this big city away from my family and I need my phone.
  • Bethany perez
    Bethany perez Posts: 1
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    Same thing happened to me bout an hour ago D: i hope the rice works!
  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    Just sat in a hot spring for 15 minutes with my phone in my pocket. Got back to my condo and stuck it in a bag of rice! It's now morning and still not working so going to leave it for a couple more days.
  • Leanne
    Leanne Posts: 1
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    Just dropped my IP4S in the toilet after my shower (it was wrapped in the towel that I grabbed to dry off) :( I am so freaked out right now! It's in a ziploc of rice but I couldn't find where to remove the sim card...couldn't even see a slot for it. When I attempted to turn it off, I got the "pinwheel" and it started up again on it's own, so I did it again and when I got the pinwheel, I held the lock and home buttons and that seemed to turn it off...my phone is my lifeline!!! I really hope this works!!!
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    lol, I just dropped it in the toilet the same way 30 min ago. It was working okay but there was condensation in the back camera lens so I just stuck it in a bag of rice after taking out the SIM card. I hope all the condensation is gone by tomorrow morning/it is fully functional by tomorrow morning too. My phone = my life X_X XD
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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  • Thug Nasty
    Thug Nasty Posts: 1
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    Went on to the lake yesterday and dropped my iphone4, swam under and found it after about a minute dried it off, now its in a bag of ice after being vacuumed. Lets hope this works.
  • Michelle Altieri
    I dropped my Verizon iPhone 4s in the toilet. I was coming home from shopping and i had to pee. My iPhone dropped into the toilet from my shorts. I didn't at first know it fell and then i looked down and my phone was in the toilet... At the moment i have my iPhone in a bag of rice. I shut it down and did everything i was told to do, but the reader inside that tells if you have water damage that changes pink to white is pink. what does this mean? is it dead? help please!