iPhone completely unlocked (hacked) using Turbo SIM card; doesn't need card readers

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiPhone completely unlocked (hacked) using Turbo SIM card; doesn't need card readers

It was only last week that we had hackers from Europe claiming to have completely unlocked the iPhone using a SIM reader/writer and a blank SIM card to obtain full calling and SMS capabilities. However, there were issues reported that though the hack worked it depends on the SIM card...

Read the full story here


  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
    via Wordpress

    That's great. How do I get to a page that actually explains how to do it?

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
    via Wordpress

    Hey Mike,

    I have just updated the post with the How-to link, here it is again for your easy reference:

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks for visiting iPhoneHacks.com do visit again.

    iPhone Hacks

  • MacAttack
    MacAttack Posts: 2
    via Wordpress

    A company in the US called International Orders, Inc. sells the iPhone unlocked using the TurboSim card on their website http://www.international-orders.com. They ship internationally FAST. I received my activated and unlocked phone in 2 days !

  • felix b.
    felix b. Posts: 1
    via Wordpress

    A company in the US called International Orders, Inc. sells the iPhone unlocked using the TurboSim card on their website http://www.international-orders.com. They ship internationally FAST. I received my activated and unlocked phone in 2 days !

    Does it work? on what network? cause its a lot of money but if you find it working flawlessly then its a real option. Please inform

  • Don Corleone
    Don Corleone Posts: 1
    via Wordpress


    I would be glad if someone could send me a step-by-step guide on how to unlock my iPhone with the TurboSim. My email is matko35@gmail.com

    Thank you.

  • bulldog13
    bulldog13 Posts: 1
    via Wordpress

    The link you are showing is not working. Can you sent me the right info? Or step by step guide?

  • samy
    samy Posts: 1
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    the turbo sim just works fine i have been using it in dhaka with grameen phone network , the only thing is i have found it to be proper only after i updated to the 2.1 version of software , note we do have 3g so users like me can switch of 3g for gprs please trun on data roaming when using turbo sim , also note you must use the originl sim card when updating which came with the phone , after updating do not switch on use turbo sim and the current network card than switch on it should be fine , if you have issues with edge network just put the sim in other phone use edge and put back to iphone , it will be working well , this is because the system needs to know all the service for the sim you are using as using turbo sim so edge is not active when turning on , so using it on other mobile and quickly putting it back with turbo sim solves this problom once done it will be ok for good untill you take out the sim again or switch off power i guess no one switches off once it works fine ...

  • naturesim
    naturesim Posts: 1
    via Wordpress

    iphone 3G 2.2.1 unlocked by www.naturesim.com
    Factory from china!

  • Question
    Question Posts: 5
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    Is it possible to fool an iphone 4 via Turbo sim?Would it make iphone 4 unlocked ?Even if only for gsm, does Turbo sim work with iphone 4 baseband 02.10.04 ?
  • OZ
    OZ Posts: 10
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    Well, gonna sound crazy but is true ,coz selling locked phones in Australia is illegal !.Before "Telstra" charge $159 for unlocking ,now is for free due to legal issues.If you wanna unlock any iPhone for free ,then call Australia tel. # 1800iphone.Tell operator that you wanna unlock iPhone,coz i locked to Telstra ntwor and you bought it from eBay.Ten operator will ask you only for IMEI # and ater few second will tell you something like "Wait up to 24 hrs and phone will be unlock".All what you must to do is :Wait about 4 hrs or longer connect iPhone to the iTune,download updates,back up iPhone and click restore,All done for free !.If you wanna more info then search "Telstra -Unlock iPhone for free"
  • Vicky
    Vicky Posts: 4
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    I was trying to upgrade iPhone with latest available verion on iTunes. Finally after upgrading now my iPhone is completely locked. Its not even allow to move ahead. I have only options to choose language / and country option. Nothing else are there. Please advise how can I unlock this phone now.Many thanks in advance.Regards,Vikcy.