Facebook 3.2.2 Fixes Login Problems For Jailbroken iPhone Users?
When Facebook released Facebook App for iPhone 3.2 last week to incorporate the new Places feature, quite a few users who had jailbroken their iPhone reported issues with the new version. Last Friday, Facebook had acknowledged that they were aware of the problem and working on a fix. Facebook has...
Awwww Facebook loves us Jailbreakers!!! <3 xD
I had these issues on a jailbroken iphone 3gs but DIDN'T have BiteSMS installed, and this update fixed it. Thanks facebook!
I have a jailbroken iphone 4, and have had no problems with facebook logging in.
i had log-in problems on my iphone 4 but then i saw an update for BiteSMS and it worked =] yay also after bitesms update i updated to 3.2.2
"PLACES" still won't let me check-In.stuck on locating you message
I never had any problems :-/
bite sms actually posted a fix for this and also updated their app as well...
I had that problem and I didn't jailbreak my iPhone. I just deleted the app and reinstalled it. It's good now.
9th. wooo
trying to be different
still get the same error after the update. login works on the web page but not the app.
Try to delete the Facebook app and reinstall it again from the App Store to see if it resolves the issue. It seems to have worked for Daniel.
I'm just impressed that Apple let Facebook do an update that helped people who were jailbroken. I wonder how they worded that.