Steve Jobs: Software Update For iPhone 3G Users To Fix iOS 4 Performance Issue ‘Coming Soon’

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageSteve Jobs: Software Update For iPhone 3G Users To Fix iOS 4 Performance Issue ‘Coming Soon’

We had reported that Apple is "looking into"complaints from iPhone 3G users about performance issues with iOS 4. Steve Jobs has replied to a frustrated iPhone 3G user, which appears to confirm that Apple will release a software update to fix the performance issue observed on an iPhone 3G after...

Read the full story here


  • dennis
    dennis Posts: 89
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    ohh yeah i like to hear it

  • dennis
    dennis Posts: 89
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    i love this site :)

  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    Why can't Steve type a full sentence if it's really him? I'm curious to know how many emails he gets. Why does he even reply to emails from customers? Doesn't he have a company to run and problems to solve. And is 4.1 supposed to fix the proximity sensor and bluetooth? I still have issue with both on 4.02.

  • god of iphones
    god of iphones Posts: 9
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    )*(^) A, Al I want is simple blue tooth access to the phone.. my daughters phone can be accessed with bluetooth to upload and download files...

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    Finally, that is why I love Apple, because it cares for his customers.

  • Triver
    Triver Posts: 20
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    @ Jose...

    It's cares for it's customers? WTF??

    No screen customization
    Can't change text msg tones
    Lack of BT support
    Lack of Audio/Video Files
    Apple chooses the Apps you get to choose from
    Apple chooses if you can have Flash
    Apple quickly updates firmware to block jailbreaks yet leaves customers hanging in limbo when real issues surface.

    Hmmm can someone else help me out what I missed here?

    That's why most of us on this blog JB our phones because we can do all those things above on a Jailbreak. Iphone is boring without the JB.

  • Captan Ameerika
    Captan Ameerika Posts: 10
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    So, just because they don't allow you to do whatever you want with their product(s) that automatically means that they don't care about their customers?

    Thats interesting. Please fulfill your needs and go get an Android phone. Thanks.

  • Jordan katz
    Jordan katz Posts: 20
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    Just jailbreak the phone it's better anyway.. The messaging app abnd notifications is such a joke - if it werent for bite sms and ibntelliscreen id go andriod

  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    I agree with Triver the iPhone is dull (straight out of the box) and, I might add, somewhat lacking in features/functionality I have a tendency to expect from a so called "smart phone".

    Don't get me wrong, I find the touch screen user interface second to none imho and because of that I am reluctant to take up your offer of going Android (although I'm tempted to put Android on to my Iphone 3G once it becomes a little less of a pain to install)

    At the end of the day I spent a large wad of cash for a device and no corporate entity is going to dictate its appearance or indeed its funcioality.

    Apple would call that a breach of thier agreement. I would call it individuality.

    Are you an individual or an Apple Android? xx

  • geos
    geos Posts: 3
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    Does Stevie jobs not updated their own iPhone to version 4.xx?
    The default signature "Sent_from_my_iPhone" belongs to the firmwares below 3.1.3.

  • Scottttt
    Scottttt Posts: 0
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    I did JB, still slow... how does JB help?

  • Mitch E
    Mitch E Posts: 0
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    After going through the downgrade from 4.0.1 to 3.1.2 I don't trust apple to fix ****. Lets look at the track record here.

    1. Iphone 4 has a plethora of problems and rather than fixing it (aka doing the right thing when people drop $500 for a new phone and its completely screwed up) they tell us to put a case on it.

    2. They either failed to thoroughly test or failed to warn (or both) 3G users about the new OS crippling the old hardware and instead of releasing a 3G only version or just not allowing 3G's to upgrade altogether (again, aka doing the right thing) they do nothing except disable multitasking and ignore the problem until the whole of the 3G userbase inundates apple with emails and feedback. And to add insult to injury they stop signing the old firmware making it a pain in the ass to downgrade back to 3.x without having to use 5 different utilities to avoid iTunes errors, getting stuck in recovery mode, and so on.

    3. Finally the Judicial branch of our government finds in favor of jailbreakers citing hacking as the innovative spirit that drives American ingenuity and rather than taking their defeat gracefully, letting go of the whole anti-jailbreaking stance, and accepting the decree of the courts and the voices of millions of its users (aka doing the right thing) Apple almost immediately releases plans for a future patent that may or may not allow them to disable my phone (that I paid and continue to pay for) because I want the ability to customize MY device the way I want and as a result have to JB to do so.

    Bottom line I don't trust apple any more to do what they say they are going to do nor to fix the problems they create. I think regardless of what the update 'fixes' I'll be sticking with OS3 for now. This is no longer the company with the cool, hip, and laid back image that they so wanted to portray themselves as in the Mac vs PC adverts. This is a company that has become everything it originally stood against. Think about it, Microsoft got the pants sued off them for packaging windows with IE, Where are the antitrust people to stand up against apple dominating its users and the marketplace where they try in vain to customize their devices? Doesn't it say something that we have to resort to hacking our smart phones to be able to do what we want with them? In the case with MS at least we didn't have to hack the OS to be able to install firefox. Amiright?

    In short I don't trust apple to 'do the right thing' anymore, because they clearly have shown they have no intention of doing so. They have become the uptight guy in the suit that has nothing but excuses.

  • elbow
    elbow Posts: 3
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    Why does apple hate there customer?? Keeping them in such a short leash!!!

  • elbow
    elbow Posts: 3
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    Once a person buys a product, they should be able to do what ever they want with it!!! Iphone sucks without jailbreak, Android rocks because no hacking or itunes needed to install music!!

  • elbow
    elbow Posts: 3
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    I'd think Stevie Jobs Phone is probably Jailbroken!!! and dont wanna update to 4.0.2 either cause no jailbrake yet.

  • RiCo
    RiCo Posts: 51
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    I updated 3g to 4.0.1, same issue, MEGA SLOW!! I however downgraded to 3.1.2, but was unable to restore any of my notes, texts, or contacts from itunes. I just got a pop up saying that my os was too old. So i went back to the dreaded 4.0.2, and then all my info was back!! Is there any way of not losing all my contacts,notes and texts when downgrading??

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    I would suggest waiting for iOS 4.1 that will be released in the next couple of days, it should fix the performance issues.

  • Kim
    Kim Posts: 29
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    I have an iPhone 3G. It's still dog slow, running the latest iOS4, and there'll never be another software update, because Apple don't support that phone anymore.It's STILL IN CONTRACT! Sheesh!I don't mind the lack of new software support; what gets my goat that they ended software support on a revision of the software that makes the phone almost unusable.I've been a loyal Apple customer since the early 90's, but that company has completely lost it. The pecking order should be:1. Reliability.2. Usability.3. Features.I'm seriously going back to Nokia for the next phone. At least their phones work and don't take 7 seconds (YES, 7 seconds!!!) to bring up the SMS app. Their maps app is also fast enough to be usable. They also get more than a day standby time.
  • Demarcus Barthe
    Demarcus Barthe Posts: 1
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    Love the blog, Im pablo why not check out mine? see ya there :)