iPad News Roundup: New Apps From HBO & Verizon, Mini-iPad Launch & More

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageiPad News Roundup: New Apps From HBO & Verizon, Mini-iPad Launch & More

Folks at the Download Squad are reporting that Google could be preparing for the launch of the rumored Chrome-OS powered tablet computer on Black Friday this year (November 26). According to sources, the Google tablet shall feature a 1280x720 pixel multi-touch display and a 2GB RAM on a NVIDIA Tegra...

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  • Tolga
    Tolga Posts: 6
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  • Rover
    Rover Posts: 24
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    I honestly don't believe there will be a smaller iPad. It doesn't make sense and it's not necessary. I'm sure it's just an upgraded hardware model with front facing camera.

  • Chetan
    Chetan Posts: 13
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    No, what you need is your priorities set straight. I have a WiFi iPad 16gb and a iPhone 4 32gb plus a few apple computers. Over the years I've noticed apple has lost touch with their consumers and are now focused on the money. The products they release are crap and they know it. I bought the iPad for my mom a few weeks ago and it's good to keep around the house if someone gets bored they can check their email or hop on youtube but really my whole family hates apple for treating us like cash cows. I mean really the iPad doesn't do anything special but yet they charge us $500 for a screen and a 1ghz possessor. I was watching the original keynote last night from the iPhone 1st generation and the people in the crowd are like children about to die if they didn't get the new apple gadget. I bet if enough of us stopped buying apple products apple would stop producing childish products and restart developing high end computers and laptops. Yes I know I'm a hypocrite because I own a iPhone 4 and an iPad but I only realized this after I purchased them. Apple please if your reading this try to act your age. Don't pretend your crown will last forever. One day you will regret not getting out before you went down with the economy.

    Actually Tolga, I'm sorry if I was mean to you I just want for you to make sure you want something that apple wishes you to buy.

    Be safe and hide your wallet.

  • Rover
    Rover Posts: 24
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    Long but understand where you are coming from. I knew they were milking it when the 3Gs came out. Still don't understand why the iPad didn't have 512mb ram. I'm sure if Android wasn't as popular as it is the iPhone 4 would have just been an upgraded camera, 256mb ram, and less than 1Ghz processor. You would think they wouldn't have any problems with the iPhone 4 since they only release one phone a year but they sure showed us what could go wrong. And I'm not happy with the software upgrades either. Very few major updates or features. Truth be told I believe Android 2.2 is better than iOS and they are even releasing 3.0 later in the year. I am actually very interested to see what they would offer in 3.0. Should be an interesting end of the year with Android 3.0, WP7, MeeGo, and Bada. Some very good competition indeed.

  • phosphorus
    phosphorus Posts: 39
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    Everyone who has watched gundam 00 will recognize this scenario.

    Apple being Celestial being, shaking up the mobile phone industry by taking a huge leap forward. In the first few years the competition can't keep up but after that they'll gain the same and sometimes even better technology...this is where Apple's role is supposed to end (as it did in the end of Gundam 00 season 2).

    If you have any comments/thoughts about this, please email me at: phosphorus@live.nl

  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    I understand, thanx for your concern.
    It's a shame that Steve Job is a jerk, for example: iPhone 4G <--- FAIL. That's why I still kept my 3Gs in my pocket. I wanted to buy the iPad, but I also need time because it's expensive for me as a student. So when I saw this news, I got somehow attracted to it.
    Thank you for your concern, I will think twice before I buy a new product from apple.

  • Yes I&#039;m an Ass
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    Now that is just stupid grow up jackwagon .

  • Yes I&#039;m an Ass
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    Now that is just stupid grow up jackwagon .

  • Chetan is a LOOSER
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    Could you be any more of a looser! Get a life **** head.

  • Jedgar2184
    Jedgar2184 Posts: 0
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    The iPad is definitely too dear but I like what it does. For the iPad haters I suggest they stop moaning and buy an alternative. The wee pad specs sound good although the price ain't much different. I would welcome a 7" iPad if they could lower the price by say £100. It would definitely be much more portable and for people who don't like carrying around a brick it would be a much better choice.