Apple To Extend iTunes Music Preview Duration; New iPod Nano Cases Reveal Features
Posts: 1,127
CNET claims that Apple could be extending the duration of the iTunes music previews from 30 seconds to 60 seconds. According to CNET, their sources have told them that an announcement regarding this could be made during tomorrow's media event and that the move follows complaints about the present system...
So it's gonna be like a little iPod touch but with out the apps.
Would like for people to make apps for this devise if it's true .
And wat happen to the itv is tat fake??? Plz reply -
wow. if this were true, it's a mini itouch just not the itouch, so no apps just the ipod nano features. hmm I might consider buying one if it's cheap but most likely i won't be getting one as i have the iphone 4 and I don't need to carry more than 1 device.