Apple Releases iTunes 10.0.1; Adds Ping Sidebar And Fixes Bugs
Apple has just released iTunes 10.0.1, which according to the release notes includes a number of bug fixes and also adds a new sidebar for Ping – its social music network that it introduced in iTunes 10. It is available via Apple Software update and is 86.4MB in size. According...
Is it jailbreak friendly?
i always avoid iTunes updates till the devs have time to check it out
yeah, iTunes 10.0.1 is safe for jailbreakers.
yeah, iTunes 10.0.1 is safe for jailbreakers.
thanks for the update
Apple needs to get rid of iTunes, not add more useless garbage like Ping. It’s already as bloated and buggy as something Microsoft would produce. They really need to work on their cloud strategy.
The update does NOT fix the "your credit card was declined" loop that is keeping hundreds from purchasing music and apps. iTunes support sends a nice e-mail, but does nothing. In the past year, I have purchased an iPhone 4, an iPad, and a 27-inch iMac. I'm beginning to have buyer's remorse. Apple is just another big, stupid, bureaucracy like Microsoft. The most tech-savvy, user-friendly, forward-looking computer company in history is apparently incapable of figuring out a way for me to give them more money. The uber-trendy, futuristic, digital- universe guru Steve Jobs supports iTunes users in independent countries like Palau, but not those in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory north of Guam. And by the way, I recently had a similar problem with a Microsoft website while taking advantage of a home-use software program for U.S. government employees, and MICROSOFT FIXED IT by adding the Northern Mariana Islands to their pulldown toggle. APPLE, GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND FIX THIS PROBLEM!
dogshit slow in win 7 64 bit