Apple TV Selling Like Hot Cakes In The US

Whizkid Posts: 135
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imageApple TV Selling Like Hot Cakes In The US

Just a week into its launch, Apple TV is already creating a lot of buzz. But then which Apple product doesn't? Anyway, according to a new research note from JMP Research analyst Alex Gauna, new Apple TV shipments are being lapped up with keen interest by consumers across the United...

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  • Mackie
    Mackie Posts: 52
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    Wait for second generation.

  • Champs203
    Champs203 Posts: 0
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    Serously it's not worth it

  • Champ203
    Champ203 Posts: 0
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    Blue ray players have netflix n popular apps on system serously, prices for the movie r too high n not even 1080

  • Jlluna
    Jlluna Posts: 4
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    I got one and very happy with it, I have not seen netflix stream so soothly as I have on this apple tv.

  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Sound interesting, probably consider to buy if netfleix able to use in Asia...still prefer the old iTV which can be download ...

  • wut
    wut Posts: 4
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  • garoti
    garoti Posts: 27
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    i just return to apple after 6 hours uses. this not as smart as wd media player.

  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    I need help and if anyone can help me it's this community, I still don't hav mms, tethering and now that I hav the iPhone 4 no facetime thanks to redsnow jailbreak. Is there a fix for this I am using 4.1 and can't do a restore because I need my backup. My plan has free tethering & a big data cap and I have a pc with no Internet so I really need it back

  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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    Try launching cydia and installing all the updates, it should fix the MMS and Facetime bugs from the jail break. The tethering will have to be from a package installed on cydia, possibly from a new repository or your carrier might have options so you can call them for help, downside is that might cost extra.

  • xzKinGzxBuRnzx
    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Posts: 3
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    I purchased one, I love it. $99 isn't a bad price. I use it everyday when viewing video's stored on my PC or watching Netflix.

    Plus with the news that it is jailbreakable! I cannot wait to see what becomes of it.

    Honestly, all the users who call it garbage, I think they just can't afford it.

    Anyone who has a iPhone or if you're like me 3-4 iPhones plus loves to watch movies and play music. I'd recommend they get this.

    Soon also the Air Play thing will be released in a firmware update as well. Now I believe it will allow me to view a video on my iPhone and with just touch of one maybe two button's to transfer that video to my Apple TV!

  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    i find that google solves most of my problems.

    try "iphone 4 4.1 redsnow no mms facetime"

    or "cydia repos"

    or "tethering hack iphone 4 4.1"

  • coloradohigh
    coloradohigh Posts: 0
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    I'm loving the new AppleTV. Content will increase and the quality of the 720P is fantastic.... the best streamed version I've seen. I love how I can send anything in iTunes to the TV or another computers speakers. This is just the beginning. Expect the apps to have access too.

  • Nandor690
    Nandor690 Posts: 2
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    I played movies on my 46" LCD samsung t.v for my friends without telling them it was an apple tv and they thought i bought a new bluray player. On a tv less than 50" you won't ever see a difference between 720p and 1080p. I download movies in 1080p and IMAX and they all stream over the apple tv so I don't see a problem. Plus it's jailbreakable and if you don't buy one for $99 you are missing out. Plus I don't have to spend all that money on blu ray movies or a lot of money to get a decent blu ray player. I just stream it all.

  • An iPhone 4 user
    An iPhone 4 user Posts: 1
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    Without the recording functionality it is going to be a no-no for me no matter how cheap it is.

  • dschloss
    dschloss Posts: 1
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    you can still buy and store on your PC/MAC, or record there and then play the video on Apple TV via the shared iTunes library!

  • Ken
    Ken Posts: 114
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    I love my AppleTV. Specially if you be outside the US. No Netflix, no TIvo. There are not many choices, but with AppleTV I am available to see the hottest show everywhere.

  • MightyPez
    MightyPez Posts: 1
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    ... This is second generation

  • Kitkat
    Kitkat Posts: 8
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    Hey champ and others... Who the hell cares about 1080 streaming from the internet?
    When your talking about that, there is no 1080 streams available from the internet. You know why? Did you know that 1080p has a bandwidth of between 40-50mb/sec? Do you have this troughput at home? No.... So every tom **** and harry complaining about no 1080 sreamin on appletv, read your facts...

  • Kitkat
    Kitkat Posts: 8
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    And for 99$, you cant go wrong... What i hate is that in canada we pay 120$ when the cabadian dollar is at par with the us...

    Im suppose to get mine today...

  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    I've been using ROKU ($99.00) which works great. Lots of content plus Netflix, Amazon, Pandora as well. But I'm intrigued by Apple TV so I'm gonna buy it. $99.00 is a great price too.

    I can no longer tolerate 60 commercials an hour on the TV any goodbye cable TV. I'll use AppleTV and Roku as my primary entertainment. No commercials and I save around $600 a year for cable. Thank Gawd for the internet.

  • iOS4
    iOS4 Posts: 60
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    its 99 dollars($99) not 99 cents(99$)

  • iOS4
    iOS4 Posts: 60
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    Oh, i'm very much loving my Apple, seriously, Netflix shows way better on this than my Sony Bravia 3D TV, My sony blu-ray entertainment and my PS3 and the interface is way better. I don't know how it is on other Netflix enabled devices but i won't anything else.

    As for TV shows and movies, i don't buy them online so no bargain there. I already like the trailers for the new movies too.

    To me, it's worth every penny because it serves my reason for buying.

  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    Very ignorant. Criticize a product just because they can't afford it? It's just $99. They probaby think it's not worth the $99 just like me. And just to point out most people don't criticize something just because they can't afford it. I'm sure most people won't tell you Ferraris or Bentley suck even though 99% off the population can't afford one. Grow up

  • Jdperalta84
    Jdperalta84 Posts: 3
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    I got one and like it very much! There are alternatives to the Apple TV, but if you have several Apple products in your home the AppleTV is the way to go in my opinion. It's also definitely worth $99. The UI is a lot smoother and so is the streaming of content. Not to mention the endless possibilities once the 'jailbreak' is released. One feature which I would def like to have is the ability to play media from an external hard drive but I'm not sure how that's going to work since theres a mini usb port in the back instead of the traditional usb port. Hopefully there is an adapter I don't know about. But yeah, I would definitely recommend it to friends and family.

  • John mac
    John mac Posts: 1
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    I just got one and love it it's a great easy way to have all my content stream to my tv so easily and all controlled by my iPhone it's a pretty blissfully way to consume content I can't wait for the jailbreak

  • JimJam
    JimJam Posts: 20
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    The fact that it can NOT play hd video (i.e. m2ts, .ts, or AVCHD disks) is what is holding me back. I did read that it had been jailbroken and it may be possible to output different formats of video. Until that day, my Western Digital external hard drive running linux and Twonky Media server is at least 100 times better and costs the same.

  • JimJam
    JimJam Posts: 20
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    As a matter of fact I do. My NetGear WNDR3700 has Gigabit ethernet, so it can handle about 20 times what the average HD content can output. My PS3 along side Twonky Media server can easily handle true HD video. If you are streaming video from the internet, you probably are not even getting 720p, although it may look good, it most likely is not true HD. I highly recommend downloading your video content before watching it, quality is at stake.

  • JimJam
    JimJam Posts: 20
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    Just plug your external hard drive into your computer. Let itunes know that you have it connected and any content that is on the hard drive will be streamed through itunes to your Apple TV.

  • Kitkat
    Kitkat Posts: 8
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    jdperalta84.... Just go to your local computer store and buy this cable:

    should work as I think you can view camera pic directly from the camera with the mini usb (USB-A to Standard USB) cable.

    That cable is the same as your digital camera cable you would plug your camera to your PC, so try it out and let us know.