Android Outsold iPhone In The Past Six Months, Claims Nielsen Study

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAndroid Outsold iPhone In The Past Six Months, Claims Nielsen Study

Nielsen has just published their latest report on smartphone purchase in the US. According to this report, Android is now the most popular mobile operating system cornering nearly 32% of all new smartphone purchases in the past six months. The Nielsen findings peg the share of iPhone at 25%. The...

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  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    That's because Android runs on numerous devices. ios only runs on Apple.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Apple isn't competing with android os. Apple is competing with themselves. People are still comparing software to hardware when Apple is looking at ios devices vs android os devices, not android os vs iphone.

    Once people start to understand that, they'll understand why Apple stocks continue to rise.

  • Luis
    Luis Posts: 67
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    Plus, if the Iphone could go into more carriers, that would boost the sales! Android is everywhere, in all carriers.

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    Apple is definitely competing with Android for market share - period. This isn't about who's building a better handset gets more market share and there for wins. Every handset that is sold that isn't an iphone for whatever reason is revenue lost to Apple. It doesn't mean they have inferior product, but I'm pretty sure it indicates they have an inferior model. Android is outselling them because every Carrier and their dog has an Android handset.

    As consumers we should never want a monopoly. The recent explosion of Android has and will require Apple to look hard at their model. Consumers don't want a Cadillac piece of hardware that they can only use on one Carrier and have dictated to them what features and apps they can and can't have. That's what all these sales numbers are saying. They're not saying Android is "better" (or worse by the way), simply that the Android model gives consumers way more choice.

  • Peter
    Peter Posts: 110
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    bought a Android instead of Iphone 4. numerous reasons: 1. no simlock, 2. tethering available for all appliances 3.regular sim card size, as i am quite often overseas and use local simcards. this, just 3 reasons.
    if Apple keeps on riding so high, i guess they will fall a lot deeper..

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    The fact that Android runs on many devices is in fact the point. It's the difference between Android's open business model and Apple's closed model. The same can be said for the Mac. The Mac may outsell any individual Windows based machine, but Windows as a whole far exceeds the market share of Mac OS, so most developers write their applications for Windows and later consider porting to Mac.

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    once apple expands iphone to other carriers watch marketshare swing hugely apples way. people are only buying android for the most part because they cant get an iphone

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Well said...when the iPhone came out it was the benchmark but now I see these newer phones from other companies and it starting to make the iPhone appear overpriced and restricted. iPhone 4 came out sure it's got a nice display, but there is just not enough meat in it to invest in another 2 year contract. Competition is always good for the consumer.

  • Kagetsu
    Kagetsu Posts: 3
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    Ok let's be honest now the cost of the iPhone and a 25% share is a huge deal. Im willing to bet no other company can pull of 25% of the market with a closed os and one carrier. These days you can get an android phone for close to free.

  • markywolverine
    markywolverine Posts: 1
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    listen up markymarc... people didn't get an iPhone because of AT&T period.

  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
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    LMAO Apple and monopoly don't even go in the same sentence. Microsoft and monopoly do. And it doesn't indicate one product being an inferior model either. Software was just compared to software/hardware correct? I don't even know how you can make that comparison? And the damn phone is on one network in the USA and multiple overseas. I don't even get the logic in this argument. But if we want to put a subcategory in there on which OS has more lawsuits against it then yeah Android wins lol.

  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
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    Also, everybody is so worried about market share in phone space. If you look towards the future you will see that Apple is setting itself up for another market in which they are gaining. How about the PSP/Nintendo DS Market? That is the market I saw 2 years ago. One in which you don't need a seperate $300 system to play a damn game. Games has and always will be a profitable business. You can overlook this if you want, but let me know what's goin on with this 2 years from now. Nvida and AMD are already arming for mobile gaming on phones. Look at Nvidia's mobile solution. And for every person that says "I just want my phone for a phone and that's it" there are 100+ more that use it for games, texting, social networking etc.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    People can compare apples to oranges all they want. It won't change the fact of the matter that Apple is only competing against themselves. When their supplies can't even support the demand, it's obvious they're already selling as fast as they can manufacture their products.

    Sure, android os devices are catching up and will potentially pass iphone market share. Apple isn't all about iphones alone. They're more interested in keeping their iOS share up there and increasing. And they've done a great job with their variety of products that run on iOS.

    Their gold mine is the iOS family of products that draw users and developers in, not just iphones alone. While everyone else is comparing android os to iphones, Apple is secretly building their iOS market share while the competition thinks they're winning.

    Yea, keep thinking this is about android vs iphone. I'll hold onto my apple stocks.

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    Apple doesn't own games. They own the store. Game writers will go where they get the most bang for their effort or where they have the most market penetration. For the same reason most apps are on the Iphone store now, if Apple loses it's market share and there are more Android phones - the games and apps will show up there in Android Market - then they might get ported to Apple's store.

  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
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    Umm what phones are playing those games under this open and fragmented Android market. I own both a HTC Evo and Iphone 4. My girlfriend has the Evo but I bought it and use it to see differences from my iphone from time to time. The games suck and are limited on that damn Evo. I can't play squatch and they don't even have Phase 10??? really? Besides that the categorizing of the apps is horrid. Sorry but actually apple does seem to own a part of the games my friend and the store. Who told you they didn't? Better read that developer agreement and then write me back and tell me what percentage of profits apple gets (I already know this answer). Sorry, but I don't see anything you wrote coming to life.

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    Isn't it already coming to life as reflected in the sales. You think the developer of Angry Birds was going to port his game to Android a year ago. No - why bother. Now - better believe it. Current growth patterns continue and Angry Birds 2 or 3 is developed on Android and ported over to Iphone......maybe.

  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    Please tell me why the U.S government uses iphones & ipods on the battlefield look at the companies apple bought the last three months who gives APPLE more money we do with our taxes APPLE is getting government contracts even contracts in the countries where iphone/ipod/ipad are sold look at everything that has been approved by apple all in a blink oh yeah all cell makers have all these lawsuits but if APPLE wins android based phones will go up or cease to exist

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    The argument is Apple's model (not device or OS or anything else) for distribution is inferior to Android. This is completely reinforced by the change in sales. I'm not debating the quality of handsets or OS or Store's or Apps. I'm debating that Apple's closed model has time and again proven to be a killer. At the end of the day, the company with the most devices will have the greatest number of apps because that's where the developers will see the greatest return for their effort purely based on number of potential sales driven by number of handsets with Android Market vs App Store. It's still not there either, but if current trend continues it will be.

    Do you think Apple would be hinting on some type of Flash support if Android wasn't kicking them in the nards in sales??

    Do you think they'd be making it easier for developers to bring product to the store?? That's all being driven by this huge shift to Android. That's all good for the consumer and without that competition Apple would still be telling you EXACTLY what you can and can't do on your device and with what carrier.

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    They were first to market with a feature rich consumer/retail grade smart phone. That's why they were able to do it with a closed OS and one Carrier. As the current sales are showing - that HAS changed. If Apple doesn't change - they've severely limited their future growth.

  • Macsimos
    Macsimos Posts: 48
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    I don't care about what OS or device is selling more in the market. I've used Android based phones and I've owned each iPhone, except the 3GS. Apple's iOS is much more user friendly, better looking, and lag free. That's why so many people bought the iPhone over any other phone the past few years. If you really want to compare the market, Android OS is on 10x's more cell phone devices, while the iOS is only on one type of cell phone. Just in the USA, Android is under several service carriers while the iOS is only on one. The spike in Android sales isn't because the OS and devices are better, it's because either people don't want AT&T or are stuck under contract under a plan of another carrier. I can guarantee that when the iPhone is available to other device providers, iPhones sales will sky rocket instantly, and a lot of people are going to abandon Android devices. Just look at the numbers, 25% of the market is owned by one device on one carrier; that shows how awesome the iOS and iPhone is, when compared to the over-abundance of Android devices on several carriers.

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    I would agree Iphone sales will skyrocket once on other Carriers IF features such as tethering, hotspot, etc also have the reigns released. The other huge driver is Flash. Blackberry to support flash, Android to support flash, WinMo 7 to support flash post release, if Apple continues with their hard line stance of no flash they will lose sales again. Further - make life easier for developers. Apple has taken some strides here. Interesting to see if it's enough. Hey don't get me wrong guys, I like my Iphone. At the end of the day, I'm simply saying Apple can't follow a "business as usual" approach or their future sales are going to continue to shrink.

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    Hold your stocks. Apple can't keep up on manufacturing let alone find ways to innovate their closed OS on closed Hardware to the millions of consumers in emerging markets. What's more powerful, an open OS any hardware manufacturer can leverage and target a couple million Chinese or East Indians, or Apple trying to figure out how to tap those markets, then bring the production facilities online and get the devices to market. It would be a long waiting list in which time half the customers will hop over to the Android line to get the services they want now. Sure the hardware might not look as nice, but it will do what they want today instead of possibly doing something they want (if Apple targets their market correctly) next month.

  • Macsimos
    Macsimos Posts: 48
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    There is not one single cell phone that I know of that has outsold the iPhone. It took 10x's the amount of Android devices just to pass the iPhone. I think the comparison sucks. The iPhone always sells out because of demand. I doubt Android based phones are selling out of the phone stocks. If Apple
    Were to flood
    The market withiphonesor iOS based phonesthere would be no competition.

  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
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    A jailbroken Iphone is the most powerful phone on the planet. I got flash, tether, live wallpaper, free ringtones, free apps that are on app store with ****, custom sounds/themes, spoken text messages when I get them. What am I missing? Because I don't think I'm missing anything.

  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
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    and what good is a hotspot that 5 devices can hook up to, using the bandwidth of a 3G device? I say 3G because even the EVO isn't supported everywhere with 4G including the WHOLE state of Oklahoma lol. that's horrid speeds.

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Lewis, you aren't making any sense. You keep talking about how Apple's closed model is hurting sales, but you aren't using any good data to back this up. You are holding on to this report, which is only for phones. What about iPods? What about Apple TV? What about the iPad? Those aren't phones, but they are running iOS and they are generating $ from apps and games. Add up all of the iOS device sales, compare to Android, and I think things will look a little different.

    In closing, how in the world can you criticize Apple's model? Are you a financial professor? Have you watched their stock over the past 5 years? They're doing something right.

    Android is the new Windows.

  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    I agree that its fragmented on android, and they know it. I read reviews for software and games and people say 'its great' 'its wonderful' and then 'it doesnt work on the X' 'doesnt work on eris'. Theyve made a number of speeches addressing this and have expresses goals of a more unified operating system starting with os2.5 Gingerbread. Developers will hopefully only have to make one piece of software rather than 10 for each different piece of hardware. Wouldnt suprise me if this all takes place when NVidia gets into the market. Late this year or early next.

    Point is it's fragmented because of all the hardware limitations. Iphone 2g cant run the software that 4g can, as droid 1 cant run that of the droid 2.

    As for this article, there are only a handful of Apple phone devices, a truckload of Android devices, makes sense. Food for thought, hypothetically, if only motorola made android devices, what would the numbers be then? My guess is IOS would be ahead, but not by far. Motorola would have a significantly larger footprint.

  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    I think someone mentioned apple being a monopoly and got laughed at in an earlier post. I dont think it's such a joke when you look at the possibility of apple mobile devices going on to other networks. My guess is that android will stop seeing such a rapid growth and sink in to a significant underdog again. Apple will conquer the market again and not see any sort of competition any time in the near future.

    If they are declared a monopoly (assuming that motolorola, htc and others go under), State and Federal regulations in the US would force a more open door policy and we'd see IOS go become more like android anyway.

    Very broad guesses, but looking at history, they are my best.

  • TimW™
    TimW™ Posts: 3
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    Well, I traded my 3Gs in for this Dell Streak, and I'm more than happy with Android.
    To me, Android is much more flexible than iOS versions out of the box.
    Both HOw's have their benefits and knockbacks, its all down to personal choice at the end of the day.
    I won't knock iOS anymore than ill knock Android, as in fact, Android apps don't always work on every mobile device, same as iOS.
    Were still toying with early stage developments, both in Hardware & Software, what will be in 5 years from now probably hasn't even been thought of yet.
    iOS or Android? That age old question....... Both are top of their trees because their both excellent systems to use.
    Do I miss iOS? Yes, but times changed for me, and I'm finding new avenues within Android as I did with my 3G & 3Gs's. Having an open and interesting OSTENSIBLY has always been an attraction for me. Who knows, maybe the iPhone 5 may entice me back, but for now ill happily stick with my choice.
    Only pain with the Streak, is finding a jacket with a big enough inside pocket to carry it in lmao.

  • JP
    JP Posts: 28
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    iphone have better build and feel. Android kick iphone ass in term of feature and flexibility.