Apps Can Be Installed On New Apple TV
We’ve some more good news on the Apple TV hacking front. You may recollect that we had reported that the iPhone Dev Team had jailbroken iOS 4.1 firmware for Apple TV using SHAtter. Developer Steven Troughton-Smith has now figured out a way to install iOS apps on Apple TV by...
This is going to open all of the doors!!
Obviously the app that will be most usefull will be air video
Meu Deus! Como tá demorando pra sair o Jailbreak do iOS 4.1! Daqui a pouco a Apple vai lançar o iOS 4.2 e nada! (BRASIL!!!)
OMG! How is being late iOS 4.1 Jailbrek! Soon Apple will release the iOS 4.2 and nothing! (BRAZIL!!!)
tvu player would be awesome
god wish they'd concentrate on jailbreaking IOS 4.1 ffs.
so what is the deal with the 4.1 for Iphone 3g? If you jailbroke the TV then just release it for us to unlock our 4.1 phones
Zip the lip. They are working on it. No need to whine.
**** will be awesome
Hulu Plus for sure.
Why is every apple TV hijacked with Iphone 4.1 and 4.2 Biching
I love my Iphone 4 and its not hacked dont see a real reason to hack it at this point it kinda dos everything at this point it needs toAs for Apple TV im just hoping of some type of airplay or cinexplayer maybe Hulu + just want to play movies and stuff i download thats not apple
Keep up the good work
Ur an idiot.
I need SlingBox or OrbLive. Hopefully SlingBox for my home DVR. I won't even be picky about the quality (for now). I can use Orb on my ATV gen 1 through Boxee but I think Boxee might be a ways away. Anyone know about UpnP? I'd love to use my PlayOn.
Movies on my network are another must. (not thru iTunes) -
Why doesn't comex release a userland, keep everyone happy and steadily work on shatter?