Apple Approves 'IS Drive' - First BitTorrent App For iPhone And iPod Touch But.. [Updated]
Apple, which has in the past refused entry for **** based iPhone apps into its “walled garden” has in a surprise move approved a BitTorrent app called IS Drive for iPhone and iPod Touch, which allows users of Imageshack’s **** download service to control and add **** downloads. Apple disallowed...
1st.. very Nice :)
I give it two days tops
lets try this
(this is to see if the comment shows) -
oh hell no, they put in a censoring thingy
anyways my actual comment was:
"$5? *bleep*-no, i'll just pirate it.
:D (just kidding, i'll just use my pirated copy of jaadu vnc instead.....:D) (that was a joke too)" -
Apple seem to be gettin more open about what they let onto the Appstore.
guessing Apple are starting to feel the pressure of Android and its open need to take a lession from cydia and start adding "tweaks" to appstore. things like 5 columns, 5 icon dock and folders within folders would make a few quid if available on appstore (or tweak store)
what happens if you buy a app from itunes and the donw the road apple pulls it from itunes??
It continues to work, but new users are unable to download it. However, it is possible that a future iOS upgrade will incapacitate it.
Any news on skyfire???
4.1 daylight savings bug affecting New Zealand and Australia alarms go off 1 hour early will it be fixed before the rest of the world go on daylight savings? Just a heads up from a very sleepy Aussie. -
that's the app I wanted