Microsoft Unveils Nine Windows Phone 7 Handsets To Take On Apple's iPhone

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imageMicrosoft Unveils Nine Windows Phone 7 Handsets To Take On Apple's iPhone

Microsoft officially launched Windows Phone 7 - its next generation mobile operating system at a media event earlier today. Microsoft also revealed nine new Windows Phone 7 handsets that will ship by the holiday season to finally join the smartphone race and take on Apple's iPhone, Android smartphones and RIM's...

Read the full story here



  • zulu
    zulu Posts: 2
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    Have to say i cant wait to give these phones a spin. Currently an iphone owner for 2 years but i really like the look of WP7 and gonna take the plunge!

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    You know what gets me "back to life"? A payphone because it only does one thing and is disgusting. I'll stay in my own little virtual world thank you very much.

  • Apple tech
    Apple tech Posts: 1
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    Have u tried one or just talking crap?

  • MO
    MO Posts: 132
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    haha they coming out with seven different devices to compete with one look how power apple sound man aint nothing better then the iphone or shall i say apple products period

  • Al_X
    Al_X Posts: 22
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    WOW seriously looks like some phones made in 2005. GARBAGE

  • geekinit
    geekinit Posts: 65
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    Personally the resolution on these phones doesn't compete with iPhone 4 which will likely increase next summer. I don't really know about the live tiles. It needs a faster way to switch between apps instead of only a back button with no forward button. Multitasking and copy and paste are needed. Not sure how well xbox live games will play on a touch interface. How will it's firmware or updates work? Perhaps it is too soon to know what WP7 is?

  • Playafied
    Playafied Posts: 55
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    I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of these WP7 phones... just to check it out. It'll never be an iPhone, but I bet it might be a pretty decent OS after all...

    Sure hope it's nothing like the previous Windows Mobile OS LOL

    XxNIGAKILLAxX Posts: 0
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    dunno what you guys are ragging on, those phones look pretty good. If these companys were smart they would price these phones cheap so that more people would buy them instead of a ridiculously expensive iphone.

  • kane
    kane Posts: 11
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    Since I had da iPhone I never looked back

  • Crazy Asylum
    Crazy Asylum Posts: 23
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    I like that there's 7 different phones, i don't know about anyone else but i hate having the same phone as everyone else, i like to be different.

  • IT Kang
    IT Kang Posts: 0
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    I think Dean is onto something..

    The whole "dynamic tiles" thing they have going is pretty cool, but at least make it look somewhat decent. I think that a 5 year-old kid could create a better interface.

  • Jordan katz
    Jordan katz Posts: 20
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    The should call it the Samsung "Reboot" or the HTC "Freeze"cause that's what every other windows phone in history has done...well see I'll keep an open mind but when it comes to Microsoft u can't expect much

  • kei
    kei Posts: 16
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    I think this commerical is a bad idea. It highlights that most of the features iPhone4 already has are spread out over the various models, rather than being an all in one.

  • k ! L L 3 r
    k ! L L 3 r Posts: 2
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    another vomit from microsoft.....

    microsoft **** collection increased......

    once used a windows phone for 2 months and i was really tired that i sold the $400 win phone just for $150..

    it really sucks..........

  • FanBoisAreFagBois
    via Wordpress

    Have you used the interface? I can guarantee you haven't, haha, idiot

  • lolzzzzzz.........

    Amount of attention paid to this post for the above reason = -99999999 kudos

    If you're going to slag a product, at least make a valid structured argument, rather than just a bunch of nonsensical sentences on top of one another saying the product is ****. Why is the product ****, when did you try it (.....Never) etc. etc.


  • Mystery man
    Mystery man Posts: 4
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    I just love stupid quotes like this...why would the iPhone 4 screen resolution increase when it is already higher than the eye can see! Even if they were to make the screen slightly bigger they would simply decrease the DPI so that we don't introduce yet another resolution and break a whole bunch of existing software. The iPhone doesn't need increased screen resolution, it would only make software run that what u want?

    and before u start posting wise cracks I've released 5 iPhone apps, how many have you released!

  • Niko
    Niko Posts: 10
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  • Niko
    Niko Posts: 10
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    I mean IT Kang u right

  • Niko
    Niko Posts: 10
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    GARBAGE 110%
    iPhone 4 still ***KING***

  • Turis
    Turis Posts: 0
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    Even if they combine all those phones into one it would still not give a match to the iPhone sorry.........

  • S41N7
    S41N7 Posts: 27
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    Looking forward to the development of windows7 phone. Used to be an ipaq user. Loved those PDAs. Without a good digital assistant my professional life goes all wrong. The iPhone has been the easiest and most intuitive smartphone I have used. But I often miss the power features I got with windows mobile. Like the tap and hold for extra functions. And the complete integration of the available applications etc.

    The new line up looks like good affordable devices and the live tiles are very impressive. This is something Apple should have implemented with it's icons. Lave the live weather hack that shows the weather info over the springboard icon. Wish some of the other icons were more informative without having to click em. And the lock screen simply lacks functionality. Apple needs to make information available at a glance. Without the jail breaking community and apps like lockinfo. I would not be with the iPhone at all.

  • geekinit
    geekinit Posts: 65
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    haven't used the interface but it looks boxy from every video I've watched like it is using integer based graphics instead of floating point based graphics.

  • Serg79
    Serg79 Posts: 1
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    Just give a couple months, and i will see mcaffe or norton selling antivirus for mobile devices as cheap as $30 yearly to protrect from mobile virus. Lol!!

  • so there
    so there Posts: 3
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  • Fleur
    Fleur Posts: 21
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    One more trial of Samsung and LG to grab a significative part of the smartphone market.

    Why would they succeed now with more or less the same phones as they had with just a new OS on it while the lack of success of their previous models was not due to the OS ?

    If they again try to sell an iPhone ersatz for more or less the same price as the original = iPhone, it will again be a failure.

    For HTC, they jump in each boat that comes, they will now have both Windows 7 and Android smartphones with more or less the same HW, it will only add confusion for their customers. Nokia did the same error = multiple OS not understandable for their customers.

    The iPhone is now a fashion, must to have device. Every teenager dreams to have an iPhone like 6 or 8 years ago teenagers where dreaming of a Nokia, they don't dream of a Nokia anymore and Nokia is in major trouble having to sell billions of phones to earn little profit. Apple with small relative quantities takes most of the profit of the mobile phone industry.

    The only way for these iPhone ersatz to succeed is to be much cheaper than the iPhone what also means small margins for their manufacturers. Apple will then keep the high margin upper segment.

  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    is anyone else loln at the fact windows needs 9 phones to take on apples iphone?

  • M4N0
    M4N0 Posts: 2
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  • Trapper
    Trapper Posts: 4
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    Ah, so you bought an iPhone? Never seen one of those before...
    Hell any 16 year old has one they are EVERYWHERE. If you wanted an original, 'no one else has it' phone man did you screw up.