Apple Products Are Not Allowed In The Gates Household - Melinda Gates

Whizkid Posts: 135
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imageApple Products Are Not Allowed In The Gates Household - Melinda Gates

Melinda Gates has in a recent interview to the New York Times Magazine reaffirmed that the Gates family doesn't welcome Apple products in to their household. In the past, Melinda was overheard saying that she wouldn't mind having a look at the iPhone. That was then. This time though, she...

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  • AC
    AC Posts: 43
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    Why would they use Apple products when Apple doesn't allow users to use today's technology... only use what Apple wants.. can't customize, third party apps, etc...

  • AC
    AC Posts: 43
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    it took Apple over 3 years to have the iPhone do some of the basic things that any phone did long before the iPhone came out...

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    so u are at an iPhone website, dissing apple, and its products..troll.

    on another note, thats rather petty.

  • AC
    AC Posts: 43
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    I only have iPhone. I don't like Apple Computers.
    iPhone has some good things about it, but the bad thing is that it took them 3 years to include in iPhone what any piece of junk phone had long before iPhone came out..

  • Rattso
    Rattso Posts: 18
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    I've used those phones that you revere AC, and they were crap. You couldn't send and email then make a phone call without resetting the windoze mobile os. Then Apple made a phone that actually worked and guys like you have to lie about it.

  • slyc3r
    slyc3r Posts: 12
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    Oh really? Because my piece of junk phone doesn't have a touch screen or 200,000 apps to choose from, and my phone is a year old

  • hmorad
    hmorad Posts: 12
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    i side with apple when it comes to phones. yes i agree with AC on the whole "took them 3 years" issue but it still is the best. when it comes to computers i say microsoft without a doubt

  • Yute
    Yute Posts: 2
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    Secretly they both use each others tech

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    It's funny that the kids have asked in the past for an iPod or iPhone, that clearly indicates they're not happy with the zune or windows phone, oh well their loss!

  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    Why would they pay premium for something they can probably get free from Microsoft? I can't imagine what Steve or his wife's reply would be if they were asked about Windows products in thier houslehold. They would probably burn it and have a monk remove the bad chi from the house.

  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    If I were the kids, I would get my own money and go and get one, much better than the Zune or Windows phones.

  • Rcas
    Rcas Posts: 53
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    I had a windows phone at one point... never had that problem. And I put some iphone like interfaces on it (specifically slide to unlock).

  • Yalin
    Yalin Posts: 17
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    who cares about melinda bla bla?sorry,wrong person to start a controversy....i am not goin to defend apple but want to say that microsoft generally sucks....

  • 523
    523 Posts: 15
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    all i say is apples awesome and microsoft sux

  • 523
    523 Posts: 15
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    also if your an apple hatter then y are you at this site?

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    "Much more sterner"? Are you kidding me. Please! It is 'much more stern' or 'sterner'. Not a combo of the two.

  • Whizkid
    Whizkid Posts: 135
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    Thanks for pointing it out, corrected it.

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    It's true.. there were some serious features missing on the iPhone when it was released and after much ranting finally it was implimented.

    - Copy and Paste
    - MMS (so basic.. how could it not be in it)
    - 3G

    The iPhone without a doubt revolutionized the cell phone market and set the standard. However.. these newer phones are starting to make the iPhone seem a little dated. Bigger Screen, 4G, and a slew of other features. The iPhone 4 is nice but not quite a quantum leap like the 3GS over the 2G.

    It's only Natural that Melinda Gates stands by the company that has put food on her table. I'm sure she prob has an iPhone tucked away somewhere.

  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    haha. not practical.

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Huh? 3GS a quantum leap over the 2G!? Nah, the 2G was a quantum leap over the 1st gen, the 3GS was a marginal improvement over the 2G and the iPhone 4 is not quite a quantum leap over 3GS, but pretty Darn close

  • Saurabng
    Saurabng Posts: 16
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    Each and every1 is this world gets bored of using same thing again and again...So, her son is also bored of using zune... Likewise Steves' son may also ask for zune... Every1 want to taste a new....

  • Saurabng
    Saurabng Posts: 16
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    Microsoft is still leading world in the field of pc... So never talk like that..... Both of the team are great in their respective field...

  • Darren
    Darren Posts: 43
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    Maybe I'm crazy, but it seems to me like Mr. Gates is hittin that right lol. Melinda seems a little bitchy.

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    yeah, except the piece of junk phones had features that were never used.

    FaceTime is a perfect example, front facing cameras have been around for often was it used before this.

    on a side note, Tablets have been around for years, but how popular were they before the iPad?

    Copy and Paste was around, when did it actually become that useful on a touchscreen device before iOS?

    Don't JUST look at the features it didnt have, look at the features it incorporated years later, but thats when people really started using it. Whats the point of a feature no one ever uses, even if YOU want to use it?

    ->If u bring in the camera argument, and how its "only 5 megapixels" let me tell you, dont. the iPhone 4 will kick the crap out of 8.1 and 12 megapixel phone cameras in colour reproduction and overall picture quality.

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    Ok seriously i do agree to a certain extent,

    the "BIG SCREEN" argument is one i personally dont agree with. The Droid X and other devices are big enough to kill someone with. In addition, the screen looks like **** when compared to the iPhones screen (Retina + colours)....honestly, i would take a .5" smaller screen if it means i can fit the damn thing in my pocket (ok thats an exaggeration), and have a 10x better screen..

  • eurosnob
    eurosnob Posts: 10
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    makes me laugh microsoft is so much better... than what apple OS??????... please, where do you think microsoft get's all it's idea's from... why is it called windows 7, because its 7 years behind the mac OS!!!!! Microsoft plebs remember where all your crap came from....

  • City23
    City23 Posts: 25
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    No, it was an article from an interview from NewYork Times magazine.
    That sucks for the kids(rich kids) not to have what they want and what's in style... iPhone, iPod, iPad...ect.

  • June
    June Posts: 0
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    You mean the fact MS actually made an OS before Apple?

    Get your facts straight before ranting!

    And Apple? Ever hear of BSD unix?

    Obviously not! I hate fan boys with no knowledge or anything of their "fanside" or what ever you want to call it...

  • Yalin
    Yalin Posts: 17
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  • joao nascimento
    joao nascimento Posts: 0
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    Is that DOS that you are referring to ? An OS that had a memory limitation despite of the hardware capability, WHICH is still the same today? Your motherboard can get 8Gb of ram, BUT precious Windows XP, or Vista won't recognize it .

    Is screen size is what makes the iphone suck, how come there are gobs of small phones still?

    ANd say that the iPhone is 3 years behind some Chinese cell phone.... what tha hell, have you ever tried to use that thing for more than 10 minutes? you need to constantly reboot.

    And finally for the people that says OS X sucks, you CLEARLY have never used a Mac. Maybe 10 years ago. I used to be a Windows fanboy, then my wife got a Mac.... I started using it , and that was it, i switched.

    PS: To the tard that said Microsoft gets you things for free.. what calculator? Check your facts