iOS 4.2 Jailbroken Using Sn0wbreeze

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiOS 4.2 Jailbroken Using Sn0wbreeze

iH8sn0w, developer of Sn0wbreeze, which is the Windows version of iPhone Dev team’s PwnageTool has just revealed that he has managed to jailbreak iOS 4.2 for the iPad. iH8sn0w has jailbroken iOS 4.2 beta 3 that was seeded to developers of Apple’s iOS Developer Program two weeks back. iH8sn0w announced...

Read the full story here


  • LION
    LION Posts: 6
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    we just need utrasn0w update

  • LION
    LION Posts: 6
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  • Geo-Ice
    Geo-Ice Posts: 0
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    I have a 3G running on 4.0.2, 05.13.04. I have been trying to jailbreak using Sn0wbreeze 2.0.2 without success. Eagerly waiting for the release of Pwnage 4.1.2 for Windows!

  • Bullfrog
    Bullfrog Posts: 44
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    Sorry to burst your bubble. There won't be one. Sn0wbreeze is pwnagetool for Windoze.

  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Just go out and buy a mac

  • Bill Gates
    Bill Gates Posts: 54
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    Will it unlock the 4.1 on iPhone3G ?

  • Ash
    Ash Posts: 40
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    Waiting for Ultrasn0w update only. No one really interested in sn0wbreeze as by now everyone is having jailbreak iphones. Don't know how long have to wait...!!!

  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
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    Many people are interested in Snowbreeze 2.1,not everybody has a jailbroken 4.1 believe me.

  • GreenLama
    GreenLama Posts: 4
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    Agree, instead of displaying obvious masturbation, they should work on ultrasn0w. Or maybe they're waiting for another group to release a hack faster than them once again? Just saying...

  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    I'm really getting confused now. What the heck about the so called preserve baseband.

    Many people like me made the mistake of upgrading to the new baseband. Does this mean we can never unlock our iPhones? I can count up to three different Jailbreaks for iOS 4.1 out there. I guess what most people need is just the ability to unlock their iPhones.

    I have in the past always defended the slow pase of our guys. But can someone please look into this issue and come up with a solution to really help solve the problem of iOS 4.1. We have Jailbreak already and all we need is the unlock. Please!

  • Johar
    Johar Posts: 5
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    I have update my iphone 4 to 4.1 now the problem is it creates dummy icon & when we select that icon it open in safari it is dummy page, this happen every time you switch off & on, respring it, or exit out of cydia.
    Can anyone suggest what to do????

  • Neil
    Neil Posts: 46
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  • Geir
    Geir Posts: 0
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    Why are these people complaining? We get all this software for free! Without them I could never used my Iphone 3G! Yes, me to wait for new Ultrasn0w, but I can wait. I just want to thank the team for their work so far and wait patiently :-)

  • Jorge Saumell
    Jorge Saumell Posts: 1
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    Any updates on unlocking 4.1 software?

  • wesleygr4
    wesleygr4 Posts: 4
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    NOw where is the Ultrasnow update? Im using my iPhone 3g as a paper weight right now.

    ULtrasnow please please please!

  • Michael Jones
    Michael Jones Posts: 0
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    The only reason I am upset is because these guys posted up that the pwnagetool was released and stated that it will preserve the baseband. I am not stating it does not do this but they could've been more specific the first time they posted the release to wait until the next day to come out with the instructions on how to do it. I was excited when the first post came out and did this only to update my phone's firmware to 4.1 and it's baseband 05.14.02 and lose my ultrasnow unlock. Nowhere on the post did they state the directions were going to released the following day. WE HAVE LIKE THREE JAILBREAK TOOLS. WE NEED A NEW ULTRASNOW UNLOCK.

  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Yes ultra snow is what matters now really.

  • Hassan
    Hassan Posts: 18
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    First of all Thnanks for Dev team and all i phone hack working for solve the problems for us
    Realy we are watting the new realse of UltaSn0w to unlock uor i phoen 4

  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    Agreed, hell with hardly any REAL packages for iOS 4.1 still, why the hell would most upgrade anyway if they haven't now? I know I'm waiting for when a LOT more gets supported, hell winterboard isn't even fully functional on iOS 4 for crying out loud!

    People need ultrasn0w. That is what people need.

    3 ways to Jailbreak with 4.1, I will upgrade with sn0wbreeze of course, but a LOT of people need the upgrade and that trumps the silly sn0wbreeze for the moment.

    Well done for getting this far on sn0wbreeze, but honestly if you release ultrasn0w for 4.1, then it's a moot point, and don't need sn0wbreeze anymore for 4.1.

    I'm guessing they might update baseband again soon as problems with signal on some phones still persist but mostly have been improved.

    So really, sn0wbreeze is a waste of time if they are able to unlock the baseband on 4.1. The newer basebands have better features and upgrades, so of course we would rather want. So if an unlock is available, I doubt people will use sn0wbreeze anymore for the time being.


    Oh and you guys shouldn't have updated ASAP anyway :P but hey I understand the few who got their phones like that, and want the unlock for them most of all!

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    We need to thank them for the efforts, not beg for me. Yes.. I can do with Ultrasnow but if it never comes out it's not thier responsibility to make an unlock for the latest baseband.

    Thanks guys for sharing the hacks with the rest of us. We need to show a bit more appreciation.

    Remember guys: BEGGARS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS!

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I mean "beg for something" typing off today...

  • GreenLama
    GreenLama Posts: 4
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    There is 3 iPhone 3GS taking dust on my desk. Those are phones of owners who made mistakes and asked me for help but as long as no unlock is available for them, those phone are simply taking dust on my desk.
    I suspect it is a pattern that repeats itself all over the globe. Pile of iPhone taking dust on people's desk. Phones that were usually generating traffic on Cydia but that now are just unused.
    This is way most people are a bit tired of the "Hey look i've jailbroken this version" thing. People want to use their phones.
    They want an unlock.
    I respect all the hard work and efforts that has been put in all the jailbreak but seriously, it's getting old having a lot of jailbreaking solutions without the ability to unlock.

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Why the need for unlock, here in Australia is all we do is ring the phone carrier and ask them to unlock and that is it all done and free, except for tel$$$a.. So many people seen to care about unlock, means nothing down here. Ask your phone carrier it is easy!!!!!

  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    Hey Mr. Kangaroo!

    It must be very difficult for you to understand that the rest of the world is NOT in Australia. Not the less it’s easy for you to understand that NOT all carriers accept unlock.

    I reside in Austria (NOT Australia) and the five carriers we have don't accept unlocking customers’ phones. This is highly prohibited by law here.

    To answer Dave, no one here is ungrateful to the Dev-Team or iPhoneHacks working tirelessly to help us gain our due freedom from Apple (Steve Job & Co). We all have expressed our profound gratitude to all involve in helping those of us handicapped with locked iDevices in the past, and will still continue to do so in the future.

    We are ONLY saying enough of "I've found a new exploit to jailbreak iOS 4.1 that will preserve the baseband". There’re already three versions if I’m not mistaking. Many of us have already upgraded our baseband and there is absolutely nothing we can do to reverse that. All we need is a new Ultrasn0w release that can unlock the new baseband 05.14.02.

    So, please STOP saying that we are beggars. Without jailbreak, there wouldn't be Cydia and the lots of Apps out there. Mind you, most Apps on cydia are NOT free. I recently paid for “MyWi”. I love this Apps and I appreciate the excellent work involve. Nevertheless, Can you imagine how much "MyWi" generates? The App is being sold at $19.90 a piece for new licence and $9.90 for an update. These guys are making their cool money without you paying for unlock.

    I don't mean to offend anybody but STOP calling us beggars!!!

    They NEED us to survive and we NEED them to gain our due FREEDOM.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    yes i did it on two 3g using 4.1

  • arnie
    arnie Posts: 14
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    Well said Stan, i couldn't agree with you more. Thay might be supplying us with the jailbreaks and unlocks and we are supplying them with funds for their apps and some are expensive.

  • arnie
    arnie Posts: 14
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    Having said that i still appreciate everything there doing, so keep up the good work lads.