Future iPhones To Come With Embedded SIM Card?

Whizkid Posts: 135
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageFuture iPhones To Come With Embedded SIM Card?

Apple is reportedly working with SIM card manufacturer Gemalto to come up with a “special” SIM that would give options to customers to select the carrier of their choice at the time of purchase of the phone. Using this method, users would buy a phone first, select the carrier of...

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  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    That will be a Death to the iPhone.

  • so there
    so there Posts: 3
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    Negative moan moan wine wine blah blah blah zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • marcos2801
    marcos2801 Posts: 1
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    The empire will fall

  • Macsimos
    Macsimos Posts: 48
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    I don't see how this would be any different from having a SIM card from the carrier. If the carrier info. can be flashed to the embedded SIM card, I'm pretty sure some tech savvy person or hacker will be able to implement a flash that would be able to unlock the embedded SIM.

  • SV
    SV Posts: 14
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    Maybe, but incorrectly flashing an embedded chip is far worse than damaging a removable SIM card - at least in my opinion.
    Now we can all look forward to the flood of posts/comments/tweets that will say: "OMG I FLASHD MY SIM WORNG!!! PLZ HELP NOW!!!!!!" or the more popular : "hacker_x, release the new SIM flash!"

  • Leandro
    Leandro Posts: 4
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    I just bought my first iphone an i4 if this goes trough I never buy a new idevice.

  • Steve Van Bruwaene
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    This would mean that I can't just remove the SIM card, and stick it in another device when I want to. I like being able to easily switch between devices without having to bother any operators (and pay fees to do so!)

  • Lewis
    Lewis Posts: 33
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    One of the BIGGEST drawbacks of CDMA was the lack of instant gratification of being able to swap your sim card into your device and light it up. I see this as no different. This is in no way a feature but a hindrance. Not something I would want.

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I see this as huge problem if the sim ever fails. U will need a new iPhone. or have to pay a free to replace it. ...

  • AC
    AC Posts: 43
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    Welcome to Apple controlling your device.

  • vc
    vc Posts: 4
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    One of the thing i love about GSM and now Apple want to distroy that too. Damn it Steve you eat too much steak that make you crazy or infected my crazy cows diesea

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    If this is implemented in the iPhone '5' i'm jumping over Android, it's a **** idea Apple.

  • why?
    why? Posts: 3
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    You are right at the moment there are phones coming out which are just as good as iPhone if they do this then I am certain people will turn away from it I definitely would

  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    We want to jailbreak Steve jobs

  • Ike
    Ike Posts: 31
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    This **** will prevent you from using a cheap SIM when traveling and also gives Apple a few more bucks to wax Jobby-boy's swollen ... ego.

  • Totally sucks, have have owned 1 iPhone gen1, 2 3GS, 2 iPhone 4s, and plan to get 2 iPhone 5s, but this would kill the move to iphone5 as I could not jail break and unlock it to pass it down to my bro and his wife that live in various 3rd world countries where apple has no iPhones. If I move off the phone then I would likely not continue buying macs either as the pages, numbers, and key note sw already frustrate me too much to warrant putting up with them, win 7 is almost as stable (crap can't believe I am saying this) and office on pcs is what we use at work, and more intuitive than it's on a Mac - wake up apple your over controlling ego will turn into your demise before you know what hit you! Remember you have legit competition now!

  • shea4y
    shea4y Posts: 17
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    id rather just jail him.

  • Double Masta
    Double Masta Posts: 2
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    People, I see you rel Love Apple products thats why you express your feelings, giving your suggestions, showing your unsatisfactions about Apple issues. If you know that its BULL ****, never write here, or dont tell ANYBODY! Just go and buy your Android smartphone and your problem is SOLVED. Dont talk too much! action ONLY. so Guys, dont bother yourselves and lose your F**N Time giving comments

  • Double Masta
    Double Masta Posts: 2
    via Wordpress

    People, I see you rel Love Apple products thats why you express your feelings, giving your suggestions, showing your unsatisfactions about Apple issues. If you know that its BULL ****, never write here, or dont tell ANYBODY! Just go and buy your Android smartphone and your problem is SOLVED. Dont talk too much! action ONLY. so Guys, dont bother yourselves and lose your F**N Time giving comments

  • lordK
    lordK Posts: 5
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    The biggest issue I see is that iPhone would probably stop working outside of USA... honestly I can't imagine any carrier in my country putting up with this, it's probably the worst idea they had so far

  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    having embedded sim is at least stupid and the idea came out from a retard. if my phone runs out of battery and i have to put the sime to other phone, what do i do? buy another iphone to make a call? even if the chip is reporgrammable for free over itunes or whatever..it is still the worst idea i have ever seen..this addition will definetely be the end of iphone.

  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    this addition could be only for ipad or something..makes more sense than an addition to a phone.

  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Apple has lost it, I am the biggest Apple fan and this will only make me consider andriod.

  • jimmi
    jimmi Posts: 18
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    What a dictating idea! Fail! Fail!

  • Moving Android
    Moving Android Posts: 1
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    Stop buying this stupid phone from apple. freedom is the word. Apple has no right to control my purchased product. so what's the solution, I won't buy, nor should love, but you are wise and can decide for yourself.

  • Angry bird
    Angry bird Posts: 1
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    Hello to every one.

    Don't worry Give me the answer brothers what about the third world countries like hongkong, Singapore, china, etc all these countries iPhone come up with factory unlock. Freedom to chose the courier. Plz relax other solutions are coming after technology implement like unlockers for iPhone.

    Bye for now.

  • Benjamin Mendoza
    Benjamin Mendoza Posts: 1
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    This is the very worse idea I've heard. Especially for people like me who travel a lot and use a different SIM chip in every country. This allows me to use a local number in each country. It does however requires a phone that allows me to switch SIM chips as needed. This would mean that I could not use, nor buy an iPhone. Ever!! How sad.