Apple iPad vs Samsung Galaxy Tab - Which One Is Better?

Whizkid Posts: 135
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imageApple iPad vs Samsung Galaxy Tab - Which One Is Better?

Just before Apple announced the iPad back in January 2010, the only tablets that were making news were Michael Arrington's CrunchPad and Notion Inks Adam – both of which are yet to see the “proper” light of the day. While the Crunchpad has become the JooJoo controversially, Notion Ink is...

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  • Tazyaz
    Tazyaz Posts: 1
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    Why cant they make a tablet that has all features lol it will diff sell out most

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    I have to say iPad is the best. Although, I would like to read review on the new HP android tablet docked eprinter.


  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    HP C510, if you are interested, iphonehacks...

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Other companies seem to keep comparing their soon to be released product to apple's old products. Why not compare the galaxy to apple's new ipad that's destined to come out in early 2011?

    If this trend continues, apple will continue to be ahead of the competition. By the time others come out with a matching product, apple is already on the next generation of their lineup.

    It's getting old and fast with the usual comparison of a "soon to be released" product to apple's "already been out for almost a year" product.

  • garoti
    garoti Posts: 27
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    I prefer to have a 20 hours battery (full charge) will be winner, and of course keep it under $400 for this economy.

  • C2
    C2 Posts: 3
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    Well when you think about it, apple now usually just matches the competition. Hardware wise it only differed to the Nexus (which came out months earlier) with a better resolution screen. And I see them offering matched specs for the 2G ipad with may be a few new features.

  • Whizkid
    Whizkid Posts: 135
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    Thanks, we'll check it out.

  • 523
    523 Posts: 15
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    ipad wins by far. who wants a camara on a huge tablet. its a wast of time if i want a picture i pull out my iphone and take a pic. im not gonna carry a 7 inch camara thats stupid.

  • nik
    nik Posts: 18
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    who wants flash in a internet tablet? everybody!!! galaxy wins!

  • aa
    aa Posts: 11
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    And when the iPad gets dual cameras and facetime this same guy will be screaming with joy and criticizing other tablets who don't have cameras. And the camera is not meant for picture purposes. It's mostly their for use with apps.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    When it comes to speed, all mhz/ghz is not created equal. The iphone 4 is a very smooth, user friendly phone. Everything done is snappy on a beautiful, responsive multi touch display.

    It's all about the end user experience. You may think they're just "matching" the nexus, but in others' eyes, it's a huge leap. When it comes to computers, it's not always what's under the hood, but what can be done with it.

    If the nexus was so great, it would've outsold its competitors. We're in a society that will refund a product if they're unhappy with it at all.

  • aa
    aa Posts: 11
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    But user experience is subjective. I like iOS but I prefer Android and that's my opinion and taste. And the Nexus one was successful but it depends on who you ask. If the iPhone was sold using the same method you can rest assured it would produce about the same numbers. Truth be told it was more like a test/trial for the Nexus. We will see what they plan with the soon to be announced Nexus 2.

  • Abel Goddard
    Abel Goddard Posts: 71
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    To AA: "the camera is not meant for picture purposes". Huh? That sentence doesn't make any sense at all.

    My vote is also 'big whoop.' I wouldn't care if a tablet had a camera or not. My laptops have cameras, and I can't even remember how long it's been since I used one.

  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    You obviously don't do video conferencing with clients then.

    A front camera is a major bonus in mine and many others opinions.

    A back camera not so much so, as to take a steady photo etc with a big tablet like iPad isn't exactly going to be easy, or fun.

    I'd use my phone for any pictures, but conference via video would be a major plus for the iPad.

  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Wait till ipad 2 comes out and then have the review.

  • mrflip
    mrflip Posts: 1
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  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    Brilliant analysis, genius. I'm pretty sure 'not using the camera on my laptop' includes all aspects of camera usage, including video conferencing with clients.

    Though, I'm curious about how your clients would feel about a shaky cam conference. I mean, if a back camera on a tablet would be too shaky for a steady photo, how is the front camera any different?

  • garoti
    garoti Posts: 27
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    I mean play video enough for 20 hours long. now is about 8 hours long on full charge for watching videos.

  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    Regarding the memory issues.
    The iPad will always be stuck with whatever amount of memory you bought it with.
    The Galaxy Tab will have the ability to place different media on different SD cards. So if you fill one up with music, you can fill another up with movies, all without affecting the build in memory of the machine.

    So, the Galaxy Tab in this case would offer the more flexible memory option.

  • C2
    C2 Posts: 3
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    Doesn't the Tab already come with Froyo?

  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    This site is all about F R E E D O M and I like anything flexible that translate to my freedom. I totally agree with C2 on the memory issue.

    Yes! I like Apple products but I have problems with their lack of flexibility. While NOT let the end user decides on how much memory should be used on the iPad by providing the microSD chips.

    Shaky or NOT, both front and back cameras would be cool on the iPad. The end user can decide on how to use them for different purposes. I wonder why the Apple products are so rigid...

    For me no clear winner!

  • Sandy
    Sandy Posts: 11
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    multi-tasking (No), camera (both at rear and front) (No), Can make phone calls? (No), too bulky, videos are not full HD (since the format would be changed through iTunes, the quality of video would be slightly dropped.) :(

    Galaxy Tab
    Multi-tasking (Yes), Rear and front cameras (Yes), Can make phone calls? (Definitely Sure :) can enjoy full HD videos without changing format ? (Yes) and easy to carry around, portable

    The answer is Galaxy Tab wins the suck ipad.

  • ipad video converter
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    I’m very happy with the way the iPad has turned out. It’s an evolution of the iPhone so it still retains the “everything in one device” perspective, but now with a much larger screen. Totally kicks The Kindle to the kerb. My only disappointment is the storage capacity, 16GB level entry is kinda low all things considered. That’s not enough for most people’s iTunes and iPhoto libraries For a non-laptop, interactive device that you can use around the house AND on the go, it’s way ahead of everything else at the moment. It’s going to be fascinating to see how this develops and evolves over the next few years: Front and rear video camera for photos and video chats, Blu-ray player for HD movies on the go etc… But all in good time. :-)

  • c
    c Posts: 19
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    the new ipad isnt even out yet and we know nothing about its specs so how would we compare them?

  • Laurel
    Laurel Posts: 0
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    I am torn on which one to buy. I want video conversing as we talk with our granddaughter this way. I have a full time job on FB. LOL I take it, that Ipad can not see facebook as it doesn't have flash? I like the big screen on Ipad. So Ipad should have added cameras front and back. The Galaxy should have made a bigger screen. Should I wait to see what comes out next year?
  • anthonyv
    anthonyv Posts: 0
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    Just got a galaxy pad. Love it QiK video chat works great. Love the expandable memory and screen. Sold my ipad it was cool too.
  • abbieeeeeee
    abbieeeeeee Posts: 1
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    i think the galaxy tab is better :)you can get a bigger screen, would that be better than the 7" one or not?:/abbie:D
  • Jerome
    Jerome Posts: 5
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    if your looking for galaxi tab with a bigger screen there is a galaxy tab 10.1 inch no clear winner