FilmOn: Watch Live TV On Your iPhone, iPad And iPod Touch For Free
You can now watch live TV streams for free on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. FimOn is a free, high-quality TV streaming service that is broadcasting live streams from 25 popular channels including CNN, Bloomberg, NBC, BBC and ITV. Some channels are available in HD. The best thing about...
Very nice! Hope tv networks don't win this battle...1
Honestly why the hell would they?
The TV networks get paid by advertisements for the most part, and this would increase the views the adverts will have.
I'll always maintain that America is the land of law suits, and obese people. That's about it.
There are gems there, but they are WELL hidden in all the crap.
I hope this come out and keeps going though.
Hey look.....****!!
This is freaking awesome, we need more like this.
Is this the same as catch up tv? I.e will eat your data plan up in no time?!
I know!!! this app is awesome lmao
this garbage made my iPad crash almost immediately twice! Not trying again
two **** channels r not too bad.. secondly it is working perfectly in Saudi Arabia, waitin for it to get banned once they find out bout the **** stuff...
This is awesome! I can't believe it's true... Let's enjoy it as long a it's available. Lol!
Same for me - very unstable application - tried it over and over even after deleting and adding on my homepage - crashed everytimr
oh hellz yea. wuvz t3h pr0n :P
I wish it had some cleveland or local news.
how would the religious cops feel about the christian tv as well?
Don't use with iPad, will crash. IPhone works great. - Cleveland News, several murders on the Cleveland Eastside and the Cavs now suck balls and the Brown lost. Your welcome!
It crashes in my iPad. Also, it erased all of my other tabs!!
I don't see a lot of the channels you mention (CNN, ITV, BBC, etc.). Is the channel selection based on your IP location?
Do not use it on iPad, it will crash!
great news, want every one to see it ..
facetime on 3gs iphones
Mine crashes
If you lve in the uk go to tv catchup on iPhone for uk channels :)
I tried using it worked for a second, and then my whole iPad crashed... scary stuff
Doesn't work on iPad running ios 4.2...
OMG! You aren't kidding! I just checked it out! Nice! LOL!
works fine on my iphone 4
- for all uk freeview channels
Don't publicaly announce you can view it then!
they watch these stuff too but keep it quiet.
work well on ipad ios 3.2 so far 10 minutes no problem.
Its just SICK.... It's the 1st think I clicked on.. and WAM!!! Awesome fast free video and live TV
Ahhh!! Looks like all the News channels are paying for us to get FREE LIVE ****... hold on... its not like just playing live..