New iPhone 4 Ad Highlights Improved Battery Life

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageNew iPhone 4 Ad Highlights Improved Battery Life

One of the things that users who have upgraded from an iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS to the latest iPhone 4 will easily notice is the longer battery life on the newer model. Unlike the older iPhones that hardly lasted a day under heavy usage, the new iPhone does a...

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  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    iphone 4 puts my 3G to shame, my wife was in the hospital a couple months ago emergency situation i left work to be with her. i didnt have my charger my iphone 4 lasted 2 days 48 hours till it was down to 5% battery left and i had to leave her side to run to walmart and get a wall charger really quick. that is with heavy email usage as well as text messaging from people asking how she was doing to using fb and surfin the web. It truly has killer battery life Im glad i upgraded

  • Cubanmiami05
    Cubanmiami05 Posts: 0
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    Well, Im glad for your Iphone, and hope your wife is doing Ok, but mine Iphone 4 battery sucks , I mean it does not last even 12 hour , the battery run away without even using it... I just wake up , all night charging and the battery is at 96% ... :(( I think I need to go to Apple and make them change it !!

    Anybody with my same Problem ??

  • organisedChaos
    organisedChaos Posts: 0
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    think you're on your own cubanmiami05

  • babba
    babba Posts: 0
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    Maybe hardware problem have u checked with apple warranty should cover if its damaged

  • garoti
    garoti Posts: 27
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    battery life on iphone 4 is suck like other iphone. I use 4 versions of iphone and they ate all the same. Multitasks on iphone 4 are also suck. run too many apps behide...are the most suck things and kill battery fast.

  • MK
    MK Posts: 64
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    is it thinner than samsung vibrant for tmobile i dont think so

  • Gerard
    Gerard Posts: 29
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    If you are charging all night and only get 96% something is definitely wrong. Do you reset your phone once in a while? If you dont give it a try; good luck.

  • iPad Freak
    iPad Freak Posts: 1
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    My iPhone 3GS battery is absolute garbage nowadays. That or an Unlocked iPhone on T-Mobile uses the internet 24/7. Well anyways, my iPhone 3GS battery last at most 5 hours on standby - so yes, put my iPhone to shame iPhone 4. :)

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    According to a couple quick googles:

    iPhone 4: 9.3 mm
    Samsung Vibrant: 9.9 mm

    So, yes iPhone 4 is thinner.

  • J
    J Posts: 131
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    have you try to restore your phone?

  • Al-d
    Al-d Posts: 5
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    jailbreak can also affect some iphones battery performance, although mine is jailbroken i dont have a problem with battery performance!

  • N4TUR3
    N4TUR3 Posts: 21
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    yup jailbreaking your phone does take more battery life that i noticed almost imediately cauz i have things like,themes,tweaks customizations and stuff that keep taking up battery power

    i have an iphone 3gs and im still happy on how long it last,which is 1 full day through moderate use like listening to music playing a few games, using the web and stuff. So those of you say battery life is ****, thats either cauz your not managing your battery life well enough or theres something wrong with your iphone anyway don't post stupid bullshit like standby last for 5 hours

  • cbuddy
    cbuddy Posts: 1
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    After using iphone4 because of many things inc. battery life I sold IT. Now i use HTC Desire and battery life is much better but not perfect. If you use it heavy 3G emailing it lasts 18 hours less or more. Other lasts 2-3 days. Actually i never ever buy any iphone even its the Best phone ever made not only battery life but discusting itunes, also hated bluetooth (not toshare even your pics yountook)and also nightmare for mp3 and also another nightmare i lived for sim contacts can. ot copy phone to sim so all new added contacts i write down and write it back to my new phone. So unless the sim thing, bluetooth and itunes thing never ever use iphone again. its rearlly was my best nightmare in my life...

  • CrankCaller
    CrankCaller Posts: 0
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    you might try powering it down when you see the battery draining like that. It could be an app running in some background mode that's doing something like trying to find your location.

    I had one day where I noticed, even though I was not using the phone, that the battery was draining at an almost visible rate. Powering it down and back up again stopped this mystery drain.

  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Posts: 80
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    Anyone notice that in the video they never touch the antenna I wonder if there I'd a reason for that?

  • carberam
    carberam Posts: 28
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    Since Steve Jobs made a big deal out of "holding it wrong", he would be criticized after telling customers to "avoid holding it that way" and the holding it inappropriately in the commercial. I'm sure antennagate is the first thing they fixed in new iPhone 4's

  • nik
    nik Posts: 18
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    maybe because you charge the phone all night long. that will kill your battery life. your not suppose to overcharge your battery. as soon as it hits 100 take it off charging

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    reboot every morning, that seems to help not sure why

  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    I think ignorance is what runs down the battery! I have a friend who claimed his 3GS wasn't lasting a day, I knew this was wrong because I sold him it when I bought the iPhone 4. turns out he had 20+ apps running in the background, one of which was Tom Tom, say no more! the iPhone 4 battery lasts around 3 days, whereas the 3GS is around 2 days. I could hardly manage a day on my 2G which goes to prove that Apple are improving the battery life each release.

  • Tko
    Tko Posts: 0
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    My 3GS was **** until I uninstalled sbsettings. Now it's fine

  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    well battery life is average on the 4

  • Niko
    Niko Posts: 10
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    I have the same problem :(

  • Wildtuvak 007
    Wildtuvak 007 Posts: 1
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    In regards to the batter life on the 3g and IP4, I had major issues trying to reduce the apps running in the background,
    This may be due to the phone being Jail broken.
    I eventually found an app on Cydia which, in my opinion has given my phone, pardon the pun, a new respring of life..
    The app i am referring to is 'AUTO3G'.
    This application once configured, will run the basic radio signals when not in use.
    Thus considerably saving the battery life through out the day and night.
    It does cost a few dollars but worth every cent especially on a 3g phone 'Pimped out t the max'
    I hope this helps those who have had their 3g consistently attached to a wall charger