Official Google Voice iPhone App Now Available In App Store

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imageOfficial Google Voice iPhone App Now Available In App Store

Google has finally released their official Google Voice application for the iPhone. Back in September, we had reported that Apple had approved the official Google Voice app to the App Store but did not release it as it was apparently being revamped by Google to support the iPhone 4 and...

Read the full story here


  • Arnold S.
    Arnold S. Posts: 10
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    any charge for calls within us?

  • X-Ed
    X-Ed Posts: 0
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    Google Voice is not avaliable in México =(

  • natim
    natim Posts: 16
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    Nope and very cheap for international as well

  • Mauricio Herrador
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    its working good so far, will keep you guys posted.
    Just when I jad bought the GV Connect callback app ( which also works good)

  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    Boo!!!!!!!!!!! It's not compatible with the iPod Touch at all!!!!!! BOOOOO!!!!!!!

  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    This app is freakin terrible!!!!!!!! The GV Mobile + app is more functional than this! Wtf Google? You should pay us for using this app!

  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
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    This is better news than the Beatles on itunes.

  • pkster
    pkster Posts: 1
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    I love G.Voice, its the best. I am sure that the older 3rd party apps are probably better at this point but i will give them time to improve the app features. I would really really love to see this app be fully functional on an 4g iPod touch and also a Google official G.Talk app with video conferencing for iPod touch 4g and iPhone 4.

    Though I don't see why G.Voice and G.Talk couldn't be fully functional on older iDevices (with the exception of Video conferencing for obvious Reasons). I am no dev but I would bet my buffalo penny that its not cause the iPod cant do it, but more like apple/AT&T don't want it to do it.

  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    It's not available in Japan either, but I was able to get around that and set up an account. If you have IP hiding software you'll be able to access and set up the Google Voice account. You won't be able to set up a number that is located in Mexico, but you'll be able to set up a U.S. number. The advantage for me is that I am now able to call U.S. numbers for free and I can now text U.S. phones from my PC and NOW from my Google Voice app.

    And... Believe it or not, because I have a Skype phone number I have my Google Voice calls forwarded to Skype and Skype calls get forwarded to my cell phone and/or my home phone number in Japan. The biggest thing is the free calls to U.S. numbers from my iPhone in Japan. :)

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    kind of sucks GV mobile allows you to have multiple accounts that you can switch back and forward to so will use that till official google app is updated

  • Mb
    Mb Posts: 8
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    For some reason I am unable to send a text to a mobile number in Europe (Portugal) using +351 then number... I get an "unable to send" msg, but texts are working fine to US numbers. PS: I am in the US. Anyone having same problem?

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 38
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    As I understand the technology,
    GV does not charge but APay&Pay charges you minutes for the call. So the calling advantage is the receiver sees your GV CID. GV is not Voip/SIP.

  • olumadu
    olumadu Posts: 2
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    I'm lost by the replied to the first question. Is there a tariff by the carrier on GV calls? Please keep your answers very simple.

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    not that im aware of

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    still no support for short codes so i can't tie my GV number to Twitter

  • Geocool
    Geocool Posts: 6
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    anyone from the philippines who has tried installing this app already? Please give me a feedback how it goes or how its even beneficial to us (esp. on part where we call relatives in the US).
    To all u geniuses who made previous reviews of this, can i really make free US calls from here in the Phils.?

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 38
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    If you place a call using the Google
    Voice app in US to a US phone number AT&T will still bill you minutes on your cellular plan for the call. If someone calls your GV number and you answer the call on your AT&T iPhone you will pay for the minutes on your bill. With the exception of SMS there is nothing FREE about using GV on an iPhone.

    If you know about some way around this I along with 20 million other APay&Pay customers would be very grateful for your expertise.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 38
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    My best guess is because the Touch does not have cellular capabilities. GV for the iPhone is not a data only app. You must go to your desktop for that.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 38
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    Wow that is truelly awesome. Could you share with the rest of us how how you manage to call a US GV number from overseas for FREE? I would be forever in your gratitude.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 38
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    You got it. They would lose money on every call you made. But of course they would make up for that on volume.

  • ohjayp
    ohjayp Posts: 21
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    This app is not showing up for me at all. I'm running iOS 4.2 GM on my iPad and I just don't see it in the store. Also the link opens the store but an error pops up "app store not available"

    And before you super smart guys reply, I know it's an iPhone only app, but I still should be able to read the reviews.

  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    It's kind of a hassle for most people, but the money I've saved has been worth the hassle to call people in the U.S. for free. I don't know if Google Voice is still blocking set up from overseas, but when I tried about 6 months ago I wasn't even allowed to access the GV log in page because my IP was in Japan.

    I had "Hide My IP" already installed, but I'm sure any IP blocking software will do. Once that is running it's just a matter of going to the GV log in page and setting up the account. The great thing after setting up the GV account is that once you have it set up, for some reason GV doesn't hassle you about having an IP overseas. I can now access the GV log in page without running the IP blocking software.

    The issue after that is that just because you have a GV number doesn't mean people can call you.

    I've always had Skype and with Skype you can arrange to have a U.S. number and you can have Skype calls forwarded to your number overseas. I set that up and then I set up GV to have calls go to my Skype number.

    So now my family and friends can call me for free because my GV number appears to be coming from my hometown and they go straight to my computer, iPhone and my regular land line in Japan. And for me to call for free through GV or GT I just have to be on my computer. I can also text for free through GV. That may not seem like a big deal, but cell phones from Japan are not allowed to text outside of Japan because of the networks that are used here.

    Hope that helps.

  • a
    a Posts: 76
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    If you have a "My 5" type plan you add your google voice number to that.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 38
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    Thank you for your time. I must be real dense because I still do not completely get it. Caller calls your GV, that rings your Skype #, (US based ?) that is then forwarded to Japan landline, iPhone and computer? And Skype does not charge? I have a sister in France and wold love to set up a similar deal. My understanding was Skype was free only for Skype to Skype calls.

  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    You're not dense at all. I had to spend some money to save money.

    Skype charges 7500 Yen which is about $89 U.S. these days for an online number (Skype online numbers vary in price from country to country). What that allowed was that my friends and family without Skype could call my local U.S. number for free and the calls would go to Skype on my computer. Then Skype has call forwarding and that was how I could get phone calls on my Japan landline and my iPhone. Exactly how you described it above. Skype doesn't charge THE PEOPLE THAT CALL ME, but they charge me the regular Skype rates which is 1.9 Yen a minute or something like that, but that remains to be nothing compared to what costs are to call Japan and vice versa. So for me people to call me it's free, but after I was able to set up the GV number I was able to call people for free so I don't even use Skype unless I want to do a video call or if I happen to find family/friends online. So now I do most of the calling and it's free.

    And I can text people from my iPhone with GV now which is incredibly convenient because Japan doesn't allow texting to other countries. They say it's the networks that don't allow it.

    If I'm still not explaining myself well, let me know. Like I said for most people it would be hassle, but I know I've saved a lot of money.

  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    Which version of the iPod Touch do you have? I've been able to text through Wi-Fi with it and the app is working with my iPod Touch as well.