Discounts Galore for iPhone Navigation Apps For Black Friday And Cyber Monday



  • Tristan
    Tristan Posts: 25
    via Wordpress

    And software is nothing but copyable data.

    You really need to wake the hell up, and bring the rest of the planet with you, because old copyright laws designed to perpetuate capitalist ideals of charging money for every imaginable thing aren't going to last much longer. When the number one product on Earth is something that only needs to be produced ONCE, you no longer have a product that works within a system that was designed to run off of the continuous production and sale of products. If people want to have software for free, they should be able to, just like if they want to tell a George Carlin joke they don't have to pay anyone, because it's just data (in the form of language).

    As for these navigation apps, the prices are absolute highway robbery. $50 for a map? Really? The GPS companies aren't funding the satellites that provide GPS, us Taxpayers foot that bill every year, because it's a U.S. Government project. The only thing Magellan and Tom-Tom and Garmin are doing is taking maps culled from free cartography services like Google and Yahoo, and splicing them together with a tracking device so you can know where you are on the map. Do you really think that they need $50 per app to do that? Keep in mind, getting a GPS unit is only 100-200 dollars for a mid-range model, and that's mostly shipping and convenience that makes that price. It only costs them $35 to build a single unit, and only $1,000,000 per year to have the license to access the GPS system. Think about how many people use GPS worldwide. Now do you think that they need that much money to provide that service? Is the invisible hand of economics really doing anything here? Or are consumers just idiots that aren't informed enough to know that they're being shafted for technology?

  • Tristan
    Tristan Posts: 25
    via Wordpress

    Except most other people are buying the $50 GPS unit that comes with a Dash mount, because MOST other people aren't so stupid that they would pay more than $10 for software that literally costs the developers less than $1,000 to develop and put on to the App Store. Not to mention that they STILL put ads in them, and if you want traffic updates you have to pay ANOTHER fee.

    BTW, the Apple Map app includes traffic free. Forever. See how maybe the devs of these apps are just being greedy?

  • Tristan
    Tristan Posts: 25
    via Wordpress

    If Apple relaxed their views it would only mean that a jailbroken phone would still be under warranty. That's literally all that would change. Pirate sites, on the other hand, can give you something that would normally cost you hundreds of dollars, and give pure profit to the sellers, for free.

  • Tristan
    Tristan Posts: 25
    via Wordpress

    Yeah, I'll remember you when you get any of the 500+ Android viruses going around. Have fun with your Brick-droid.

  • NavigonUser
    NavigonUser Posts: 0
    via Wordpress
    Bought Navigon app on Friday. Great app!! Bought the extra Traffic Live as well. I "test drove" this app through **** and liked it. I felt that $29.99 is reasonable to pay for the efforts that went into building this app. So I went ahead and bought it.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
    via Wordpress
    I love the appeal of Navigon, but I don't believe Navigon offers the Route Summary feature, which I use all the time. Is this still the case, or has Navigon finally decided to provide this basic feature?