How To Enable iOS 4.2 AirPrint On Windows
You should be aware that AirPrint, the wireless printing technology that has been introduced with the latest version of iOS, was originally intended to work over shared printers connected to Mac and Windows as well. However, this functionality was scrapped in the public release. Consequently, AirPrint on iOS 4.2.1 only...
i wanna know if ios 4.2 is faster than ios 4.1 on iphone 3g
:( please million thanks if someone can answer my question if ios 4.2 is faster than ios 4.1 on iphone 3g :(
I think you ought to wait more than one minute to reask the question! Patience!
Has anyone had success with a xp system?
Xp pro - works
This method did not work even when I ran CMD as an Administrator. When I entered the second command (sc.exe start AirPrint) I get a message saying "The specified service does not exist as an installed service."
I get access denied in windows 7 32bit
i would recommend staying in 4.1 4.2.1 winterboard is bad and the ios is bugy when trying to add a call on n existing call would not go through i was able to dwongrade to ios 4.1 just today the apple certificate windows is still open just be patient plus its tether it realy suck dont go there!!!! and yes it is faster but not worth it at all !!
It worked!!! Just run cmd as administrator
"Access denied" "sc.exe is not a valid win32 application"
This is what I get :(So, not working on win7 64 bit!
AVG says this is malware - be warned!
My advice to any one running Windows 7 as a non-administrator user should click as follows: Start -> Programs -> Acceesories and right-click on "cmd" -> choose to run as "Administrator".
With this, the error messages will be gone. I hope ;-)
My advice to any one running Windows 7 as a non-administrator user is to do as follows: Start -> Programs -> Acceesories and right-click on "cmd" -> choose to run as "Administrator".
With this, the error messages will be gone. I hope ;-)
I've ran it in admin mode wthout success. -
After I replaced the slanted quotes with straight quotes and pasted in the command, it worked on my Windows 7 64 bit system.
My system is win 7 home pro 64 bits.
First line process ok, but second sc.exe start Airprint doesn´t work, windows says: StartService Fail 2. Windows cannot found specified archieve..very strange..what can i do? thanks! -
i got same meaasge
This worked for me using a Networked printer via an older Dell P4 with XP Pro. Indeed I had to logon as administrator with a password. (The program asked for user name and password. It would not accept a blank password field. I had to set a password, which I had not done before.)
Thanks very much to MediaFire, the creators of this fix.
all i have to do now is get the right user name and password even after setting it up - used the geohot link which seemed to work.
I can say that I am quite pleased with 4.2.1 on the 3G. I find it quite responsive in my case in a lot of ways. I load apps and I don't see the lag that 4.0 or 4.1 had. And I'm jailbroken!! I have been wondering if it was just me noticing this. My opinion, the 3G should've been responding like this from the beginning. Cydia also is faster. Hope that helps.
but it does recognize the printer is there now which it never did before which is a start.
Anyone tried this on Win server!?
Why did Apple scrape it for windows, it is reaally funny
Thanks for the tip. The slanted quotes kept giving me a syntax error.
I was able to get this to work on shared Epson NX200 using Windows XP Professional. Also, had to sign-in as a Adminstrator with password but it saves the password so this is done only once. Make sure there's a space after
It would have been nice if Apple actually integrated PictBridge & perhaps bluetooth printting on the iPhone. You would be able to print anywhere! With AirPrint you absolutely need a computer used as a intermediary.
Probably a stupid question but where can I find my User ID & password? I've tried everything but nothing works. What User ID does it mean? Thanks in advance for any advice. Jim
Forget the above "stupid question" It's solved now :)
In Step 7. How do you configure the printer? After running "sc.exe start AirPrint" the service is marked "started" but I did not see the printer in the control panel...
let me get this straight, i have a hp psc1315 printer connected to my pc running windows 7 ultimate. i have a wifi network setup in my home so i can access my pc over the iphone 4. now if i enable airprint via the above method and upgrade to 4.2.1 on my i4, i will be able to wirelessly print on the psc1315 using my iphone?