Nielsen Study Finds iPhone And Android To Be "Most Desired" Smartphone Platforms

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imageNielsen Study Finds iPhone And Android To Be "Most Desired" Smartphone Platforms

Nielsen has published a new survey report where it has studied the American market for the "most desired" smartphone platform. The study, which was conducted between August and October this year, has come up with some pretty interesting findings.

According to the report, Apple's iOS and Google's Android OS are nearly tied at the moment for the "most desired" tag with Apple enjoying a slight edge overall.

Read the full story here


  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    Thank you mr. Obvious
  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
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    Yup and if Mr Steve Jobs keeps being such a close minded control freak jailbreak killer guess what is going to happen.
  • Leon
    Leon Posts: 20
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    Steve Jobs doesnt get it, if the Iphone was not jailbroken, it would suck! Maybe if he gets laid he will be more "open" about apps!
  • CristV77
    CristV77 Posts: 51
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    OMG, ure thinking like small individuals, SJ things like a big A$$ monster company, if you all have his money and his goals, then u'll be doing probably the same
  • CristV77
    CristV77 Posts: 51
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    After all, his the CEO of one of the growing companies in the world, and you.....well, lets just say your reading this blog :D
  • er
    er Posts: 1
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    well, although i own an iphone4, i have to admit that it has some issues..that android has resolved them. a better appstore for android and people will say bye to apple......iOS lacks in a lot of stuff and i really dont believe this survey.
  • god
    god Posts: 6
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    hahahaha iphone its my creation i wiil be always the best of all
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    I am expecting Windows phone 7 to join the two soon.
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
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    isnt it captain obvious :P
  • Dempa
    Dempa Posts: 33
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    Could you please be more specific when saying iOS lacks features compared to Android? Thanks
  • Okay guys, 1st, ask yourself why iPhone sells in the 1st place? And why iPad sells in the 1st place?They arent the best piece of tech devices out there? They lack a lot , i mean A LOT of FEATURES and SPECS that a phone 4 years ago would have on iPhone 4. Why then? Why the sale? Cause Apple knows how to give their customer a sense of class when they buy their product. When people buy an iPhone, they say "it's an Iphone! OMG!" Most people who aren't into the geeky stuff of technology would find the iOS good enough. After all it is APPLE's product!Unless the other company knows how to market their product which gives the sense of classy-ness to their customers, they won't really beat Apple. There are LOYAL apple customers than any other companies. That is why the statistics of iPhone consumers tend to stay loyal to Iphone. While others switch. And the less geeky stuffs tend to appeal to women, whom most of them hate stuffs like how to tweak you phone to the best out of it and the complicated stuffs plus not so classy. Considering this, it is only natural that most women prefer iPhone over others if they can afford it, as it is "safe", "easy to use", "fun" and "classy"(come on man! it is APPLE's product!!!)So, I am dazzled to see why those company that pushes their tech devices' advancement instead of how to promote their product making them classy and giving the customer a sense of pride when they actually got their product! You will hear people say " Wow! you got a Mac!" instead of " Wow! You got the XXX PC" Why? DEll? WHy? Toshiba? why not make others say to your customer :" Wow! You got a DELL!" Time to change companies, notices how Apple manages to succeed in grabing the market in just a short time WITHOUT THE BEST SPECIFICATIONS ON THEIR DEVICES? SEE IPHONE AND YOU WILL KNOW. IT DOESNT HAVE THE BEST SPEC, EVEN IN IPHONE 4. IT LACKS A GOOD CAMERA, THE ABILITY TO TETHER ITS INTERNET ( in most countries i know), IT IS SLOW TO IMPLEMENT ITS FRONT CAMERA, IT DOESNT SUPPORT FLASH AND JAVA. ON TOP OF THESE, PEOPLE STILL BUY IPHONE WHILE OTHERS SAY "WOW! YOU GOT AN IPHONE!!"COME ON SMARTPHONES MAKERS, STOP DREAMING THAT WITH THE BEST SPEC I CAN GET A LOT OF CUSTOMER. MAN THIS MUST CHANGE ALREADY. SEE HOW S.J IS LAUGHING NOW OVER THE SALES OF HIS IPAD AND IPHONE?HIS IPAD SUCEEDED WHAT OTHERS COULDNT WHILE OTHERS JUST WAIT AND SEE. COME ON SUCKERS, WHY NOT BE CREATIVE THAN JUST WAITING SOMEONE TO MAKE A SUCCESSFUL DEVICE AND THEN COPYING WITH BETTER SPECS. YOU WONT SELL MUCH, THAT I GARUANTEE YOU. I AM TIRED OF WATCHING APPLE INNOVATE THINGS THAT OTHERS COULD NOT AND BE SUCCESSFUL WHILE OTHERS JUST WAIT SEE , GET JEALOUS AND COPY WHAT APPLE DID. YES, I AM MOCKING EVERY COMPANY EXPECT APPLE. SHAME ON YOU ALL. GALAXY TAB, PLAYBOOK, ETC, THESE? WHY AFTER IPAD NOT BEFORE? NOT BALLS TO MAKE THEM AND MARKERT THEM BEFORE APPLE DOES? IN THIS CASE, I RATHER HAVE APPLE DOMINATE THE WHOLE IT MARKET. THESE COMPANIES ARE HOPELESS. THIS IS BUSSINESS, DO I NEED TO REMIND BUSSINESSNMEN WHAT BUSSINESS IS?IT IS ABOUT HOW TO MARKET YOUR STUFF, HOW TO MAKE YOU CUSTOMER FEEL GREAT BUYING YOUR PRODUCT WHILE YOU MAKE MONEY OUT OF THEM, NOT SHOWING OFF COOL SPECS. DON'T ARGUE WITH ME, APPLE PROVED THIS ALREADY WITH ITS IPHONE AND IPAD. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU EXCEPT APPLE.IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHY OR WHAT AM I UPSET ABOUT, READ MORE ON THE HISTORY OF TABLET DEVICES AND THE EMERGENCE OF IPHONE'S SUCCESS AND THE TREND THE MAKERS ARE TAKING IN THESE 3 YEARS.
  • Your momma
    Your momma Posts: 45
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    iPhone and Android are the most popular? Wow, this is groundbreaking news.
  • Yalin
    Yalin Posts: 17
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