Verizon Willing To Pay For iPhone Exclusivity To Itself And AT&T

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageVerizon Willing To Pay For iPhone Exclusivity To Itself And AT&T

It is widely speculated that Verizon will start offering Apple’s iPhone from early 2011.

But according to AppleInsider, Analyst Shaw Wu with Kaufman Bros. in a research report has claimed that Verizon is willing to pay Apple a premium to ensure that the iPhone is available only on its network and AT&T. It doesn’t want rivals T-Mobile and Sprint to offer Apple’s iPhone.

AppleInsider reports:

Read the full story here


  • mickey
    mickey Posts: 54
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    It would be kind of cool to get an iPhone from Verizon cuz it's actually a great phone company and my mom has been with them for 10yrs and no complaints. Only bummer is that Verizon doesn't offer sim cards which would make it impossible to go to another network like to t-mobile. Well I hope jailbreaking will be as easy as a regular At&t iPhone
  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    It is my dream phone but I'm quite comfortable on AT&T so I will stick with them
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Who cares as this is CDMA< which is nt so cool
  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    I hope Apple doesn't make the same mistake twice. Exclusivity sucks! Lets call it what it really is: monopoly. It doesn't serve Apple or its customer and potential customers. If everyone could offer the iPhone, then customers could CHOOSE which carrier they want to use. No need to jailbreak or unlock. Let the customer decide. And iPhone sales on ALL carriers would skyrocket.
  • Thomas
    Thomas Posts: 125
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    thats good for apple, they want to sell more iphones, and is good cuz more money $$ if you are a company you want to make a lot of money and iphone is like mine of gold, i hope one day to see iphone on t-mobile and sprint, maybe metropcs, if that happen maybe iphone be the number 1 phone on sells, and better sales than nokia, who knows ??
  • Christian Mercado
    Christian Mercado Posts: 33
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    If they do it they are just going to Hang them selves android is becoming more "popular" because theyre customers have choice
  • putters
    putters Posts: 57
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    Technically, it is illegal to make a contract specifically prohibiting others from using your product (except patents). However, making a contract to sell to them is not, thus exclusivity (because their is no benefit for apple in only selling to them. It is there choice). So, no, apple can't accept money prohibiting sprint and AT&T.
  • Hendrixlives2k
    Hendrixlives2k Posts: 1
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    If Verizon is such a great company why would you need a SIM card to switch to another provider?
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    Now remember Cingular/ATT went into this agreement with Apple not really knowing what kind of product they were going to be releasing onto the country. Without ATT, Apple would not have had the flexibility to build what they thought was something everyone would love to have.Everyone should be very happy ATT allowed it to happen. Without them we would still be forced using so called smart phones using Microsoft's outdated o/s with a stylus. Also dont forget Verizon passed on this offer years ago.With all that said, ATT has been slow to upgrade and to allow us all the great features of the phone in a timely fashion. They have failed many times over. ATT is an old company with old school thoughts of how to run the business. One day they may learn from their mistakes. One can only hope.
  • Nightkid
    Nightkid Posts: 6
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    i agree with you man. he is busted...
  • Nightkid
    Nightkid Posts: 6
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    also why would you want a CDMA Iphone which rest of the world are using GSM. pointless if you want to show your and work on oversea.>>>>>>> don't make sense to me at all... verizon failed. one thing is Apple will make sure they are profitable in term of business. if they decide to bring the iphone to all of the carriers , they will have more loyal customer, more customer coming back for more their product, which i think they could make more what Verizon could afford to pay.....
  • Caddouch
    Caddouch Posts: 35
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  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    Only thing verizon is good is that their service other than that it sucks and its cdma phones.Att is good in everyway1) you can use sim any carrier international if unlock!2) you can multitask talking on the phone and surf the net!3) you get unlimited data for only existing att customeres!So many reasons att beats verizon! Att also is improving services better than before!
  • oh boy
    oh boy Posts: 1
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    You, my friend, obviously does not understand the significance of a sim card. For the rest of us that travel outside of the U.S., having a sim card option is very significant. Yes, there is life outside of the U.S., believe it or not.
  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    Actually only unlock woulnt be needed, since unlock only makes the iphone free to use any carrier, and jailbreaking allows u to use themes and all that good stuff.
  • josemir da silva
    josemir da silva Posts: 35
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    Screw verizon and the horse they rode on in. What about all those ads about an year ago dissing the iPhone... now they want a piece of the pie, screw them. I hope Apple does not close a deal with them (albeit , wont make business sense not to)If I was Apple, I would make verizon go on TV saying that the iPhone is the best phone ever, and there is an app for sticking your foot on your mouth. boo ya
  • josemir da silva
    josemir da silva Posts: 35
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    wtf are you talking about. slow about 6 months? what about all those droids still on the old version?
  • phil it
    phil it Posts: 2
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    i hope the fcc get on this and i don't understand why Apple will make a cdma phone anway Apple should tell verizon if you want our phone you need to have gsm
  • joey proudly
    joey proudly Posts: 1
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    What if Verizon and Apple make a Verizon iPhone World?(GSM/CDMA, like some of the Blackberries!) Or even an LTE iPhone, I mean it's already taken these two companies years to get them this close to mating, so what's another 4-6 months of development? Would everyone from AT&T who travel outside the U.S. make the switch? I know I'd be perfectly content.
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    I disagree, if everyone left AT&T and your the only one. It is likely you will still get dropped calls and what not.