European Carriers Demand Apple & Mobile Service Providers To Pay For Network Infrastructure

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageEuropean Carriers Demand Apple & Mobile Service Providers To Pay For Network Infrastructure

The popularity of smartphones like the iPhone has soared in recent times. This has subsequently led to an explosion in wireless data usage as various studies conducted in the past couple of years have shown.

While this presents additional monetization opportunities for wireless carriers, the sudden surge has also meant an increased spending on building network infrastructure - something that drastically pulls down the margins for these carriers.

Read the full story here


  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    I think they must be doing drugs or something Apple or Google will want a percentage of their profits before they ever hand over their hard earn cash to phone companies. Its the phone companies job to keep up with demand not the people who build the phones. if they cant keep up dont offer the phones what it comes down to is they want more profits and a lot less money out of their pockets
  • brent
    brent Posts: 20
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    Carriers are saying"Waaa, I don't want to have to do any work and I want to make large margins. I don't want to suffer because of my short sightedness and not forecasting increased network usage for a device that I was advertising to allow you to use more of our network."
  • Bluetiby
    Bluetiby Posts: 1
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    This is absurd, it's like a city asking a car manufacture or a tire manufacture to help pay for the roads
  • CristV77
    CristV77 Posts: 51
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    well, they gave it a shot, cant blame them, lol, its absurd but they tried, lmao
  • xZehroz
    xZehroz Posts: 2
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    LOL you really think Apple, Google are gonna pay for this? HELL NO, and i dont blame them, phone companies should of known how huge smartphones would of been from day 1 espiecially with the iphone.
  • Yea..
    Yea.. Posts: 1
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    Should of? Or should have?Would of? Or would have?Go back to elementary school, then come back to contribute your two cents
  • xZehroz
    xZehroz Posts: 2
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    English isnt my first language, so if theres errors forgive me for that. but you understand what im saying.
  • LeXi
    LeXi Posts: 2
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    Wish in one hand and **** in the other and see what fills up first
  • Monkeywrench
    Monkeywrench Posts: 59
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    We don't need proper grammar to get our point across. But it's not easy to predict what the masses will demand. But yeah. If the are having trouble with increased usage does this not mean that there is more people throwing money at them?
  • They have a point...
    via Wordpress
    It's like electrical companies asking GE to help pay for all the products that use so much electricity--absurd. Here's the catch... Electrical companies make their consumers pay for the higher use of electricity.Yet, you all scream at the idea of having capped data plans and not unlimited. Maybe consumers should pay by their data usage and not the companies that are responsible for building products that consume data. I would hate this--I use a lot of data, but it seems like the telecommunication companies do have a point. Data consumption has risen at a rate much higher than the rate of new subscribers. Why does do telecommunication firms not deserve some money for what is causing them to have to buy new infrastructure all the time?
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Jeeze how about phone companies make sure they are able to service a product before they offer it. If any other company tried to pull this ****, they would be laughed out of bussiness, what makes phone comanies any different?
  • Not Really
    Not Really Posts: 1
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    It would make sense if they were forced to sell the data phones. If new smartphone subscribers don't offer much profit margins then why would they continue to sell them? They are still making a profit but they just want more.
  • Bibobabe
    Bibobabe Posts: 0
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    This is not fair at all. For latest on iphone,ipad,ipod,Apple,Android and Jailbreak visit Thanks
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    This is absolutely ridiculous! What had they drunk?
  • iURLas
    iURLas Posts: 11
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    European carriers are just plan lazy. They have old networks and refuse to upgrade yet want to make huge profits. It's the case of too many carriers not willing to invest only to allow free riders using the same networks. T-mobile and Orange have merged. Sooner or later the smaller carriers will have to merge, shutdown or go bankrupt. It's a conjugate duality maximization problem - the bigger the carrier the more they will invest (profit driven), however the fewer the carriers - prices of services will rise (bad of consumers).
  • drock
    drock Posts: 1
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    Let them complain about growth, then when Apple and Google balk at paying for anything that has to do with their business, let them fall behind in the market. There are plenty of companies out there that will pick up the demand and accept the lower profit margin to grab that market share. These greedy corporations are ridiculous in their request and I hope they fail, not only in their bid to get more money from the manufacturers, but also in their business. Time to let the bloated fat cats fall and give rise to other companies, rather than the big pricks squeezing them out like they usually do.
  • koolereye
    koolereye Posts: 0
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    It seems the carriers have decided that they have been left out in the cold and feel that they should not have to shoulder the burden of upgrading/maintaining the networks they have created. They rush to make exclusive deals with manufacturers for feature-rich devces (iPhone?/Droid?) in order to draw more business but now they want to penalize the manufacture's for giving them what they asked for? The carriers already charge their customers outrageous fees for data packages. Unfortunately if all the carriers band together, even it is only the main ones, then it will be extremely difficult for the device manufactures to not comply with their demands. Unless they in turn band together and make some demands of their own. Love them or hate them, Apple has been the only company to actually force the hand of a carrier, even although somewhat limited in nature. Regardless of your network (AT&T/Verizon)...if you do not have desireable devices, (iPhone / Android) then you will not have the customer base.
  • Ctrev
    Ctrev Posts: 5
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    Yea. English is my first language and your a f$&£ing fag excusse my French.