iAmiga: Commodore Amiga Emulator Coming To App Store
Posts: 135
iAmiga: Commodore Amiga Emulator Coming To App Store
Remember the Commodore 64 emulator developed by mobile developer Manomio back in September 2009? You might also recall that Apple had removed the App from the App Store after someone had figured out a way to access the BASIC interpreter in C64, Commodore Emulator for iPhone using a hack.
cool.. My socks are getting wet standing here..
Ah the goold old days, the Amiga was a bloody good system back in the early 90's imo.
good old*
Awesome, cant wait to try it out.
Damn I wonder if I could port my old 0 Day Warez 28,8k 4 lines BBS, AGA AMIGA 50 Meg hard drive!!! lol was the $hit back in the day!
Well we're in April and there's still no release date. Is this coming out or what?
Need those crazy lemmings!!!!I think it would be cool trying to get them home on the iPad touch screen and the can-can sytle midi music is a must have!