AirMediaPlayer: Hack Enables AirPlay Video Streaming From iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch To Windows PC

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imageAirMediaPlayer: Hack Enables AirPlay Video Streaming From iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch To Windows PC

Folks from Technical University of Serres have developed an application called AirMediaPlayer as a fun networking project that allows users to stream media content from their iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch to a Windows PC.

Erica Sadun from TUAW has already developed a application called AirPlayer that allows users to stream media content from iPhone, iPad and iPod touch to a Mac.

Read the full story here


  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
    via Wordpress
    I Just Can't See How This Would Be Usefull? If You Wanna Stream A Movie, You Probably Have That Movie On That PC You Are Streaming It Too xD, Unless Your At A Freinds, I Cant See A Use For It Myself =\
  • rumano8523
    rumano8523 Posts: 1
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    it dosent work on windows 7
  • KyleB
    KyleB Posts: 5
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    If your ipad is sync to a laptop or something and you want to watch it in the living room, and if you have a home theater pc that may work.
  • blix
    blix Posts: 8
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    this is what i was waiting 4!!! :)i have speakers in my bathroom connected to my pc, so when i want to take a shower i no longer need to set up a playlist on my pc, i can just play anything from my iphone and control it more freely. :)gr8 work! :D
  • Anomymus
    Anomymus Posts: 2
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    Ya. Know apple and their “closed” policy , I dont think apple will provide such “luxurious” functions to us users. They want you to practically use their format of video decoding only: mov, 3gp etc. So, I bet we won’t be hearing officially from apple about streaming videos in avi or mkv or other formats not ” native ” to apple. And they may use the same old ” for security reasons wr are not providing those functionality (for Internet video streaming and other outside of apple streaming)” . This is how apple work their way to get you into their closed world where they can milk your money from you. So guys, don’t expect too high of apple giving you any freedom in functionality– THEY ARE CONTROL FREAKS , CONTROL FREAKS, I repeat : CONTROL FREAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jujubird
    jujubird Posts: 1
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    You take a shower with your iphone?!
  • Jesus
    Jesus Posts: 29
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    I want the vise versa , play on pc and watch on iPad/iPhone ! What do u say guys !!
  • midkidd
    midkidd Posts: 23
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    @ jesusyou can already watch whats on your pc on your iphone or ipad... called VNC apps. the best one for me so far is logmein ignition. Tried iTeleport, garbage! well, decent garbage. they're in the app store but not cheap... logmein cost $30 bucks!! Thank god for ****! right jesus
  • KyleB
    KyleB Posts: 5
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    Well they do have streaming apps that work if you have WiFi. I know over 3g it starts to loose quality and such. My favorite is Orb.
  • K-Train
    K-Train Posts: 16
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    I do all the time! Just put it in a ziplock bag!
  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    It works for me! I have windows 7 64-bit. I used the second link(mediafire), works great.
  • Kam
    Kam Posts: 4
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    *sigh* You people make my head hurt.No apple arent control freaks, they are focused on ease of use and compatibility. Limiting function to THEIR devices and a few codec formats means they can ensure everything runs easily, and perfectly in the realm of situations they can control (ie, THEIR OWN EQUIPMENT). And thats really the best/only way to ensure use-friendly, bug free advancements in technology. That's apples business model and it's a good one. Now go cry somewhere else.
  • Junior
    Junior Posts: 14
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    i got an error that says AND I quote"an error occured during initialization could not create neither quicktime object, nor a Windows media player object.class not registered (exeption from HRESULT:0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTEREG))
  • DJD
    DJD Posts: 1
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    I have the same error!Can anybody help?System is Win7 64bit