Samsung Launches Galaxy Player - World's First Android-based MP3 Player To Take On Apple's iPod Touc

Whizkid Posts: 135
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imageSamsung Launches Galaxy Player - World's First Android-based MP3 Player To Take On Apple's iPod Touch

While most of us are looking forward to seeing the horde of tablets and new smartphones that would be displayed at Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, let us also remind you that CES 2011 is not just about phones and tablets. A host of multimedia players and iPod Touch competitors are also expected to be unveiled there.

Samsung has launched the world's first Android-based MP3 player to take on Apple's hugely successful iPod Touch in the UK.

Read the full story here


  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    sounds cool, will be ordering one, but the pricing seems wrong £149 for 8gb or £79 for 16gb? i think its meant to be 179?
  • Mackie
    Mackie Posts: 52
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    No way, Ipod Touch is king
  • The Kamal
    The Kamal Posts: 2
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    The bright side in it is that prices will start falling for apple products as the competing market grows.
  • anakin
    anakin Posts: 18
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    yeah right, keep dreaming apple fanboy..
  • ?
    ? Posts: 26
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    Very good alternative. Especially love the fact that it plays Divx/Xvid out of the box.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    I like the idea of competition, but wheres the tap tap revenge alternative for android, it is the top selling game for the iphone. And please don't say rock band or guitar hero because they only cater to one particular genre. Where's the itunes equivalent. I like the phone, its just googles strategy thats sucks. Oh and by the way, I'm not a fan of either, I own both so I won't be getting it anyways.
  • Asdf
    Asdf Posts: 37
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    Look apple fanboy, you've never even used the galaxy plaer before so saying the iPod touch is "king" is just plain stereotypical and gives your a bad name (apple fanboy-nerd.)
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    All I can say is..GOOD LUCK!!!..LOL Ipod is TOP SHARK IN THESE WATERS!!!...
  • Copper Bezel
    Copper Bezel Posts: 1
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    Obviously. Still, this doesn't look bad, and I'd much rather have an Android device, even if it's fatter and less pretty and so on for the same price. The SD card support is also a serious bonus. Does it really come in black, though, or are those just early mockups? It really looks cheap in white.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I'll stick with the iPod Touch. The one advantage that Apple has over everyone: The App Store and the marvelous apps that put an iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch to great use. And when you jailbreak, it's even better :)
  • Mackie
    Mackie Posts: 52
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    I do own iPhone 4, Nexus one and iPod Touch
  • You
    You Posts: 21
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    Personally I think it will be a great device. But there's no way it will overthrow the iPod Touch. It can replace the Zune, however. Call me fanboi or not, don't care anyways, Android is a really great OS. But I believe the iPod will be on top.
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
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    ...but you haven't tried a Samsung Galaxy Player.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Android is catching up on Apps too.
  • Luke
    Luke Posts: 51
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    Sucks no frontfacing camera, other than that i would buy this instead the touch...
  • Mackie
    Mackie Posts: 52
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    android OS you mean
  • Gavin Roskamp
    Gavin Roskamp Posts: 1
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    For someone who has had experience with iOS devices and Android devices for quite some time now, I'm gonna just shout this out:This isn't gonna be an iPod killer.Why?iTunes.Even though all of us hate iTunes ever so much, it does a very good job of keeping everything organized. It might be the slowest piece of crapware in the universe, but it keeps all your music/pictures/videos/apps organized. How do you put music on an Android device? Well, you hook it up to the computer, wade through a ton of folders that have no logical reason to be there, finally manage to find the music folder that the phone reads from, then you have to go find music files on your computer, manually copy and paste all the ones you want, then you still have missing artist and album information, lack of album art, etc.How do you put music on an iOS device? Plug it into the computer, start up iTunes, change up some settings, hit sync. Boom.Am I an Apple fanboy? Ha. Definitely not. Android is awesome and all, and I love having it on my phone, but it isn't for everyone. It's for geeks. iOS is for the average person. Do you really think the average person would want to have to find .mp3 files to manually copy over to their MP3 player?Also, for those saying that Android is catching up with iOS with the Market:HA.I have firsthand experience with this. Android apps completely suck compared to iOS apps. Sure, there are some decent ones, like Midomi Soundhound, or any Google app, but the quality of iOS apps far exceeds that of Android apps. A perfect example is Twitter. Twitter for iPhone is definitely FAR superior to Twitter for Android. Same goes for Facebook, Angry Birds, Paper Toss, WordPress, Skype, Pandora, and a slew of other popular apps. So in summary, no, this device won't kill any iPod. Android is still too buggy to be the king of mobile devices yet.Oh, and if you're gonna say, "You haven't even tried the Galaxy Player yet. How can you tell it's worse than the iPod touch?"Here's my response:IT'S ANDROID OS. I'VE TRIED IT. I USE IT. All this thing is is a basic old Android smartphone without the phone. Anyone who has used Android before has essentially used this device.
  • Stewart
    Stewart Posts: 3
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    and the android phones (and now mp3s) dont have an app store of their own? with even more apps?
  • Splashadian
    Splashadian Posts: 1
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    I've got a Galaxy S phone and I think its awesome. I'm also still holding onto my I-Pod Classic 120GB which is good too. The true difference is that when Google releases their music service in the future it will make huge difference in how we interact with the devices and any device that doesn't need I-Tunes and its slow system resource sucking engine to load music will instantly be more of a draw than anyone can imagine. The player is great for kids and people who want a multi-media device that does everything the I-Pod touch does but doesn't force you into a proprietary software environment with no real alternatives.
  • The K
    The K Posts: 1
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    So, ass. Wasn't I right?
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    Great come back :D
  • jace
    jace Posts: 0
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    ROFL this isn't the 1st android based mp3 player, good try though Samsung