iPad 2 May Come With 2048×1536 Screen Resolution

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imageiPad 2 May Come With 2048×1536 Screen Resolution

We’ve heard several rumors and speculations about Retina Display coming to the second generation iPad that is expected to be launched towards the end of March or April.

Read the full story here


  • Ciprian Biris
    Ciprian Biris Posts: 36
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    I confirm this. A friend is working app design for apple and he had to do 2048x1536 images. I did not believe him then, but i do now. Maybe it's retina because you don't get so close to the ipad screen as to the iphone screen.
  • Digit
    Digit Posts: 18
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    This makes totally sence!
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    I think a doubling of screen size is definatly the most likely but it would be impossible without a significant boost in processing power. I wouldnt call this a Retina display but it certainly is high resolution, possibly too ambitious for a tablet. I am an iPad developer and I haven't heard anything regarding higher screen resolutions. A 1Ghz processor only just managers to cope with 1024x768. But we are talking 4x the resolution here and at best a doubling of processing power. Whilst OpenGL content might render ok at this resolution due to hardware acceleration, a program using a standard iOS UI may suffer slower render times.
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
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    Apple had been way behind the ball with screen resolution until the iphone4 came out. But 2048x1536 definitely seems a bit overkill for a 10" screen, held at arm's length.The "Retina" definition is purely arbitrary here and Apple can choose to use it or not - whichever markets better for them.The newer processors are rumoured to be quite powerful so they might handle this resolution - they can do 1080p okay, but this is more than that.As for being a developer - has this ever made you privvy to Apple's future hardware decisions? I think they'll let 3rd party developers catch up later, focusing on upgrading and optimising their own apps first.
  • Zonkerton
    Zonkerton Posts: 30
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    You mean "This totally makes SENSE!"
  • Macca
    Macca Posts: 22
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    Who cares..... Apple will always release something newer to rip off customers..... Yippee it has a camera,wow it looks so pretty...... Jesus get a grip.... Apple like fucking ppl ova all the time... Same old **** different day....
  • Macca
    Macca Posts: 22
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    Why didn't apple think harder into design n functionality before the first iPad... Instead they rip ideas off others like samsung and decide oh ye we need these things to... Fucking assholes
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Is that you - Bill Gates?
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    or maybe its for apple's newest creation a folding 4-ipad holder...doubling the resolution makes complete sense. it's a requirement I have before I consider buying one.
  • paris paraskevas
    paris paraskevas Posts: 5
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    This really rocks if its true! double the pixels for the iPad will make a big sense!1. Crisper graphics/fonts on the iPad will be perfect after being spoiled by the iPhone 4 retina display, ipad seems a bid washed out to look at.2. double the graphics on the ipad will be greatly welcome as far as developers are concerned. Most have to re-do their art work when porting thier apps to the MAC. If they to graphics for Ipad 2 then they will have them high resolution enough for the MAC so porting an app from the iphone4/ipad2 to the mac will be a lot easier.3. higher resolution means better hardware which will be brilliant for the 2nd version of the ipad. i was not expecting big hardware changes on the ipad 2. this is a very warm welcome change if its true!
  • N4TUR3
    N4TUR3 Posts: 21
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    you know why i didn't buy the first ipad, LOL im not poor fu guys xD.its cauz i was waiting for a faster processor and possibly more ram and better screen resolution and the main sd card slot if apple manages to get all of this into the ipad in know il be the first one in line just to get one xD!
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    This will make the iPad truly awesome to use, I cant wait.
  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    No, this sounds a lot more like Steve Ballmer.
  • Wooo Yeah
    Wooo Yeah Posts: 3
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    that resolution wont happen. Ooooo ipad 2 might have a camera, exciting. hopefully ipad 6 might just be able to do what my netbook or laptop can do for half the price.
  • Garfinkle
    Garfinkle Posts: 0
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    If this is true then that means the iPad 2 is defo going to have to be shipped with at least 512mb Ram as the current memory size doesn't allow for images greater than 1024x768 very well (CoreGraphics suck).
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Yes, Let's Almost Quadrouple The Screen Size But Only double Proccesor Power? I Don't Think So, But If It Can Play A 1080p Movie Without It Being Choppy Or Descaled Im In.
  • Digit
    Digit Posts: 18
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  • brent
    brent Posts: 20
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    That's not double the resolution, that's quadruple the resolution. 4 times as many pixels...
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Wait - if the resolution went to 2048x1536, that would be a higher resolution than nearly any normal computer monitor - and it would be borderlining the limit that computers can produce on a single monitor. I highly doubt they would have a portable device do that - much less an iPad. Even if it were able to do that resolution - the GPU would need to be way more powerful - especially for basic 3D Gaming.
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Oh, shutup. Macca has a valid point. Apple should have implemented many of these features in the first iPad. I'm sick of Apple fanboys like yourself pouncing on anyone who says the slightest negetive thing about Apple and it's 'magical' products.That's coming from someone with an iPhone 3Gs and an iMac.
  • joel
    joel Posts: 26
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