Cydia Gets New ‘Manage Account’ Feature; Shows Purchased Jailbreak Apps

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imageCydia Gets New ‘Manage Account’ Feature; Shows Purchased Jailbreak Apps

Cydia App Store – the App Store for jailbreak apps has just been updated with a new ‘Manage Account’ feature.

The Manage Account shows the list of jailbreak apps that have been purchased from the Cydia App Store.

The Manage Account feature will be useful for users after they have upgraded to a new iOS software update or purchased a new iOS device to install previously purchased jailbreak applications.

You can checkout the screenshots of the Manage Account section below:

Read the full story here


  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    I know it's off topic but is there a 4.2.1 jailbreak like the shsh files in the photo?
  • Dawg
    Dawg Posts: 3
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  • Dawg
    Dawg Posts: 3
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    Yes ther is but it's old bootrom for 3gs
  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    I'm all about the backup feature for cydia. An easier way to reinstall the previously installed apps would be a great idea.
  • FredMC
    FredMC Posts: 73
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  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    sounds good. Call me oldfashioned but i miss Rock. Hopefully it'll be a tad faster too. Some days Cydia is slower than a snail on prozac.
  • geode
    geode Posts: 1
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    Apple is evolving for the better, Cydia for the worse, as far as I can tell. I went to "Manage My Account", signed in, was recognized, and my list of purchased apps came up MINUS MiWi. I tried re-logging with my Rock credentials (where I originally purchased MiWi), and no joy. I use a password archiver, so I know that Cydia's 4 criteria for why my purchase is not on their list are incorrect. And I tried re-linking Rock to Cydia. Do I have to repurchase? Who knows?
  • I
    I Posts: 33
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    Snail on prozac. That is too funny. I think it is a good feature but I had the same problem with MiWi so I jsut paid for it again. We all know its worth it.
  • PasovecPapa
    PasovecPapa Posts: 8
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    He would do better by speeding up Cydia. Or at least support multitasking. Its a PAIN to use it!
  • Mr_Yemeni
    Mr_Yemeni Posts: 7
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    Dev-Team Way to go keep it up.
  • iVEGAS
    iVEGAS Posts: 2
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  • iVEGAS
    iVEGAS Posts: 2
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  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    If Cydia needs any update its with the ultrasnow.
  • artmanp
    artmanp Posts: 9
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    So here you guys are complaining about how slow cydia is. Where else are you going to go to get all the cool jailbreak apps cydia has.Thats whats wrong with some jailbreakers. NEVER F---ing Happy. if you dont like it just stick with your unjailbroken paperweight.
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    Funny thing is... No one complained about porting the apps and everything onto the devices using winSCP or something >.>But oh noooo a GUI that is easier and quicker to use generally has people annoyed because of it being 'slow' or multitask etc....What about ultrasn0w update? Saurik doesn't do that specifically.... So why should he? Also there are many iPhones that were unlocked by apple, why didn't you just buy one of those? Or is that also just annoying to you guys as you want to do it yourselves? ...Holy crap some jailbreakers are annoying with their moaning on the software THEY want and seem to NEED.... Bet most of you can't change the interface completely or know where the stuff is located if you need to move them over to phone directly...
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Cydia is hardly apps, it's more tweaks! A little off topic, but the multifl0w that I purchased from cydia, how come cydia doesnt show up as a background task?
  • Flame Red
    Flame Red Posts: 42
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    Seems like Saurik is starting to make some nice $ out of this but does he realize that the Chronic Development Team's gets nothing. If Chronic Development cannot continue to JB Apple's closed little orchard, Saurik is never going to grow his revenue.
  • iP4
    iP4 Posts: 33
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    who knows if it works or not. none of my Rock apps show up in the list, re-associated my rock it and no luck. Rock was waaaaaaayyy better.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    "After 18 months in the iOS Jailbreak scene Rock has been acquired by SaurikIT (makers of Cydia)"Bit limited for choice these days.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    Moaning or feedback? with luck someone associated with Cydia will read this thread and treat our moans as feedback. For example, does the search function need to update the list after every "laboured" key press? everything grinds to a halt. I reckon a search performed only after the search button is pressed might be a better/quicker option.
  • VoIP
    VoIP Posts: 24
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    Rock was better imo .. faster and better apps. I honestly used it more than Cydia because I liked the interface better .. until I was forced to use Cydia. I also liked the fact that I was able to save my credit card information with Rock which made making purchases sooo much easier. I've got my saved email receipts from when I purchased MyWi from Rock .. I hope I can get it back without paying the $20 again once the jb for 4.2.1 is released..untethered on new bootrom that is..Do the guys from Rock have any input these days when it comes to Cydia development??
  • lou
    lou Posts: 35
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    Cydia is a little slow .. earlier in the days the "competition" "Icey" did what Cydia did .. but very very fast. I don't follow the scene enough ... just take what I get when I get it with little complaint. But, yes Cydia has been known to be slow, and proof concept has shown it can be streamlined to be more efficient.