iPad 2 To Sport Only 1-Megapixel Rear Camera And Proximity Sensor?

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imageiPad 2 To Sport Only 1-Megapixel Rear Camera And Proximity Sensor?

Folks over at 9To5Mac have stumbled on some entries in the iOS 4.3 Beta 2 file system that indicates that the iPad 2 would ship with two cameras.

We have heard several rumors that suggest that iPad 2 would get a camera. Couple of days back, we had reported that iOS 4.3 Beta 2 contains images, which indicates that the second generation iPad will get a front facing camera and also come pre-installed with Apple's FaceTime, Camera and Photo Booth app.

Read the full story here


  • WildBill9478
    WildBill9478 Posts: 12
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    1 MP? Really? Seems like they could go a little better than that. I'm sure they wanna keep the price down but geez louise. That's not even competitive with the low end flip phones.
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Really wouldnt suprise me... then apple would bring out the ipad 3 with a 5 megapixel next year. There never gonna make it amazing... there just saving something for next year... like this year will be a camera and next year will be a better camera.. I hope apple prove me wrong! i was considering getting the new ipad.
  • Noksucow
    Noksucow Posts: 7
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    There is no way that it's going to be 1 megapixel. It's probably cheaper for them to put in 3 megapixel cameras at this point than it is 1 megapixel ones.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    LOL. 1MP camera. If that's true, just don't put a back camera at all on the iPad.. Leave the front VGA camera for video-calls, nuke the rear camera and drop the price a little more. I'd rather it be cheaper than come with a 1MP camera. Shaaame...
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I don't believe it for a second
  • Rocky
    Rocky Posts: 37
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    I thought it was going to have a 35mm USB adapter?
  • Jon
    Jon Posts: 116
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    Apple is trying to make the ipad as cheap as possible
  • Dr Jurges
    Dr Jurges Posts: 0
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    Who the **** would take photos of any quality with an object the size of a book you'd have to be pants on head retarded. Its res only needs to match/be higher than that of the screen, any more would be a waste of time. I wont be buying one, but just sayin' I'm tired of idiot internet nerds stressin about the MP level of cameras on phones when the majority of them use them to post **** photos of themselves on facebook nobody but them cares about.. but on a tablet.. jesus christ people.
  • The Dude
    The Dude Posts: 17
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    Would you really be taking most of your pix with an iPad size object. Not only would you look like R-Tard but you'd be one to if you did. I am sure if it does come equipped with dual cams it's main used would be video conferencing, in which case 1mp is more then adecuate,specially at arms reach length. The rear cam can be used more for like second angle conferencing or even both at same time.Like say if some body in the room other then main user wants so say hi you can just touch the cam switch on screen and wam bam there it is. Or many both can you and 3rd person can faces time from one iPad.So 1 mp it's fine for that kind of use.
  • Luke
    Luke Posts: 51
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    Good enough reason not to buy it... If true I will be getting something different...
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    The 1 megapixel camera is disappointing.
  • lou
    lou Posts: 35
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    Ridiculous that Everyone is going off this rumor and saying ... OHHHH how disappointing..... Seriously people ... All this indicates is there is a back facing camera. This might just be part of some mode for the camera. Most digital cameras these days have multiple modes. a 5 megapixel camera may shoot 5MP on high setting 2.5 on Standard setting and 1 MP on Low(space saving) Setting. I am not saying that this is the case with the iPad 2, but you seriously can't form such strong opinions or rumors over a couple words in a piece of code.
  • David
    David Posts: 225
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    I agree with this guyIs any one really going to walk aroun carrying an iPad for pictures ?Leave it out, it's useless,ok maybe for face time but 1 mp is plenty, This is kind of like the guy who lives alone , has no friends but still drives an SUVOVERKILL much
  • Taylor
    Taylor Posts: 20
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    This guy right here has a brain, therefore I thank you.
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    There is NO way Apple is going to put a 1MP back-facing camera on the iPad. They would even be criticized for a 3MP cam (although I could see them doing that - maybe), but a 1MP camera would make them the laughing stock of the tech world.They know that 2011 is the year of the tablet-PC and they will not dare come out with a 1MP camera. That would affect their image and sales revenue too much.
  • Noksucow
    Noksucow Posts: 7
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    I take back my comment. The next iPad will most definitely have a 1 megapixel camera and a VGA front facing camera. I didn't realize that is exactly what the iPod Touch has. Makes sense to use the same cameras. That being said, I'm still getting it. Like many of you have said, I don't need a high quality camera on a tablet, so it doesn't really affect my decision either way.