Apple Releases iOS 4.3 Beta 3; Allows Users To Cancel App Downloads Mid-Way

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imageApple Releases iOS 4.3 Beta 3; Allows Users To Cancel App Downloads Mid-Way

Apple has just released the third beta version of iOS 4.3 (build 8F5166b) to developers of iOS Developer program.

iOS 4.3 beta 3 is available for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4th generation, iPod Touch 3rd generation and iPad.

The release notes does not provide any details about the changes in the new beta version.

Read the full story here


  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
    via Wordpress
    Wow that's really ground-breaking ...cant tell you how many times I dowbnloaded an app and then 3 seconds later changed my mind. How about some features we sorta need like:better notificationsBetter sms appnot having to jump through hops to download a filea modem that doesnt drop calls every 5 minutesSecure protect individual appsplay other file types besides apple
  • D Money
    D Money Posts: 14
    via Wordpress
    Yea I HATE jumping through "hops". The barley I can deal with, however! Love my beer. But yea, it's nice to be able to quit mid-download. And I'd like to protect individual apps too.
  • djman10
    djman10 Posts: 94
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    What is really needed is to be able to cancel sending an sms or mms! I'm sure you all know why.
  • MAD
    MAD Posts: 12
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  • MAD
    MAD Posts: 12
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  • MAD
    MAD Posts: 12
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    THIS IS A SHAME......
  • Dm
    Dm Posts: 11
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    YES YES YES!! or a "are you sure?" button
  • Daniel C
    Daniel C Posts: 7
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    + 1 to above poster!!
  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    -1 to both above. If you needed it unlocked so bad, why didn't you simply buy an unlocked one?To expensive for you? Then why the heck did you buy it, knowing that you couldn't use it?You guys are so bright, I bet your dads called you 'Sun'
  • Don
    Don Posts: 111
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    Come on already need to unlock my I-4 baseband 02.10.04 hurry plzzzzzzzz
  • x
    x Posts: 23
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  • Tbv
    Tbv Posts: 14
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    What would be nice would be the ability to block calls & text from people you do not want to deal with. The only option now is iBlack list from Cydia. My ex Samsung Vibrant with Android 2.1 have this feature standard on the OS.
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    lol bout damn time, geez.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Just release the 4.3 already.
  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
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    Woww,what an amazing feature,something that should've been there two generations ago.Apple has a very nice and polished device,but everytime I see all these great,new features I start laughing.I also hate all the workarounds just to download a freaking file.
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    Err.. I'm not entirely sure on this one because they might have removed it in beta 3, but you might have forgotten to add the 'Mute/Lock Rotation' change, and how you can change them.
  • Kain
    Kain Posts: 10
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    +1 sms/mms "are you sure button" even better would be a customizable button "You're drunk! are you sure?"Custom sms sounds would be great too.SMS time stamp per incoming and outgoing would be handful.Add to playlist feature for music while on the go. Why you can't do this is beyond me?Self destruct mode - if stolen, remote in and set self destruct mode. (joking but would be cool)
  • Zera
    Zera Posts: 1
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    Hi there;i managed to download ios 4.3b3 to check it and see if it is better than 4.2.1.... it is a bit but not that much, now after i restored it i manage to activate it as non dev.i said i need to jailbreak it the easy way not pwngTool way(pwngtool is bugy and not always working) so i decided to JB with redsn0w0.9.7b6and i done it well by choosing 4.2.1 firmware and intalled cydiaThen i removed iphone from Mac OS to my PC and open ifunbox and fix the dev thing that wont let me activate my phone, and then i activate it with iTunes then i used tetheredboot for windows to tetheredboot 4.3b3 and Voila! it is working smooth and greatthis is my story i liked to share it with yoiu
  • phone cases
    phone cases Posts: 2
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    save money on accessories for iphone, ipad, and itouch and many other phones
  • Makara Kang
    Makara Kang Posts: 3
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    please help !i want to download iphone game please tell me some webthank you
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    sorry but this has to go down as one of the worst headlines i have ever read on this website. IOS 4.3 beta released and the best feature is cancelling a downloaded app? you got to be kidding me..... cant wait to read it all.
  • Steve iHacker Job
    via Wordpress
    too much bully ****....
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    Apple Are such Morons really ... Why the hell would you want to cancel an app when you can just X it out in wiggle mode if you don't want it ? Is it because people pay for bandwidth ? Is it because they need a better staff ? Not sure ... But here are some of the most needed functionalities on the iPhone.REAL MULTI-TASKING - Not some BS Push notifications. MY Face book and AOL always have to reconnect every single time I open the app again. Why can't I just get my msg's on the Fly ?BETTER IPOD - Seriously why the hell I purchased the iPhone at its expensive price for the same iPod as a 150$ nano is BS. Give us better features on our iPods. I can't add a track to a current playlist I have going ? I have to actually sit down on itunes and create it ? Come on you gotta be kidding me ? I am a music artist. I'd also like to be able to play an instrumental and sing my notes while recording. Another Great Feature which isn't rocket science.Phone Features : A Automatic Blocked Number Rejector so people don't call my phone Acting like Magnum PI. Great for ex's and Girlfriends. =)Media - Why don't you enable flash already ? The best websites on the net are made with flash. If you are worried about security holes. Just make it a requirement for websites who want to be iPhone compatible to enable SSL Encryption.Camera - This camera Sucks so frikkin bad I think I'm going to have to just quit photography on my phone. The Flash is great now that we have it. But thats only for Dark Areas. What about ISO ? What about Shutter ? What about a more Anti-Shake Feature or Red Eye Reduction ? ALL of these features are Digital Features. Even if the iPhone doesn't have many Mega Pixels they still help. But What gets me the most is why the damn camera doesn't have a Self Timer. Why must I suffer over some dumb ass mistake like this ? And they say the iPhone is the best on the market. Give me a break. Video Recording is even worse you can record video but you can't turn on the LED Light in dark Areas. It's only for video camera's. Wow. What a way to drop the ball. I won't bash anymore. I love my iPhone, but not enough to praise it.
  • Christopher A Williams
    via Wordpress
    wasn't there suppose to be something about iOS 4.3 being released buy the End of Feb? or did it get pushed back until iPad 2 comes out?