Nokia And Microsoft Announce Strategic Partnership To Take On Apple's iPhone

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imageNokia And Microsoft Announce Strategic Partnership To Take On Apple's iPhone

Nokia and Microsoft have just announced a strategic partnership, where Nokia plans to ditch its Symbian platform and instead adopt Windows Phone as its “primary smartphone strategy”.

Nokia’s CEO Stephen Elop and Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer revealed the news in an open letter.

Here’s a quick summary of Nokia-Microsoft partnership from the open letter:

Read the full story here



  • RelicS13
    RelicS13 Posts: 74
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    I hope nokia dies a horrible horrible death
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    How could the board and shareholders approve that decision? I would consider this move a conflict of interest considering his prior position with Microsoft. No wonder wall street didn't approve of that announcement
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    So Microsoft boarded that sinking ship? lol good luck!
  • :-)
    :-) Posts: 5
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    They are both good companies who allowed themselves to fall behind the competition. It will be a long road for them to gain a comfortable share of the market but if it can be done then these two companies are the ones to do it.
  • King Kong
    King Kong Posts: 6
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    In the area of smart phone market: An old man + another old man < A smart man
  • Alec
    Alec Posts: 5
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  • Devildog9729
    Devildog9729 Posts: 1
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    This is equal to throwing lead bricks onto the titanic while it's going down to keep it from sinking!!!
  • nokia is the biggest phone campany around the whole expect usa i wonder why but let see what will they do and beat up iphone
  • iPhone
    iPhone Posts: 104
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    I think Nokia should have gone for android. Since Nokia is the best company in the market for its phones. I know many people gone say here that, the iPhone is the best but let me tell u the truth, iPhone is best for its IOS only. I didn't buy my iPhone because of the hardware of the phone, i bought it because i liked the iPhone software. iPhone's operating system is the best and there is no doubt about it. And i think that's the reason apple will never let any other company use their operating system coz everyone know that if apple will do that it will be suicide for iPhone and apple by itself.
  • Steven M.
    Steven M. Posts: 18
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    I am so happy for them. For my part, I was very happy to switch to a Verizon iPhone yesterday after 3-1/2 years on AT&T. I can now actually make phone calls with my iPhone ... phone calls that go through the first time ... phone calls where the person I call can hear me and I can hear them ... phone calls that aren't disconnected before we're done talking ... that's priceless, ain't it?
  • mohacs
    mohacs Posts: 8
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  • Priceless
    Priceless Posts: 1
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    No .. that's Mastercard :)
  • LastBorn7198
    LastBorn7198 Posts: 8
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    you can hear him now, but it's still downloading !!! LOL
  • LastBorn7198
    LastBorn7198 Posts: 8
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    oh.... you just noticed --- it stop loading 'cause you can hear him now !!!
  • Johnny
    Johnny Posts: 93
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    lol...Good luck with that!!!
  • Lavender
    Lavender Posts: 130
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    It's easy to see this as a deal between two failing companies that have forgotten how to innovate. But they could just as easily learn to swim together as sink together.
  • chuck
    chuck Posts: 15
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    1 loser in smart phone market + another loser in smart phone market = weiner
  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    Wow, talk about the blind leading the blind.
  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    Will these new Nokia phones have changeable color face plates and that Snake game? That would be the fucking bomb.
  • Thepartyguy
    Thepartyguy Posts: 57
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    I would like to see a new idea for The smart phone technology, not a repeated idea developed on a different Plattform, inovation is The only way to create market share, not just a faster an improved device that looks cool! Come up with something that will kill iPhone and replace it , forget competition of the same format..... Invent a hybrid breed that will kill all! Amen !
  • Munaf
    Munaf Posts: 9
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    i too want nokia to die because they make horrible mobile phones which are fucking costly and has no worth apps are not good,camera sucks headphone sound low and touch screen response fucking slow and same on microsoft phones like the htc hd2 worst phone i have seen in my life everyone knows iphone is unbeatable soo jack off nokia and microsoft
  • Ted
    Ted Posts: 35
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    Great.If Nokia release a WP7 handset with a 4.3 inch capacitive touchscreen I will buy it. I'm done with having to jailbreak my iPhone just to get it to work.
  • zippy
    zippy Posts: 2
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    Most poeple have nothing but trouble with windows on there PC's so y on earth will people buy a phone with it on? I think Nokia are on a loser here.
  • zippy
    zippy Posts: 2
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    Get a android then. The galaxy s is better than anything Nokia will ever have.
  • iknowthe future
    iknowthe future Posts: 1
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    nokia is smart to do this because they know that microsoft aka xbox is the king of gaming never mess with a video game company because all the hackers in the world will follow especially xbox.all the genius hackers in the world either play playstation or xbox 360 and they know when microsoft launches there game titles everyone is going to want to play games like halo,gears of war,call of duty.badcompany.once these titles are release on windows 7 all hackers will move to jailbreak it just to play those many people pay 50$ a year just to play xbox games and how many people have windows 7 on there pc.face it but the phone will work well with xbox live and with windows 7 on pc.the only threat microsoft will have is the playstation phone.after this happens your angry bird app will no longer feel like nintendo has been hacked many times so windows 7 wont be a problem to hack and jailbreaking is already been done by a group of hackers it was posted on redmond
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Too many people I know have had major problems with Samsung handsets.If I went Android I'd probably wait for a device running the Nvidia Tegra II processor. LG's Optimus 2X is close. Does Android have an equivalent of the combination of ToDo (ex iTunes) and Lockinfo (cydia Store), that allows me to see my day's agenda, being appointments AND tasks, on the lockscreen?I mucked around with a HTC WP7 phone in a shop recently and it basically does the combined Calendar/Todo list thing out of the box. Nokia may have lost their way with smartphones but their legnendary reliability is attractive.I had several Nokia handsets before the iPhone and none ever failed. I keep my old Nokia as a backup & for remote area travel/trekking where its superior signal strength and battery life (at least a week) are necessary.BTW, that mid-range Nokia could do the Calendar/task thing on the lockscreen out of the box too.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    I've never had any probs with my nokias. They do produce the occational "lemon". Google the reviews before you part with your cash bud. Don't get me wrong I love my iPhone but even at iPhone4 level there are still functions and features I expect as part of the default system (they've been around for years. even on cheap n' nasty budget phones). The only way I can access these is to jailbreak, thanks to apple's holier that thou attitude). I'm afraid it appears that you apply biased rules when appraising devices from manufactures not calling themselves apple.If it wern't for the dev teams crackin work on opening up the iphone through jailbreaking I wouldn't even wipe my ass with an "out of the box" iphone. I doubt my opinion will change too much with the release of number 5.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Well everyone is partnering, all devices on Android are partnered with Google.
  • No Kia N9 rocks
    No Kia N9 rocks Posts: 3
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    Willam Gates' shares in Microsoft went up with +9%.The manual to make sure your mobile OS will be the most used on the planet earth:1. First put a human trojan horse smack in the middle of the worlds largest mobile devices manufacturers board.2. Fire as many symbian and MeeGo engineers/developers as possible.3. Scream FIRE as loud as possible after burning down the companies history and mission statements.4. Sign a agreement with Microsoft to make WP7 as the new standard OS for Nokia mobile devices.Microsoft finally has its own succesful mobile hardware division after all the fails.When Wall Street opens this monday im buying Microsoft stock!!!