Apple Working On Smaller, Cheaper iPhone, Revamping MobileMe Service

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imageApple Working On Smaller, Cheaper iPhone, Revamping MobileMe Service

Couple of days back, Bloomberg had reported that Apple is working on a smaller and cheaper iPhone, which could be priced at $200 without requiring a contract.

Wall Street Journal who have a good track record with Apple related news, seem to have just confirmed that Apple is indeed working on a smaller and cheaper iPhone nano, which may be released this summer.

WSJ reports:

Read the full story here


  • Tha Reaper
    Tha Reaper Posts: 1
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    Free mobile me would be great if apple wants to compete with google and others for the "cloud"
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    Wow, that is going to make a lot of mobileme subscribers very angry! I'd love to have mobileme, but it's not worth a hundred bucks a year for it.
  • Robman
    Robman Posts: 5
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    That makes sense, MobileMe being free that why they built that huge data center.
  • Xavier
    Xavier Posts: 27
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    I would love to ditch google exchange in favour of MobileMe. Wgich is 100% cOmpatible with iOS devices. I'd love to see that free. Google is offering a LOT better cloud services at the moment - in terms of price hehe - so why pay? Unless Apple makes MobileMe a free feature - I mean come on, we are paying shitloads for your products Apple - it will remain fairly uses, like it is now.
  • Lavender
    Lavender Posts: 130
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    They won't be angry if they can continue to enjoy the service free ... surely if they've been paying for it, they've appreciated the service, so now they'll be able to continue to have the service without any further fees.
  • BMW_Stu
    BMW_Stu Posts: 3
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    i was hoping they would make a larger screen i phone... oh well
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    I highly doubt that Apple will make a smaller version of the iphone as I don't really see it necessary. Sure may be useful for those who have tiny hands. I prefer the size as it is. As for as the Mobileme. That would be great if it was free.
  • maaseja
    maaseja Posts: 15
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    I don't cera about a smaller iPhone ( but my GF might ). I hope MobileMe will be free. But I hope I still can get 32 gb iPhone ore even more internal storage. Could is good only when you have Internet access.
  • Brains530
    Brains530 Posts: 17
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    Like the article said though, it's in order to reduce the initial cost to the phone companies so they can in turn offer it for free to the consumer, competing with other smartphones that you can get free with a two year contract. Some people can't just fork out the extra 200. I find this a very reasonable business move
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Half the size of iPhone 4 would be ridiculous! Pretty much unusable for most! You'd need the hands of a 5 year old! Never used or found a need for MobileMe, apart from the tracker, so no bother there either for me.
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    I thought that too, but did you read the reviews when Apple started the "find my iPhone" service for free? It was ridiculous. Literally hundreds of people complaining that they now give it away for free and they've been paying for it for however long it was. I think they'll be pissed.
  • misterlab
    misterlab Posts: 2
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    I would be be on CLOUD 9 if Mobile Me went free.
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    A smaller model would be gr8 because here in australia it would be about $160 on pre-paid network locked until we spend $80 but it would be available on all networks. At the min the iPhone is one of the only fones that doesn't work that way
  • justaguy
    justaguy Posts: 9
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    MobilrMe or some type of online service should be free. Apple is the only major tech company thatvdoes not provide some level of online services. this is way overdue
  • Shalashaska
    Shalashaska Posts: 55
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    I call bull on the small iphone...i donno...just doesnt feel very like...dont you agree ?
  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    This makes sense (iPod Nano) because I think Apple wants to give VZW enough time with the iPhone 4 in order to be on the same release schedule with AT&T. Therefore, we might not see an iPhone 5 this summer, but instead a Nano on all carriers. Then the iPhone 5 will be either this Fall or next Spring at the latest.
  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    I wouldn't care for a small iPhone. As of present, I wouldn't trade my phone storage for cloud storage due to our present AT&T fuckhead crisis. Not being able to make a call, browse, etc. is one thing, not being able to access your own music/data because you don't have internet? I would have to shoot myself. Getting free mobileMe would still be legit tho. google calendar deleted my entire calendar on iCal (both iphone and macbook) and on google calendar leaving me **** out of luck for... the rest of 2011, according to my calendar.
  • carrie b
    carrie b Posts: 1
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    A serious no to a nano iPhone and a definite yes to a free MobileMe. I've experienced lots sync problems with my MobileMe account and am using some free alternatives. They may not offer MobileMe's convenience, but they are FREE and quite reliable. Check out Dropbox, Google, XMarks, Picasa, Flickr, and Wuala, for starters.
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