iPad 2 Has 512MB RAM?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageiPad 2 Has 512MB RAM?

When Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad 2 at yesterday’s 'Come See What 2011 Will Be Year Of' event, he revealed that iPad 2 will get Apple's new 1GHz dual-core A5 chip.

It's the first time we can recollect that Apple has revealed the speed of the processor for an iOS device. But he still didn’t reveal how much RAM is included in iPad 2.

Read the full story here


  • KingofKings
    KingofKings Posts: 7
    via Wordpress
    First!!! iPhone 4 will have the same design, this same faster 512MB RAM, the A5 dual core, and iOS 5 and the iPhone will be called iPhone 4S. This will prepare them physically for the 2012 release of the iPhone 4G
  • waldz
    waldz Posts: 3
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    second!!!wow! thats all!i want that ipad 2 badly..
  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    Makes sense ^ Apple is really falling behind the tech curve, and will pay for it in the long run, but right now, i believe android has caught up as far as the operating system is concerned, and this year, i believe will be androids year, alot of iphone users (Including me, anyone want an Iphone4 when i sell mine??) will be switching to the more powerful andriod handsets, there are already a whole slew of android phones that have 4G, ATT will most likely roll out 4G before Apple has a handset to support it.
  • its me
    its me Posts: 11
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    me if tyhe price is cheap ill buy it
  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    A whole slew of android phones w/4G? Sprint is the only carrier with any sizeable 4G coverage. Looks like 3 4G phones w/Sprint. The Verizon HTC Thunderbold isn't out yet. Even so, Apple will have iPhones ready when ATT & Verizon roll out nationwide coverage. I'm sure they already have a prototype that works on LTE.
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    Wow! What world do you live on? It is NOT Apple that has fallen behind a tech curve.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    iPhone already has 512MB ram.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Ram is the biggest scam that noobs fall for. If a device isn't using all of the ram that's already available, no amount of ram upgrade will speed up that device. The xoom can have 6 gigs of ram and it still wouldn't run any faster.Apple has optimized their system and probably discovered that 512mb of ram or whatever amount they have install to be the optimal amount of ram for that device. Until future changes are made to require more ram, I don't think apple will just add it to make the specs look good on paper.We all know by now that ghz doesn't always mean faster speed, megapixel doesn't always mean better picture, and now more ram doesn't always mean faster.I can see why the xoom may need more memory. With users complaining about having to monitor and kill unused processes, it can run up 1 gig pretty fast. There's also the issue of memory leaks on android devices. Apple's method of multi-tasking works well without requiring the user to monitor their tasks. Call it fake multi-tasking if you will, but if it does more than one thing at once, it's multi-tasking no matter how you put it.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    He lives in a world where tec specs mean everything. Even if his system runs slower, so what? He's got a bigger e-****!I laugh at people touting their 4ghz super computers with 12gigs of ram, 2 terabytes of hdd and running the same 60fps on the same games I play. In some cases even sluggish when mine is still smooth and they wonder why.
  • Christopher A Williams
    via Wordpress
    Yeah I have to Agree. I'm looking forward to the Next Gen iPhone but I'm not going to get it cause where I live i doubt They'll b 4G here B4 the end of the Year..BUT..I'll definitely get the iPad 2 BUT..since the iPad3 will be following it in September so I'm wondering if I should just WAIT..until that one comes out cause I'm betting it will be 4G/LTE Compliant.
  • Karro
    Karro Posts: 8
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    I think since there is alot of problem with iPhone 4Apple thinking to have new phone that is much better so they can learn from their mistakesAnd if this is not the case so Apple may have big problem since the android and motorola have raised the warSo I believe there will be a surprise when iPhone 5 releasedCoz we all remember the leak that happened in iPhone 4
  • CheeseEater
    CheeseEater Posts: 40
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    4G!, 4G!, 4G! ---- bah! who cares! It is NOT available in more places than it is, and that is going to be the way of it for many more years while the infrastructure is upgraded. By the time it is as widespread as 3G is now, the iPhone 10 neural implants will be out and people will be complaining about that because it doesn't read all their thoughts, just most of them. What a bunch of whiners!
  • Hui
    Hui Posts: 9
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    hey you do not know anything about computers, if you did you would know that the graphics card has more to do with the games. i have a 5870 so i would know.
  • Smart Fix
    Smart Fix Posts: 2
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    more ram is definetly better but i didnt see anything about a retina display?
  • joanna
    joanna Posts: 5
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    I believe the device as capable as Ipad 2 need 1gb of ram to maximize performance, 512mb ram, who are you joking with, just because it's in iOS ecosystem that's why. Part of the reasons I believe why Apple didn't put 1gb ram because the memory is probably the most expensive component inside the device itself. I used my iphone4 and test it again the ipad-1, both iphone4 and ipad-1 has the same A4-CPU, the only different is that iphone 4 got 512mb ram and ipad is 256mb ram, guess what, ipad seems more laggy than iphone 4. Maybe putting 2 or above gb of ram in the ipad-2 would be wasted, but 1gb is necessary.
  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    Perhaps my choice of words weren't perfect, but I still stand behind my initial thought, yes there are a couple 4G capable handsets although right now, barely anyone would ever need it, it's there, and yes sir, u r an apple fanboy blind to the $h!tty wool Apple has pulled over your eyes. Put an Atrix next to the iPhone 4 and watch it run circles around it.
  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    I live in a world where I believe no one should be able to tell me how I can and cannot use my device. I live in a world beyond what apple wants me to see, and I can step back and see more than what they want me to see. You must live in the world where apple tells you what's good for you and only gives you just enough to keep you interested. Check out nvidias tegra wiki, in the second half of 2011 they are supposed to release a quad core processor for tablets, I'm sure it's already in a prototype device. Look beyond apple and see what's all out there.