Apple Negotiating With Music Labels To Allow Users Unlimited Music Redownloads

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imageApple Negotiating With Music Labels To Allow Users Unlimited Music Redownloads

Currently, when you buy a song, video, TV show or album from the iTunes store, you are entitled to download it only once, a restriction forced by music labels. The restriction could be removed as Bloomberg reports that Apple is negotiating with music labels to allow users to redownload music purchased from iTunes store an unlimited number of times from any device.

Read the full story here


  • Marusya
    Marusya Posts: 58
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    1st. That would be good.. sucks to have to purchase it again.. currently have to copy the files to have a back up....
  • Purchase!
    Purchase! Posts: 0
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    your 1st to be a mug aswell, especially if you actually pay for music these days
  • FI
    FI Posts: 0
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    Label company always blame their poor CDs sales cause of illegal download but, if you have to keep paying for the music that you've already bought legally than no wonder there are people like "Purchase!".
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    This will really create an awesome prospect for iTunes.
  • malinda
    malinda Posts: 1
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    I think it would be a great idea to purchase music and then download it many times. However, artists wont really be any profits if people cheat and download them as many times as they want. But then again, it almost like buying an album, you can upload them to many computers or so as you want because you already purchased the cd legally.
  • Davewcoble
    Davewcoble Posts: 5
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    The thing about it @Malinda is that u can only authiorize 5 devises 2 download it at a time with the cloud you would be streaming it 2 said devises or computers it wouldn't really be located on your Equipment it would do basically the same as streaming groveshark ( much better then pandora) it would make it a massive competitor to Pandora all online radio stations (ie aol radio yahoo music and so on) even groveshark Becuz it's your own collection of music it will give ppl more of an insinuative to buy from iTunes instead of other Places it is a brilliant marketing ploy they will say your music anywhere anytime (with Internet connection of course) it's something massive that if you think long run will be super innovative ( sorry if I bored you but I work in marketing and it is a great interest of mine)
  • Davewcoble
    Davewcoble Posts: 5
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    Btw purchase your a jerk ppl like you are the ones that make every day cost of things go up if you don't understand it's called stealing have some integrity and go out and buy the flipping cd if you get caught with illegal music it can mean prison and $250,000 fines not 2 mention a lawsuit which will cost you even more they don't take that lightly and if you do that after this I hope they track your email from this site and sue u for all your worth ppl like you piss me off your nothing but lil wimps to scared to grow some balls and pay for something where I come from you pay for everything and you carry your own weight and not shove it off on others
  • RC
    RC Posts: 7
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    No its not stealing since, you dont take it away from the owner, you just COPY it, then its not stealing , is copyingAlso remember the prices of the CDs before the mp3s were so widely used, the prices were as high as now, so no, its not our fault; THEY actually steal from us, so we found a way to COPY from the owner!!otherwise our pocket would be empty and their pocket full...according to you if you dont have money you are not allowed to listen to music?? does it make sence??? i dont think so , music should be free for everyoneand finally, i dont see any singer or actor or anything, having problems with money, they are RICH do u know what that means?? why give them more moey since i dont have any!!