iPhone Jailbreakers And Unlockers Should Avoid Upgrading To iOS 4.3

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imageiPhone Jailbreakers And Unlockers Should Avoid Upgrading To iOS 4.3

We reported yesterday that iOS 4.3 GM has already been jailbroken using PwnageTool 4.2, unofficial custom bundles, Universal Ramdisk Fixes and tetheredboot utility.

BigBoss has just warned users who want to jailbreak and unlock their iPhone to avoid upgrading to iOS 4.3 until the official jailbreaking tools are released.

BigBoss warns:

As always, I give my standard warning not to update and wait for the jailbreak release. This time, I am giving some extra caution, however.

Read the full story here


  • Karro
    Karro Posts: 8
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    i am new to all this.so i have iphone 4 which come already with IOS 4.2.1 BB 03.10.01,and i want to JB and unlockwhat should i do JB for now till the unlock release? JB with green poison and wait or just wait?do i need to save SHSH?i am really confusehelp guys
  • mrklean01
    mrklean01 Posts: 12
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    Well here we go again, at 4.2.1 unlocked and jailbroken , waited 4months for that , they just might as wait till iPhone 5 hits , great work guys !
  • mrklean01
    mrklean01 Posts: 12
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    Karro: Use green poison , if your not going to use another carrie ie T Mobile, you wont need to unlock it but get it now
  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    thanks for the heads up cant wait for the jb
  • Bas
    Bas Posts: 5
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    Why don't you just do it yourself then of you don't want to wait?
  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    Personally I think Apple does all the software updates just to mess with the jail breaking community. Wish they would just unlock everyone and let US decide how we want to use them and what carrier we want to give our money to.
  • Drublic
    Drublic Posts: 11
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    NO UNLOCK ON THAT BB YET Karro, just have to patiently wait like the rest of us until the dev team release the unlock, hopefully in a week or two...
  • whocares
    whocares Posts: 25
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    yes save ur shsh files and go ahead and jailbreak 421 with greenp0sion
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Oh no, looks like APple is back to its act.
  • Bnort
    Bnort Posts: 0
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    I cannot wait to accidentally update to 4.3, then complain about how long it's taking the Dev team to give me a free jailbreak and unlock!
  • Val
    Val Posts: 60
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    I see what you did there. :-|
  • ifonix
    ifonix Posts: 76
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    thanx to dev team for the worning.as Bnort said cannot wait for people who accidentally update to 4.3, then complain..and for mrklean01 smal people stay small. as yuo i wold like to see a.s.a.p JB and UL for 4.3 for all iphones/ipads/ipods but the dev team and the rest of the jail breakers do it for FREE!!! give it for FREE that people as you will enjoy the freedom to use thay i-devise..and if you was investing 1/8 of the time that dev team and ther rest of the JBeakers inveted to give you some thing for free, wold you come with beter JB/UL?????? think about it deep down you are a small man!
  • Candy Kurt
    Candy Kurt Posts: 3
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    I want to do it all the right way but please don't test my patience by waiting forever to release the proper tools. We've all waited forever and it hurts to have an iphone 4 but still have to use an iphone 3g. Please have evrything ready for March 11th at the very latest. Thanks That's it and That's all.
  • Ramin Farshchi
    Ramin Farshchi Posts: 1
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    DEARSI have bought an iphone 4 with os 4.2.1 for since 3 days ago. But after working some minutes with it (especially with camera), my iphone freezes or restarts again. The seller says that it will be solved with OS4.3. Is it true? Please help me. I am so depressed because of it.
  • CinDaBronx
    CinDaBronx Posts: 1
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    I want to thank the development community for all their work, and plan on putting my money where my mouth is(Donation)!! I would have no problem paying a few bucks for the unlock...maybe all these whiners and haters might do the same. Man-up!!!!
  • MK
    MK Posts: 64
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    jailbreak it with greenposi0n wait for ultrasn0w to be update
  • bryan
    bryan Posts: 57
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    The main board on your iPhone is defective. The seller ripped you off
  • nicacolo
    nicacolo Posts: 27
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    I would jb using greenpoison b4 4.3 is released. If you decide to wait, it may take some time for 4.3 jb to come out.
  • divious
    divious Posts: 15
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    don't update to the 4.3. when it's released trust me you dont want to have to keep waiting for the Dev Team and there terrible etas on jailbreaks and unlox
  • Ali
    Ali Posts: 86
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    hello .. i am here to get some advice … i am new to the jailbreak community and didnt see all the advice and warnings given online and tried to update my 3GS to new iOS 4.3 and now it is stuck in recovery mode.. any helpful advice, have i lost my phone or it can still be workable....
  • ck
    ck Posts: 23
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    I have the same problem as well. How can I "restore" my unlocked 3GS back to 4.2.1 with the 06.15.00 baseband? I didn't do the jailbreak and unlock myself (I paid someone to do it when I was traveling in Hong Kong 2 weeks ago). So I don't have any of the "restore" or custom built file. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!