iPad 2 Graphics Performance Benchmarked: Blows Away iPad 1 And Tegra 2 Powered Motorola Xoom

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imageiPad 2 Graphics Performance Benchmarked: Blows Away iPad 1 And Tegra 2 Powered Motorola Xoom

Apple’s iPad 2 comes with a faster 1 GHz dual-core A5 chip, which can do twice the work of the original iPad and up to 9 times graphics performance.

According to a report by AnandTech, Apple’s new A5 System on a Chip (SoC) includes a more powerful PowerVR SGX 543MP2 instead of the PowerVR SGX 535 used in the original A4.

AnandTech explains:

Read the full story here


  • Joe blow
    Joe blow Posts: 12
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    Stop with the comparison!!! There all great devices!!!
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    That may be true, but comparison is what allows you to make the best possible decision for yourself. I don't understand why you're so upset about someone offering you information. I know if I'm going to make a big purchase, I want as much information as possible so I know I got what's best for me. So suck it.
  • Marusya
    Marusya Posts: 58
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    he just wasted his money and now he wishes he waited... I didn't get the iPad 1 knowing that the 2 would be out and there would be major difference... Apple trends is to surpass the past and rival the competition.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Finally a true test of speed instead of these idiotic browser tests which prove nothing!
  • C. Emanuel Laguna Jr
    via Wordpress
    The GeForce ULP GPU in Tegra 2 is more weaker than the SGX543MP2 in the A5, this is fact!Remember: the nVidia's GeForce GTX 580 is a GPU for desktops only and the company is a novice in ARM mobile devices.
  • Ciprian Biris
    Ciprian Biris Posts: 36
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    We should pay respect to iPad 2.i thought it is a piece of crap but now I see the reality. it's the best table available. it's a pity that i can't afford it :P
  • Ciprian Biris
    Ciprian Biris Posts: 36
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    i meant "tablet" instead of "table" :D
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    This chip in the iPhone will really make crazy improvements.
  • lou
    lou Posts: 35
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    Well I have an iPad 1 and have been very happy with it the past 6 months you waited. Now I am waiting for the ipad 3 which will be out before christmas because I know it will be way better than YOUR iPad 2. Maybe not every one else's iPad 2 but definitely better than yours!
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    No one knows for certain when the iPad 3 will be out. Most likely next year, following the same release schedule. Everything else is just a rumor.
  • Joe blow
    Joe blow Posts: 12
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  • poop
    poop Posts: 10
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    Apple made a good move when they decided to go inhouse with their processor development. It makes their device nearly impossible to mimic. Not to mention they can customize the processor to completely satisfy the needs of the device
  • Dempa
    Dempa Posts: 33
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    Great to read about the improvements! I will probably buy the '2' when it arrives in EU but still hope NVidias next Tegra will be even faster. Otherwise Apple won't push more hp in the next chip. I believe the best for us iDevice users is when competition ups the heat as it forces Apple to give us more for our $$$ :-)Anyway, I do notice AnandTech ran the demos on different resolutions (Xoom vs iPad) which obviously affects the numbers but not more than keeping iPad2 on the gfx top!
  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    It's funny how they forget to mention that the XOOM's display operates at at 16% greater resolution than the IPad2's. Of course the iPad2 will have better framerates with less pixels to render. Nice slight of hand Apple....
  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    Is it just me? The only difference I see in those pics is that iPad 1 looks a little darker. That's it.Honestly, even the comparison I saw where the guy had 9 webpages open on each device and the iPad 1 refreshed half the pages when switched to? Lame. I don't think I've EVER had 9 pages open at once. Maybe 6. Usually just 4, and even then it's not cuz I needed each page. That test really seemed bogus to me. Who keeps that many pages open? Ever?
  • CheeseEater
    CheeseEater Posts: 40
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    I got an ipad 2 and there is a noticeable speed difference between my old ipad (now my wife's) and my shiny new one. I would compare it to the difference in speed between the first iPhone and the 3GS. It's very nice.
  • aizen
    aizen Posts: 1
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  • Anthony
    Anthony Posts: 66
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    If you feel that way just add 16% to all of the Xoom scores to make the pixel amount fair between the two tablets. The iPad 2 is STILL at least twice at fast as the Xoom regardless of pixels. Maybe Tegra 3 will be better lol
  • fluffy
    fluffy Posts: 1
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    I keep at least 10 tabs open on my web browser when looking at ****.
  • olivenoire
    olivenoire Posts: 1
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    Yes I will, because tegra is not an apple product.