Study Claims iPad 2 Display Delivers Almost Identical Performance To iPhone 4’s Retina Display

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imageStudy Claims iPad 2 Display Delivers Almost Identical Performance To iPhone 4’s Retina Display

iPad 2 is a major improvement over the the first generation iPad, its 33% thinner, 15% lighter than the original iPad, features Apple’s new dual-core A5 chip for faster performance and better graphics, comes with front facing camera for FaceTime and PhotoBooth and a rear facing camera that captures 720p HD video.

Read the full story here


  • iBoy
    iBoy Posts: 14
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    I checked out iPad 2 at the Apple store yesterday. The screen resolution is in no way compared to iPhone 4 even with anti-aliasing. Just look at some web pages with small fonts and you will see.
  • Caddouch
    Caddouch Posts: 35
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    That's not true , I have an iPhone 4 and I went to apple store yesterday to see iPad 2 display and I WAS NOT IMPRESSED BY THE DISPLAY WHATSOEVER , so I think this review is total BULSHIT !
  • RJ
    RJ Posts: 13
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    I just want my iPad 2 delivered. I am upset about the shortage! I waited in line at Best Buy, and the one I chose had no 3G models (while others in my area did). Then I got home 2pm PST and ordered it via Apple Store and it says it wont ship until April 1st. At first I was hoping it was an early April Fools joke, but doesnt look like it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  • So What
    So What Posts: 10
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  • First
    First Posts: 8
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  • First
    First Posts: 8
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    well i thought i was
  • Bahram
    Bahram Posts: 5
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    thinner, lighter, camera, better CPU...still not enough to call it ipad 2...
  • Jeremiah
    Jeremiah Posts: 4
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    Seriously! These people must be blind! I was disappointed with the screen from day one! Being used to the retina display text often feels blurryband pixelated. Not to mention the black level sucks. It takes some getting used to and still is a wonderful product, but it desperately needs a screen upgrade. The ppi is far to low, no where near the smoothness of the retina. The retina has spoiled me. ViperJPBPosted from an iPad 2
  • raz
    raz Posts: 5
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    Most of us, don't really understand that Ipad is a tool which will be held so far away from the eye, that those pixels wont be seen. No one will hold the ipad so close as the iphone, because of the enormous screen display. Let's take for example a laptop, with a 1366 by 768 resolution, on a 15.6 inch display, its ppi coefficient is lower than the ipad's, and these 2 devices, laptop and ipad are held to similar distance from the eye.The resolution is great for reading, and multimedia, Jobs will never put retina display on the ipad, because he is not stupid.
  • JD
    JD Posts: 82
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    get this dumb as article out of here....
  • JD
    JD Posts: 82
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  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Nonsense, no way do they compare.
  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    Get a life. If it bothers you that badly, then your priorities are screwed up. Heaven forbid you should have to wait 2-3 weeks for something, especially when a number of the parts are manufactured in a country that was just devastated by an apocalyptic earthquake, tsunami and nuclear plant radiation leak. But, I don't see you getting worked up over what happened there. No. It's that you don't have your ipad immediately this second, so you can brag to your friends (if you even have any). Just order one, and wait like everyone else, and maybe spend some time worrying about something that actually matters...
  • Hoi
    Hoi Posts: 0
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    Funny how many people misinterpret this article. Read it a few times, if you still can't see what it says you're just plain stupid.
  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    maybe 332 ppi would be to high for an ipad, either way apple should have improved the display, I mean they improved everything else, from the cpu to the battery, and yet they let one of the most crucial aspects unchanged, the lcd panel that you interact and view the damn thing, I have sneaking suspicion that they did this on purpose and will introduce an update on the ipad 3, they always do this, they can come up with a perfect product but they don't because then they would have to overexert themselves on the next gen ...