iPad 2 Jailbreak Vulnerability Fixed In iOS 4.3.1

^_^ Posts: 4,429
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageiPad 2 Jailbreak Vulnerability Fixed In iOS 4.3.1

We had heard rumors that one of the reasons Apple was planning to release iOS 4.3.1 was to fix the iPad 2 jailbreak vulnerability in iOS 4.3.

It looks like the rumors were accurate as Comex has revealed that Apple has patched the vulnerability in iPad 2 in iOS 4.3.1 released few days back.

Comex - developer of popular jailbreaking tools like Spirit and JailbreakMe had successfully jailbroken iPad 2 couple of days after it was available.

He revealed this via the following tweets:

Read the full story here


  • Dub
    Dub Posts: 5
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    Dang apple love their producs:)
  • Bruce Lee
    Bruce Lee Posts: 17
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    MuscleTurd.....shoots & scores again!!
  • Pal
    Pal Posts: 33
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    Hello people, if you want to stay ahead of Apple in the cat and mouse game you have to get the iDevice around launch time. So your ensured the oldest bootroom (if they patch it later on like they did with the 3GS) and the oldest BB. I'm sitting pretty with my JB'd i4 4.2.1 w/BB 01.59.00. Also, when you buy at launch and maintain your JB and unlock status you can sell your iphone for more than you bought it for and then buy the i5 at launch. I've been doing this since the 3G and have always profited ~$200 for upgrading to the newest iPhone.
  • Lg1
    Lg1 Posts: 99
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    Wow ur a fucking genius ... Go wait on line or pitch a tent for days to make 200 ..... Loooooooosssssseeeeeerrrrrr!
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Since the fixed the exploit, can't Geohot (or anyone for that matter) release a tool to jailbreak the iPad 2 with 4.3 firmware now without worrying about anything? If it's patched in 4.3.1 anyway, it's not like they're risking using the exploit early, right? It'd be nice if they would do that, I purposefully never updated my iPad 2 just in case this happened!
  • Alf
    Alf Posts: 8
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    Please could any of the teams release a jailbreak tool for ipad2 on 4.3 os
  • Pal
    Pal Posts: 33
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    hahaha... funny thing is i dont wait in line.. theres this ingenious thing called a web browser and you can type in www.apple.com... and click a few buttons and the iphone magically arrives at my doorstep a couple of days before launch... you should give it a try... go back into your corner and cry about not being a jb and unlock! putz!
  • Bullfrog
    Bullfrog Posts: 44
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    Brilliant reply! You're probably one of the idiots who upgraded your iphone before there was an unlock and now you have a very expensive ipod. FOOL!
  • rh
    rh Posts: 13
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    This is exactly what I do. I've bought on launch day for every iPhone released. I ordered online once and stood in line for the rest. The longest I've stood in line was 6 hours and it was a blast. Everyone was talking, joking around and having fun. You, my friend, are absolutely right. RH
  • rh
    rh Posts: 13
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    You are an idiot. RH
  • rh
    rh Posts: 13
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    Sorry Bullfrog. My comment looks like it was directed at you. It was directed at Lg1RH
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    Please release the jailbreak for 4.3 for the ipad2 know
  • NZ
    NZ Posts: 2
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    I would not buy iPhone or iPod unless it can be JB. I might still unwillingly buy iPad2 when I need it.
  • Sanjeev
    Sanjeev Posts: 15
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    why is iphone dev team this weak this time?? how can apple fix all the holes in their iOS..i am still shocked to know that iphone 4 is still unlockable for heigher basebands..and now iOS 4.3.1 is thetered jailbreak!!i think we need better hackers in iPhone Dev team..
  • Dev
    Dev Posts: 63
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    I think you need to get a fucking life!!!!!!
  • DrunkMunki
    DrunkMunki Posts: 62
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    seems apple is increasingly releasing new versions of their iOS when a JB is found, they never used to do this and now they're actively perusing it.Shame Apple feels so compelled to try and take the offensive instead just leave the JB alone, then buy cydia and have a 2 tiered system, would generate huge cash for Apple. Guess they're still stuck in the iPhone box. Big mistake for Apple since Android is winning the mobile race, and soon WP7 with its xbox game portability.
  • FU
    FU Posts: 41
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    *facepalm*Can't understand why morons will stand in line for few hrs/days just to get something that they must pay! If it is free than I can understand but ...I just don't understand why fools are so happy when they get their new iDevices. When seeing them so happy on the tele all I gotta say to myself is - Are they f stupid?! Retards!You know what, that's what Apple top men will think everytime they see morons queing up for the products and act like they won the lottery when they got their hands on a new iDevices!
  • D3@tH
    D3@tH Posts: 32
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    Can i at least use Sn0breeze to jailbrek iPad 2?
  • iphonegeek
    iphonegeek Posts: 1
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    I don't think so, whatever it is Apple is the best. For latest on iPhone,iPad2 and if you want to win a free iPad2 join www.facebook/enewsplus and recommend to your friends also.
  • brothk
    brothk Posts: 1
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    Thanks bro . I don’t think so, whatever it is Apple is the best. For latest on iPhone,iPad2 and if you want to win a free iPad2 join http://www.facebook.com/enewsplus and recommend to your friends also.
  • Jimmy Bond
    Jimmy Bond Posts: 2
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    Dear Dev Team, first of thank you all for all your hard efforts in developing these codes that we all enjoyed for al long time now. Please ignore all those uneducated and uncivilized comments of these nasty people in this forum. They are just all selfish retarded leeches. Please take note that they are millions of us the members of satisfied and thankful public of all your help and efforts. We all salute you and will patiently wait for other updates.....To all detractors and unhappy wankers out there...please don't **** in this forum...and do all your whinging to your unhappy faces. If you're unhappy with your idevices then please wait patiently or if not just put it inside the toilet bowl because they are cleaner than your mouths and your hearts.
  • Ilovemorons
    Ilovemorons Posts: 4
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    do devs really give a crap about what these idiots say about them?
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    Unlocked versions are always available.... Are you THAT stupid?Then again, by your reply I'd imagine so.
  • melaila
    melaila Posts: 0
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    How long do we have to wait for the untethered Jailbreak like Redsnow. If you want to Win a free iPad2 visit http://www.enewsplus.com/win-free-ipad-2-giveaway-from-enewsplus-com/Thanks
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Stop shouting at people who upgraded their phones, not everyone is aware about how Apple complicates stuff.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    does anyone no when we can expect to have and unlock for iPhone 4 on 4.2.1 waiting but starting to go crazy hurry up Dev team
  • Edro
    Edro Posts: 3
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    I agree with Jimmy, I thank the dev team for all the ( Free stuff and hard work that is put in these jb's they keep us from making apple more money for their apps that should b less expensive and devices that are to expensive people want to complain about the dev team , they prob dont donate anything, and expect everything,there just leeches and don't have a clue .......
  • FU!!!!
    FU!!!! Posts: 1
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    ur the 1 that needs to get a god damn life