Microsoft Exec: Tablets Like Apple’s iPad May Be Just A Fad

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imageMicrosoft Exec: Tablets Like Apple’s iPad May Be Just A Fad

Microsoft’s Chief Research and Strategy Officer Craig Mundie recently said at a lunch held in Sydney by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) that he did not know whether tablets like the iPad would "remain with us or not".

He sees the smartphones as the successor to the PC rather than tablets like iPad.

Microsoft’s Chief Research and Strategy officer Craig Mundie had this to say:

Read the full story here


  • Bruce Lee
    Bruce Lee Posts: 17
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    Microsoft we love you......last!!
  • george
    george Posts: 88
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    $500 for Ipad... $1200 for slate PC that doesn't have an "app store" and utilizes an OS designed for a mouse and keyboard... hmm wonder why they didn't sell... at least with a convertible you have the option of using it like a laptop... M$ douchery at its best..
  • FredMC
    FredMC Posts: 73
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    sour grapes because they bungled the whole tablet thing (and likely the smart phone thing) and now they are going to start losing new-PC sales (Windows installs) to the new tablets. I know I am forgoing upgrading my old laptop and instead ordered an iPad, and I am not the only one.
  • Azures
    Azures Posts: 22
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    I clearly remember them saying that the iPhone was just a fad when i came out. lol
  • hendrix6969
    hendrix6969 Posts: 8
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    I see the iPad type device as the new replacement of the old out dated laptops and Microsoft is upset as they missed the wagon. We all want everything on the go with heaps of battery life and small enough to lug around and the iPad type devices allow us to do just that. Thai you apple for the best products to allow us to do the things we need to on the go.
  • DaBFee1
    DaBFee1 Posts: 3
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  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Steve Ballmer laughs at the iphone. Enough said.
  • Fuck you
    Fuck you Posts: 47
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    I think when the windows 7 tablets pick up in their hardware, they can compete against the iPad.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Microsoft cant make one so they had to say this.
  • PasovecPapa
    PasovecPapa Posts: 8
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    I'm writing this comment on a MacBook Pro which is mainly used for iPhone app developement. However, I would buy iPad only because I need it for testing. Otherwise useless for me - if I can carry iPad, I can carry much more useful MacBook; if I want to really move, iPhone is more than I need.
  • Christian Mercado
    Christian Mercado Posts: 33
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    I think the iPad needs to improve a whole lot more in Oder for me to buy one at the end of the day it just an overgrown itouch if u have an iPhone I really don't c the point of having one it should be more costumeizable for one like the galaxy tab it has more personality to me the iPad is just dull everytime I have one in my hands I don't even know what to do with it theirs nothing at all that sets it apart from the iPhone except the big screen and it should interact with other things like camerah other phones that would make it a bit better so I kinda understand where Microsoft is coming from the iPad should have been a Mac os/ iOS that's would have been great
  • PebsUK
    PebsUK Posts: 41
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    Buy an iPad to read, (except newspaper/kindle are better) play games hmmm (pretend games), run office applications (sort of, it after all it is an apple) browse the internet (partially) it's fully open system (no it's an apple!) great pricing (really!) My iPad 1 sat in a draw for 10 months of its short life as it didn't replace anything practically, if the iPhone 4 worked properly as a phone now that would be the killer device (shame)!
  • Christian Mercado
    Christian Mercado Posts: 33
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    I comepletely agree with u I have an iphone4 and MacBook pro dont need anything else
  • Denialbuster
    Denialbuster Posts: 1
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    I have an iPhone 4 a MacBook pro and free access to two Mac Pro's. I just recently got an iPad 2. I have to say that while at first blush it might seem like the same thing as the iPhone only larger I would have to respectfully disagree.Apps made for the iPad are way more functional than the iPhone precisely because of the larger screen. Battery life is way better on the iPad too which for me is big. Between the iPhone and iPad the only time I need my laptop is for serious graphic design or programming. Laptops still have their place but I think tablets are here to stay...Keep in mind that the comments of the tablet being a fad are coming from the same company where it's CEO (Bill Gates) in 1994 went on record to say that the Internet was just a fad!
  • Jailbreak rules
    Jailbreak rules Posts: 5
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    iPad sucks because it can't run flash. Still! So some websites you can't watch videos or play games. Too limited still. A slim and light laptop (even the macbook air) is the way to go!
  • third23
    third23 Posts: 0
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    trying to do some inception to the mass.. what next? LIMBO?
  • Robert
    Robert Posts: 146
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    pfft microsoft last thing decent thing to come from them was xp...Iv never like anything by windows...also found it funny when they did the whole anti apple thing, when the xbox 360(older model) uses the same motherboard as a g5(tower)I dont own a apple product yet but hoping to buy a mac mini and a ipad, I just want summit I can check forums and emails and IM...I dont care about flashI have a linux machine for any thing heavy
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Not entirely true! We are about to release a flash based game on the iPhone/iPad with the aid of Adobe AIR. We have seen a massive jump in performance with Flash on the iPhone, so much so that it is now wiping the floor with the Galaxy S Android phone. Performance went from 15 fps to 60fps overnight which goes to prove what Steve Jobs was saying all along, it was making the iPhone look like a bad performer when in fact it is much better than other devices!
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    agree with MS, but still see the sour grapes. If our phones are powerful enough to dock in to out tvs, keyboards, home audio, etc we may aswell just use that. Ipad is basically an underpowered laptop with the same docking abilities as the phone. In the end it looks like we're just buying alternatives for desktops, not laptops. As a point of view comment, I work technology events at hotels, and see thousands of business people with smartphones, ipads, and laptops. When i ask them why all three? They basically tell me have the smartphone for fun, talking, and for checking emails. They have the ipad for fun and checking emails. Laptop for fun, talking, work (everything). Makes me see the redundancy of the pads.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    You'll dump your laptop for an iPad? Not the wisest of choices. Laptops are far more capable devices. iPads are like labotomised computers, they're more akin to a portable media player than a computer. I'm also not a big fan of a single App store I prefer to shop around. If apple decide you can't have something that's it, you don't get it, unless you JB. At the end of the day it's your choice but I think you'll regret your choice sooner rather than later. Consider some of the hybrid devices that are begining to appear on the market that way you'll have the full functionality of a laptop and the convenience of a tablet.
  • dawards0628
    dawards0628 Posts: 0
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    Apple strict control over software has made for a very stable platform notice the only people that complain about apple are those of us that really get into tech and read blogs like this.From a company stand point I think it is more than obvious that Apple has the right idea in mind when thinking about the common consumer, the majority if you will.I can most certainly agree that while the iPad is a wonderful device, it can not be used alone, You must set an iPad up on a computer, transfer music on a computer. Mine IS jail broke and I still need my computer running to allow AIR PRINT using a 6 month old printer. My iPad would be nothing more than a Brick if not for a computer, I use my iPad alot less since I switched to a Mac Book Pro, but the iPad is still my "around the house" companion as my phone is too small when there is something better available.Really glad to, for once, not see a bunch of smack talk on here and hope that anyone thinking of getting an iPad vs computer find this helpful
  • balls
    balls Posts: 7
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    Apple **** riders!!!
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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  • Steve F
    Steve F Posts: 3
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    The problem with IPads is censorship via design and the app store. No **** , no offensive movies , nothing that might be regarded as upsetting to any religion. No apps that don't think or work the Apple way. No flash. They have become the oppressive empire they were trying to destroy in their famous first advert against IBM.Android allows freedom of choice, consumption and expression. Microsoft should focus on that.
  • Evolution?
    Evolution? Posts: 0
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    Look. An iPad is an accessory. It's an extension of the iPhone or a Mac. Apple design their product to work nicely within their software environment and sets limitations which lots of folks don't like, but at the same time many folks that are already part of the Mac world dont mind all. Windows environment adapt to a broader group and has been for decades and sets no limitations on hardware and software to where many manufacturer can build product from MS architect. Just look at all of computer retail and online store. Try to find a store that have custom build parts to build your own Mac. I don't hear people ever saying why can't Mac be like MS. It's Because they miss that opportunity decades ago and will not open up there limitation. If MS use Apple stragedy then it would not be where it is now. Both OS are great software and have comparable potentials. It's due to what the business decisioning making and a little on demands that sets them apart. MS already have a working and establish business so why would it try to copy Apple's ways which is only a few percent of computer user. Look the iPad, itouch and the iPhone are the same just in different physical shell and its nothing wrong with that at all. Apple want all of their product in sync and unity but at same time that is why it will be hard them to take over MS shares of users. MS products still work amongst personal and business uses, but unfortunately anything that is popular will have a higher rate of attacks by amature and professionals interest groups. Don't think mac O.S are immune to spyware, viruses...ect. You are silly if you think Mac is bullet proof. When you have problem you will have major problem and is harder to fix then MS product. I believe MS could build a comparable product to the iPad but choose not to. Logically it make since but in long term business since it doesnt. I thinks it's due to new developing technologies coming and developing cost that is putting MS in check. Both company's have there own market and are good at what they do. There is something else is brewing upon the technology horizon that both Mac and MS should be thinking about, but I'm not going there. This post is long enough already and my thumbs need a rest. LOL... cheers!
  • james king
    james king Posts: 12
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    Agreed,An intelligent response. I think that unless Apple allows for a more open platform, the space for tablets will move away from Apple. It is clear everyone will want their own software store on every platform soon enough (amazon???). Plus the cloud is the true future of computing and microsoft knows this. Are tablets a fad? no... but the ipad may be
  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    Solution is pretty simple: Give us fully operational Operating Systems on the Pads (Full Windows or OS X) and this will keep the pads and make them replace laptop PCs ... Simple!!
  • jos
    jos Posts: 1
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    Another reply from a fanboy. The truth is that the iphone 4 is not very performant and yes it doesnt do flash well and never will unless specific apps are defined for i. It will never run flash the way its met to be because steve job is a bully that want to control everything so that he can prevent user from thinking...
  • saravanan
    saravanan Posts: 1
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    Microsoft Will bring something better than ipad.I support it too......I do not know why people are blindly putting there money on a gadget, for which its upgraded version released year by year, what happens you become outdated with product's hardware