AT&T’s CEO Says T-Mobile Deal Will Help In Improving Service For iPhone Customers

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageAT&T’s CEO Says T-Mobile Deal Will Help In Improving Service For iPhone Customers

AT&T’s Randall Stephenson said that acquiring T-Mobile will boost network capacity and improve service for devices such as iPhone.

When AT&T announced that it will be acquiring T-Mobile USA, we had also mentioned that the acquisition should help in AT&T and T-Mobile to improve the voice quality thanks to the increased cell tower density and broader network infrastructure.

Bloomberg reports:

Read the full story here



  • Alex MAtias
    Alex MAtias Posts: 11
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    doesnt that mean that data and cheaper calling plans prices (in this case T-mobile of course) r gonna raise up to att current ones??...
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Most likely, tmobile customers will be grandfathered in with their current plans. Then if those customers upgrade to new phones in the future, they'll probably be required to upgrade to new price plans.The tmobile customers have a choice. Cancel when their contract is up. Win win for everyone, except sprint.
  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    What a bunch of b******. AT&T never does anything to benefit us their customers. Its all about corporate profits. With one less competitor around, they will raise prices and cut services of course. Wake Up ... do you actually still believe this line of c**p?
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Yes, I do. Their capacity and bandwidth will be increased through taking over tmobile's spectrum. A new cell tower takes up to 12 months to get approved and even longer to build. Tmobile already has hardware and spectrum. ATT will use that to provide improved 3g coverage and faster 4g deployment. I'd rather pay a little more for complete coverage than cheap for shitty coverage. There's always boost mobile, metropcs, etc for the lower bracket consumers.People want choice. How about letting those of us who want premium service choose it?
  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    John you are out of your mine dude!!! Either you are a rich kid or an idiot that doesn't understand the consecuences of this merger FOOLLL!!!
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Actually, I'm a grown man and I'm not rich but my income bracket falls under the upper middle class. As for the consequences of this merger? As a consumer, there is none. Many fail to see the benefits. Most only see the negative.Tmobile was on its way out already. Those who enjoyed cheap tmobile plans must had known it'd eventually end with or without ATT. That is something people can't seem to realize.The only consequences of this merger are improved capacity and bandwidth. Sure customer service will suffer, but honestly I've called ATT once maybe twice in the last 10 years. Prices will continue to increase the same way it has been for years. Can't get a gallon of gas for a buck now, can you?
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    While liberal and idiot are not always a synonomous, they are this time. John, you must be a liberal. I love competition; in fact our America thrives on it. While we may have better coverage with the "new" At&t, those of whom opted for a GSM speed with cheaper data prices lose huge. Sure, once again, their coverage is expanded, but not near enough to justify a family plan with two phones and unlimited data for $90 will jump $50 to $140. I'm considering text messaging in that as well, of course. At&t has ranked as the worst network available of all available. They are now 30% larger, and 130% worse. Punch yourself in the ****, John.
  • Badass
    Badass Posts: 9
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    Sucks for all the customers that left AT&T for "Bad Service". Haha. I also don't see this as a bad thing either. If AT&T wants to keep up with Verizon and Sprint, their prices will have to stay relatively low to keep business. I just hope they don't mess this up some how. More bars, in more places, keeps consumers happy :)
  • Badass
    Badass Posts: 9
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    I completely agree. Original comment is down below.
  • Badass
    Badass Posts: 9
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    Before you insult somebody make sure your grammar is correct. "Consecuences" isn't a word. Maybe your the idiot that does not understand the CONSEQUENCES of this merger. Fool.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Its only for the money, that is it.
  • Apple Shit
    Apple Shit Posts: 4
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    John look around you and see how many people like you.. smartass, beautypusy, to show people that oh im using iphone surfing web by supported 3 or 4g ... wat is an idiot i dont know how rich you are but myself rarely using iphone for internet.. i guest you are wearing glasses. 8-P. Is it better for you to use a laptop??? or you dont have one??. Im Tmobile customer. i have not not want to pay extra for thing i dont really need. think before you say shitty. BadAss not wonder you are stink dogshit. Grammar ?? wat the f you think about grammar??? can it make you rich?? tell me how many languages can you speak and write?? . If you can do three(3) or more then you can be able to justice someone. you know wat ??? I think that Mrs John have a clean ****. You can use it to make your BadAss cleaner.
  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    Shut up badass !!! I'm gonna stick my iPhone in your ass!!!!
  • Lg1
    Lg1 Posts: 99
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    I love AT&T and I agree with John.
  • Mama Bell
    Mama Bell Posts: 1
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    Remember Mama Bell. It took a lawsuit before we could break up this monopoly. If AT&T is the only GSM carrier, we will pay a hefty price to support this monopoly. Competition is needed to keep price low. Otherwise we are under the control of these big corporation.
  • GD
    GD Posts: 8
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    you hear of LTE .... thats were things are going
  • GD
    GD Posts: 8
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    T-moblie was already on its way out , why not AT&T.... ;)
  • E4tH
    E4tH Posts: 0
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    It will only improve voice and edge coverage. T-Mobile's 3G/4G network uses a different radio spectrum then the one iphone supports so T-Mobile's 3G/4G network is pretty much useless to AT&T consumers until they make phones that support T-Mobile's 3G/4G network or upgrade T-Mobile towers to also use the radio spectrums that of the AT&T network.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Tmobile has been and is continuing to lose customers. They would eventually go bankrupt and close up shop. Why do you think they were seeking out buyers before they reach that point? Seriously, do you not understand the part about tmobile "struggling" to turn a profit? That means one thing, sell or bankrupt.Consider a scenario where sprint and att (or anyone else) was not interested in buying tmobile. They'd continue to lose customers and revenue until the costs of business is simply higher than their revenues. Think hard. That's right, it means bankruptcy.If tmobile was doing great, they would not sell. Period. Your cheap tmobile plans would be gone either way.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Exactly! Finally someone who knew that tmobile was headed in the gutter. All these tmobile customers seem to be clueless about their beloved carrier. A bankrupt tmobile = no more cheap plans.Why not allow att to buy them out. With regulatory issues, sprint will probably get a piece of that pie anyway.With the big 3 and dozens of small local carriers, this is hardly a monopoly or competition issue. There's plenty.
  • saimashi
    saimashi Posts: 1
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    Definitely we will have better and cheaper packages. For latest on iPhone4, iPad2 , Apple , Jailbreak and Android Join Thanks
  • T-mobile customer
    T-mobile customer Posts: 11
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    Even though John has a point, being they were going bankrupt and looking for a seller... I still hate AT&T and i will boycott them in Every way I can.Sent from AT&T IPAD
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    Yup I agree T-mobile are deffo on their way out, (to the shops to spend the $39 billion) surely if that was/is the case though, then AT&T could have waited a bit longer and paid a tad less.You the consumer will pick up the bill for this takeover. Enjoy!I think a much better scenario, in this instance, would have been to share the networks joint signal coverage (you're gonna be doing that anyway). It would have taken the pressure off of the companies (waiting for new mast approvals). Oh and the bonus? better coverage for the customers of both networks.Judging by the $39 billion deal this is purely an excersise in corporate greed, paid for, in full, by the dumb ass customer. These corporate monkeys need to be reigned in before yet another financial crisis sneaks up and bites us on the ass. If not.... Well I for one wouldn't mind starving in order to secure their contractual bonuses and save their sorry A$$ets. I did it for the banks. lol
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    If a company valued at $39 billion can go bankrupt then we are all screwed luv.
  • aameghoo
    aameghoo Posts: 0
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    doesn't the fact that AT&T is improving "their" service with tmobile's current hardware mean that current tmobile customers will see a drop in service and performance? I am for one a tmobile month to month customer and have been for many years and I am not liking this merging at all, I absolutely cannot stand AT&T and will most likely find myself switching to sprint when this merging is complete
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    The "value" of a business is whatever a buyer is willing to pay. $39 billion is just what att offered. Sprint offered a whole lot less.The problem is not being profitable that leads to bankruptcy. If it costs them X dollars a year to operate and they make Y dollars a year, and X > Y then they're losing money just to be in business.On a large scale, $39 billion quickly runs dry. For example, if they made $39 billion but spent $45 billion on business expenses, bankrupt.
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    John, you're a fool. I am upper middle class, but there is still nothing wrong with wanting the best deal possible. At&t merging with T-mobile now eliminated one other option. NOW COMMENCE WITH THE **** PUNCHING!!!
  • larryw
    larryw Posts: 24
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    Maybe. But not nearly as significant a drop as you'd see when tmobile crashed and burned (that's what happens when companies can't turn a profit). The company was a third-tier player in a very capital intensive field. The only thing tmobile had of value was their network; similar to the spectrum sales going on WW. ATT did the smart thing and bought them, and ultimately everyone wins.@jdm. You're a closet libutard. Conservatives let the market decide, and the market decided that tmobile's ONLY value was their infrastructure, and ATT purchased that in the FREE MARKET. Back to your community college business 101 class, sonny.
  • Lg1
    Lg1 Posts: 99
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    Bottom line is that tmobile was going to be bought out regardless and AT&T is the most comparable and compatible choise for them and for the cheep customers. What good is it to pay for a phone( tmobile ) 39bucks per month if u can't use it. For the tmobile peps don't like show change the channel you were going to have to anyways. I have been with AT&T for over 10yrs and don't have a problem paying the $$$$ I'm not rich but when you pay the $$$ u can demand more! And you will get it. FYI ... They are my former employer and you have to know the back roads to get what u want. Good luck to you all and welcome on board!
  • rock
    rock Posts: 13
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    I am so happy that at&t has bought t-mobile. t-mobile's customer service was suck. they were trying to charge me early termination fee for 3 days. actually, my wife has at&t so i went with at&t for family plan, i had only 3 days left to finish my contract so i thought i will pay them full last month and went with at&t. t-mobile send me bill with 150 dollars extra for early termination( even though early termination should be only 50 dollars if u cancel ur contract 3 months before.) when i called them and told my position, the representative told me that he can not do anything and he can only take back early termination if i go back with them. i mean come on, 150 dollars for 3 days. bull ****. i am so happy with at&t. they are the best. and t-mobile sucks