Chronic Dev Team Working On iPad 2 Jailbreak



  • Bravo_007
    Bravo_007 Posts: 43
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    I second that all the way :D hehehe
  • the REAL truth
    the REAL truth Posts: 1
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    It's not about stealing APPS from the App Store. It's about CYDIA and the wonderful hacks/tweaks it brings forth.SBSETTINGS, ICONOCLASM, Custom THEMES just to name a few. You can't buy those from the App Store!I have my iPad 2 and my iPad 1 and choose to use my iPad 1 just for the shear ability to customize it the way I want to. Sure, the iPad 2 is great but wouldn't it be nicer if such a device was GREATER!?Go Dev Team! You're part of the reason Apple grew as big as it has! Free us ALL!
  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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    It's only the greatest media player of all timesgoogle it install itforget about the rest of themand enjoyand it's open source
  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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    Bump-a-dee bump bump bump!!
  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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    I bought an I pad 2 and im waiting for a JB just like everyone else but the difference is I still use mine every day. If there is no JB for the next year I will have no complaints. If you bought an I Pad 2 just to jail break it and now your crying because you cant then that is your bad and no one else maybe you should have waited for JB then bought I Pad 2. The only person you have to be disappointed in is yourself.
  • Henry-12
    Henry-12 Posts: 3
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    I need jailbreak my iPad 2
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    comex was successful with 4.3. i've kept my ipad 2 at 4.3 and am wondering if his jb is out there availble or is it too arcane for the average user to implement? thx!
  • Lauwers
    Lauwers Posts: 1
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    I cant wait till they release thisLove the Dev Team!
  • Robert
    Robert Posts: 146
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    hey guys, I'm a first time tablet pc and mac user. I purchased my iPad 2, thinking it would be an awesome alternative to carrying my massive books around university...It turns out, I can't even view my online physics book or do my online tests, due to flash restrictions. Will this jailbreak solve my issue? and if so, keep up the good work guys :P. I feel like smacking Steve Jobs with all 600grams of it.
  • Gen X
    Gen X Posts: 1
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    So far, this iPad 2 is mediocre paperweight. The Dev Team are nothing less than modern day modern day Martyrs. I'll wait patiently hoping not to have to sell this thing and get the Blackberry Playbook (way better in my opinion, but I fell for the hype). Best of Luck Team!!
  • Vteckrr
    Vteckrr Posts: 6
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    Keep it up dev team. Hope to see jailbreak for iPad 2 soon. Would be good just in time iPad 2 release in my country.
  • 12padams
    12padams Posts: 1
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    Well I am so glad the day the iPad 2 was released in Australia (25th march) I didn't stay in a line for 40 hours like that other guy...I ended up waiting to get it at a shop and after 2 weeks I gave up and preordered it at Mac centric in early April... They said stock should come in 2-3 weeks and it has been 3 weeks now and it still has not come... So I got into the store and say "hey when's the stock for iPad 2 coming..." and you know what the response was... "2-3 weeks" will Mac centric ever get more stock in warringah mall... I mean it cost me money to preorder it... And it's been almost a month and they still don't had it...Anyway the fact that there is no jailbreak is putting me off the iPad 2 making it easier to wait for it but I still wish there was one... I find what helps with waiting for a jailbreak to be released is to either completely forget about it and become ingrossed in something else or... Read jailbreak articles such as this one and read comments that people have written...Long comments such as this one will at least give you something to read while you wait for the jailbreak. Oh and talking about jailbreaking and iOS devices right now I am typing everything on my iPod touch 2nd gen running 4th gen software... It's unjailbrOken but it used to be... Quite an annoying situation... I'll tell you about it.Basically I was on 3.1.3 jailbroken having a great time but since barely any new apps ran since they were for 4.0 I decided to update... Big mistake apon updating I lost everything... I guess I will have to rejailbreak I though... But Nup I tried greenp0ison and it really did poison the device and it was bricked but I somehow saved it... Anyway I tried jailbreakig again with something else and it worked although after jailbreaking safari did not work and the screen was always flickering which lead me to unjailbreaking it again and to where I am now...So I have been without a jailbreak for ages and I thought ok... This sucks but then I remembered back to what it was like when it was jailbroken... It was slower and constantly crashed with all the springboard has just chrashed messages...Without a jailbroken iPod touch 2nd gen I had nothing to do so I decided to check out iOS programmming... Hopefully that would get my mind of things... It didn'tAfter 6 days of tutorials I made my way from c to objective c to cocoa and finally touch cocoa and iPhone development...I made a money betting App And a physics app but the. It lead me to a big problem... You need $99 to publish apps and to run them on the iPod. I was so angry and found a way to bypass and run the apps on iPod without buying a license yet it was spool annoying since you needed a jailbroken iPod... There goes my apple programming career... I hated Xcode iOS dev environment anyway... So cluttered at stupid to compared with visual basic 2010 which is so good. I'll always stick to windows application development... Just today I created a photo editor And a remake of powder game... It was a little patty though.Wow boy have I gone on and on with this post... I was hopeing writing everything on this iPod touch would stop me writting big long messages... I feel like I am writting a blog here and my fingers are now killing me and it's dark at midnight and it's my first day of school tomorrow after my 2.5 weeks holidays... I better get some rest.See ya all and I can't wait for the jailbreak to come out...Also I like etas so I am guessing June 4th 2011 will be when the jailbreAk comes out... Well it's better to over predict then under predict because the closer to the eta it is the slower time seems to go... Kinda like when I was waiting for portal 2... Got it was soon as it was released and played it for 6 hours and the. That 1 year of waiting and especially the 5 days b4 release were kinda wasted waging countdown timers...Wow I am going off course again I better stop now... It's amazing how much you can write on an iPod touch...Anyway better leave on a good note... Completely forget about the jailbreak and wait 1 month from now pretending the jailbreak does not exist and the. Google search it and get a massive surprise... It's better to wait a little while after jailbreaks are released anyway to see if they actually work and to avoid getting your iPad 2 bricked... My rule is to wait at least 2 days after the jailbreak and also count at least 100 good comments and if there is a sine bad comment about the jailbreak read it very car3fully...Anyway see ya all... Hope my long post kept you slightly entertained for 5 mintues and ate up some waiting time
  • Jfernandez
    Jfernandez Posts: 1
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    That is because some of us have careers.... Im a resident physician and every app I want costs 300-500 dollars. I want a fucking jailbreak asshole. Get a life.
  • Wombshifter
    Wombshifter Posts: 1
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    I only bought the iPad 2 with the hope to jailbreak it. Go Dev team. You can do it! All night long!
  • Jojojojojojo
    Jojojojojojo Posts: 2
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    I got my iPad 2 for $200 beat that motha fuckers
  • Applefanboy
    Applefanboy Posts: 3
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    Desperately need jb for ipad2 please!!, ipad2 without jb is like having a playbook or even worst an Android phone omg!! Please no!!! Whoever the **** is able to do it or the psychoninja, or the bev-erage team, or ho ho hotz or whoever please do it!!!
  • RLSnIL
    RLSnIL Posts: 1
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    Anyone can buy a stolen iPad 2. $200? You got ripped off! Wait til Apple disables it when the serial number is reported... then looks like you lost $200 motha fucker!
    #1METSFAN Posts: 1
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    I'm on 5.0.1 and I am DIEING for the new 5.0.1 jailbreak to come to the IPad2