Apple Responds To iPhone Location Tracking Issue

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Responds To iPhone Location Tracking Issue

Apple has officially responded to the iPhone and iPad 3G location tracking issue that has raised privacy concerns.

Apple has clarified that it is not tracking the location of the iPhone or iPad 3G as reported by Security researchers last week. Apple has also confirmed that it has never done so and has no plans to ever do so.

Apple has answered all the relevant questions regarding the location tracking issue in a Q&A form. So if you were worried about the issue then check the Q&A below:

Read the full story here


  • Pal
    Pal Posts: 33
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    I'm starting to sick of Apples ****... but im not sure Android would be any better... may have to start exploring new territory.
  • Peter
    Peter Posts: 110
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    you're absolutely right man.This people treat us like the sheep, go this way, that way, believe this and that. Bullsh...
  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 54
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    All GSM based phones have had some form of tracking in them from inception. who is to say your important enough to track? People who think they are probably should be tracked? 20 years ago some people thought the computers were going to take over our lives and strip us of our freedom. The dreamers and thinkers thought they would improve our way of life. Perhaps with the advent of the smart phone both has come true.
  • sa
    sa Posts: 4
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    i dont see why everybody panics for this thing. For me its a non issue ... its not accurate at all this thing so it cant be used against me ... maybe if u switch to nokia 3310 both of u .. you ll feel better...
  • sa
    sa Posts: 4
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    + it was a bug it will be fixed soon ... im not an apple fun boy i just own an iphone 4 thats all from apple ...
    SUPERHIV Posts: 1
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    Calculating a phone’s location using just GPS satellite data can take up to several minutes.THIS IS A BOLDFACE LIE. **** you apple, I will never buy any your products, ever.
    VIHREPUS Posts: 1
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    NO - THAT IS NOT A LIE!!!! Calculating a phone's location using just GPS CAN indeed take up to several minutes. They don't say it would take several minutes every time. They simply state that it CAN. And THAT is true!!! I had a Windows phone that had exactly that problem, and it was really annoying and unpredictable. So THINK before you blindly bash Apple for the sake of bashing Apple. Not everything they make is perfect, but they definitely make quality products.
    IXLR8NXS Posts: 2
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    Oh boy. The almighty Apple has spoken so lets all beleive anything they say. They say there is no tracking going on but they are geotagging the name of any wifi that you encounter even if you dont connect to it the device still sees and can record that info. So they're not just seeing where a phone is, they're recording the gps location of every wifi and cell tower. And this is information that they just stated they are building a database of. I was almost happier when I thought they were just tracking my phone.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Any smartphone that can obtain a GPS connection in under 30 seconds is using cached data. Most GPS systems take upwards of 60 seconds to perform a cold start. If you use your GPS within a week of a cold start it can obtain positioning data quickly because the satellites are roughly where they were last time you used your GPS. All Apple are doing is using a work around so you an always perform a warm start. Isn't this what is meant by assisted gps! Most phones use some sort of assisted gps!
  • lordapes
    lordapes Posts: 8
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    I have a Nokia N95 and it takes at least 2 minutes (cold start) to start the gps. Warm start takes between 10 seconds (if I have been using it on the same day) or 1 minutes (used it within a week). My friend showed me his iPhone and the gps located his location within 5 seconds. That's the main reason I switched to the iPhone. Still glad I did.So what if they tracked me? I'm not important enough to bother.
  • Zulfly
    Zulfly Posts: 6
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    Quit whining, like apple gives a crap where you are. I'm pretty sure apple knows that you are in your mom's basement without using their database.
    HIVAIDS Posts: 6
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    How long it takes to get the GPS coordinates to within a usable accuracy takes 30 seconds TOPS.How long it takes to process them and show the user a pretty little map of where they are is irrelevant.I expect this type of stupidity from apple fanboys/shills.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Everyone does it, so Apple is trying to be innocent here.
    IXLR8NXS Posts: 2
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    Actually, I do security work and this isn't the kind of thing that some of my clients want to have around them. Thank god for a jailbreak giving the ability to delete these files. Even tho your life is insignificant enough that you don't care if everyone knows where you are, there are many people who do. They are the people who run large corporations and small countries. I understand that your insignificant and therefor cant grasp that concept. Don't worry, the world needs little people such as yourself as much as they need leaders and the people who protect them.
  • geekinit
    geekinit Posts: 65
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    It kills me how many people have this fantasy that big brother is watching and how many people just don't get how gps works. Recently I had a conversation with someone who thought you paid for gps and that your phone transmitted a signal to the satellites. Apple was a little too verbose in their descriptions but I kinda doubt they are tracking me because some file exists on my phone to help speed up my gps. Three phones ago I had a HP phone than ran Windows. Sometimes that phone couldn't even get a gps signal. Very annoying!! My iPhone always gets a signal. Never fails.
  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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    I do a lot of traveling in North America, Europe and Asia (and Australia coming soon). I thought it was fun to see where I've been. And I highly doubt that I'm important enough for anyone to try to figure out where I've been. From the sounds of it, I'm not going to be able to do that any more. :( <-sad face
  • Joker
    Joker Posts: 18
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    Is the New World Order..!! Big brother is watching you..
  • Ronstyler
    Ronstyler Posts: 4
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    I told u so the U's government wants to see the location services coz bin laden had an iPhone.