iOS 4.3.3 To Be Released Soon To Fix iPhone Location Tracking Bug And Also Improve Battery Life
Posts: 4,429
Last week, Apple responded to questions raised about the iPhone and iPad 3G location tracking issue reported by Security researchers.
Apple also announced that it plans to release a minor iOS software update in the next few weeks to address a bug in the way it manages the crowd-sourced Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower database that is cached on the iPhone.
Let's just hope the dev teams can get a new unterthered jb 4 it. Big up 2 there hard work and please keep it coming :)
Maybe now that Bin Laden is dead, they will release the new baseband update everyone is waiting for. No excuses now.
What is the use of the unlock now? Bin Laden had an iPhone on iOS 4.2 baseband 3.10, jail broken with limerain. He was waiting for unlock and did not have a phone which cost him his life. He was not able to contact his security guys when the American troupes caught him. If the Dev team would have released the unlock, today Bin Laden would be alive and ticking. He would have been whatsapping Obama and sharing his location through maps.On a side note, if he had an activated iPhone he still would have caught as Apple has been location tracking and Laden is no exception.
That's why they didn't release the unlock yet. They found out that Obama was planning this since August and that's why Dev Team kept saying "oh next month, next month" since summertime. Just put two and two together. They found his exact location using the iPhone tracking. It's weird how things work out but when it comes time, it all gets explained.
man you guys are crazy about this bin laden talk. i just updated from 4.2.1 to 4.3.2 and jailbroke using redsnow. i haven't really noticed any battery issues. seems about the same to me. but i am a bit tempted to update to this 4.3.3 when it comes out just for the simple fact of the tracking and battery improvements. Then again I would hate to update just to jailbreak again and download all my JB apps again. anyone know what the easiest and most convenient way to upgrade a previously JB phone and keep all the apps?
dizzle if you bought all your apps through cydia, you can just reinstall them as there's a record of your purchases. Apparently there is an app out there (maybe someone can provide the name here) which also keeps track of all your apps, once you re-jb you just run it and it re installs everything
wow. thanks for the help dave. maybe i can try to google it... although some apps i got through ****, do you know if those will re-load as well? also one last thing if anyone can help me out there... since i'm new to JBing, how do i actually back-up my phone via itunes moving forward? i backed it up pre JB of course but what about now? if i back-up, will it save the JB reminants say if i ever decide to restore back to normal in case i need to service it at apple?sorry for newb questions guys. thank in advance!
If your jailbroken, there's an app in cydia that does away with apple tracking problem. You can use iTunes as normal after jailbreaking, just don't restore or update. And if you have ****, you also have ****, so all your jailbroken apps from installs are saved in iTunes when you sync.
Once again and mouse.
Search Cydia (BigBoss repo) for PkgBackup (costs $7.99). It will save all your Cydia apps (paid and free apps and tweaks) for easy restoration later. It will place the restoration file as a contact in your contacts list - so don't delete that contact! :-)And all other apps you have installed can be copied to iTunes before upgrading iOS as long as you installed **** for 4.0+ from Cydia. In iTunes, right-click on your iPhone (or go to File>) and select "transfer purchases from iPhone". For information on how the difference between Sync and Backup, and to find out exactly what iTunes backs up, see this webpage from Apple., restoring all your apps after an upgrade is easy, but any settings inside the apps will be lost. Also, make sure iTunes has a record of any in-app-purchases so that you don't have to buy them again later.I wonder if you could jailbreak using a "pre-jailbroken firmware file" and shift-clicking on "update" instead of shift-clicking "restore". If that works, then you would have a new iOS upgrade and all of your apps, settings etc. would remain untouched. I've never tried it that way.
btw - so after a firmware upgrade, you can go to iTunes, right-click on your iphone and select "restore from backup". Then select the latest backup file to restore from.This will restore all your settings etc. without restoring the old firmware version.
Pkg backup is a app that saves all your Cydia apps, tweaks, themes, ect. It's a small cost to pay to restore jb info.
Apple is worse than Microsoft with these updates, I think they are doing it to stop jailbreak holes only but won't tell us the truth... Useless updates and this iOS is just out of date... Android is getting way better, time to switch to sprint for me this summer...
aptbackup is what you want. You need to run it, click backup, then IMMEDIATELY sync your phone with iTunes. The do your upgrade/reinstall/jailbreak and install aptbackup again. This time launch and hit restore, then sync with iTunes.
aptbackup is FREE
where's the famous "dev team warns not to upgrade to iOS 4.x.x.............." line ?????
xBackup is free and so is Aptbackup --pkg backup costs $7.99 ----Datadeposit is another free backup that says it can back up your apps to the updated device or even say from your ipod to your iphone or ipad ect.
i thought that u will fix the battery life on ipod touch ohhhhh seriously its shyt as fok