Samsung Announces 10.1-inch 2560x1600 Display - Does It Mean iPad 3 Will Get Retina Display?

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imageSamsung Announces 10.1-inch 2560x1600 Display - Does It Mean iPad 3 Will Get Retina Display?

TUAW reports that Samsung is planning to demonstrate a 2560x1600 10.1" LCD at the SID Display Week 2011 International Symposium next week.

Samsung's 2560x1600 LCD screen comes in at a screen density of 300dpi, which is quite close to iPhone 4’s retina display, which comes with screen density of 326 dpi.

TUAW reports:

Read the full story here


  • SaKo
    SaKo Posts: 74
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  • Ali
    Ali Posts: 86
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    u forgot to tell us that how expensive it will be. the retina display is a very expensive component and on an 10.1 inch screen the price will be very high
  • iRSX
    iRSX Posts: 70
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    You're right in that the retina display is a very expensive component but I don't think the price of tablets will go up much, if at all, in response to it. This is just like the price of iPhone 4 is the same as the 3GS when it came out. Many factors come into play, competition is one of them. Competition in the tablet market is really heating up.
  • LoveTechie
    LoveTechie Posts: 1
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    I think @ali is right, the price will go up at least 50$ per model, think about it, with retina display, the resolution is scaled up 4 times, which mean the GPU has to sweat itself a whole lot, retina on iPad 3 = price for the retina display + price for the much stronger GPU + price for stronger processor + price for higher ram..
  • geekinit
    geekinit Posts: 65
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    Still not quite as many pixels per inch as iPhone 4. I would pay more for it.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Am I the only one that has noticed this is exactly 4 times the resolution of most Android tablets?
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    This is "PenTile" display, Advantage, high brightness with same energy and full range of color, But, Disadvantage, un-natural color (specially, cool color zone), and lower practical resolution than it's pixel resolution. generally,Samsung has used PenTile Display for Galaxy S model. but, they change to RGB color pattern for S2. Why ?
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    But Samsung says it consumers less battery?
  • Mack
    Mack Posts: 11
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    Hd display with no flash????? Pointless my sgs2 is better hahahahahaha
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Of course not! It's so freaking obvious nobody else thought it was worth mentioning! (no offence :P ) There's a reason why 2560x1600 is called WQXGA, y'know! ... could be interesting - I'm working that resolution presently on a 30" screen (Dell, not Apple) and I got shot down on another forum for daring to ponder whether *that* much resolution is really necessary - seems like overkill on a tablet, though an improvement from WXGA is sorely needed - and I do find the pixel pitch useful on a phone that you might hold closer than 15cm.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Your kidding right? Flash struggles to run full screen on my Xoom (dual core 1GHz) so it's hardly going to handle four times the resolution! In fact owning a Xoom as taught me one thing, Steve Jobs was right, it's slow and incredibly buggy. I haven't gone a single day without crashing my web browser. To me the iPad is better off without it, at least until it's bug free.
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    WOW PRETTY SWEET CANT WAIT TO SEE IF SAMSUNG GONNA SELL IT TO APPLE CUZ THE RELATIONSHIP ISNT THE SAME ANYMORE CUZ APPLE SUE SAMSUNG BUT THEN AGAIN APPLE IS A BIG CUSTOMER SO PROBABLY SO BUT NOBODY KNOWS CUZ Apple and Samsung refuse to discuss their relationship AND SAMUNG IS IN A HARD SITUATION TAKING ABUSE FROM STEVE AND APPLE MIGHT JUST LOSE THE BIGGEST SUPLIER IN THE WORLD THE South Korean giant makes some of the most important components Apple buys, including memory chips and displays. Crucially, Samsung makes the brains inside Apple's smartphones and tablets: To date, it has been the lone supplier of Apple's A4 chip, and semiconductor experts say it is most likely the supplier of the as-yet-unreleased A5 as well.The same division manufactures the highly complex microprocessors at the heart of computer devices sold by Samsung and others. apple rips into these companies even while Apple depends on them as partners. Adobe and Microsoft, in particular, have long provided valuable software for Apple's operating system. No matter. They're still subject to abuse from the man in the black turtleneck. His latest whipping boy: Samsung, a rival to Apple in the consumer electronics business. During the iPad 2 unveiling on Mar. 2, Jobs roasted Samsung, making fun of one of its executives who tried to defend sales of the Galaxy Tab, the company's answer to Apple's first tablet computer. He also gave Samsung top billing in a chart proclaiming 2011 the "Year of the Copycats Close watchers of the semiconductor industry expect that Apple's designs will diverge more from Samsung's in years to come. Apple recently has purchased two chip companies, including last year's acquisition of Intrinsity, effectively creating a large, in-house group of chip whizzes. "With each generation, Apple is putting more and more of their own resources into" chip design, says Gwennap. Samsung has come to depend on Apple's orders to keep its factories full.Company executives could be concerned that Apple might find a second supplier, perhaps Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM), to make its chips but steve doesnt seems that he doesnt want partners
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    i meant steve doesnt want any partners
  • Will
    Will Posts: 104
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    Okay, let's enlighten some people how big some companies are and how business really works...Samsung is a conglomerate, a collection of many operating units.Any dumbass can tell the difference between a Samsung phone, refridgerator, laptop, computer screen, DVD player, chip manufacturing and more.They are separate divisions if not separate companies with their own CEOs.What idiot CEO of one division will refuse $billions$ of sales to a rival of the parent company?None, because they need to show profit or their division will be shut down.When it comes to lawsuits, it's specific to the divisions.Apple would be suing the phone/tablet divisions, not the microprocessor/ram/graphics divisions.Suing the entire company is pointless when the beef is with a particular division.
  • Will
    Will Posts: 104
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    iPad 1024x768 screen pixel 4x is 2048x1536 @ 4:3 aspect ratio.2560x1600 is 4x 1280x800 @ 16:10 aspect ratio.This is a screen for Samsung Galaxy Tab and other Android.Apple's huge advantage going from iPhone/3G/3GS screen to 4's screen was the ease of 4x the graphics in adapting apps.To go to a different rez for iPhone and iPad which is not a simple multiple is a HUGE re-write for the same app to accomodate all the different rez.This fragmentation has caused problems before with Java apps on different phones and with Android apps on various sizes of Android phones.Apple is very keen on keeping the form-factor consistent.It keeps costs and development down for Apple and it's app developers and enables them to get to market for apps/hardware much much faster.This is a proven point.The iPad came out of the gate running with iPhone apps compatibility to start with.