Rich Text For Mail - Jailbreak App Enhances Mail App

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imageRich Text For Mail - Jailbreak App Enhances Mail App

Ryan Petrich, developer of jailbreak apps and tweaks such as ProSwitcher, DisplayOut, Rotation Inhibitor, Untrackerd etc. has released a new jailbreak app called Rich Text For Mail that enhances the Mail app.

As the name suggests, it allows you to compose and reply to email using custom fonts, colors and styles and adds format, bold, italic, strikethrough, underline and image items to Action Menu, which is not available in the default Mail app.

Read the full story here


  • Jvt
    Jvt Posts: 1
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    This is really cool
  • DanTheMan
    DanTheMan Posts: 14
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    Why Apps in Cydia cost so much money?
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    smaller audience.In otherwords.... maybe only 50K jailbreakers will buy the app. But if it was an app store product it would be marketed to millions of people with maybe a 500K people buying it .. or more...So the programmers who sale on cydia are giving you programs Apple doesn't want you to have, and have a limited audience to sale to. They need to get their money as programmers while they can. There program is good only while your phone remains jailbroken. And apple is getting better day by day at preventing jailbreaks. IPAD2 is a perfect example of that. iphone 5 will probably be very difficult to jailbreak as well, if the ipad 2 is any indication.
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    Good idea, too expensive. I wouldn't mind having the capability, but I'm not gonna pay [that much] for it.Re: IPad 2 and iPhone 5 being very difficult to JB. As time goes on, Apple keeps adding the features that the JB community did first. Already, my biggest reason to JB initially has become standard. I can see a future of not needing to JB because I'm satisfied with the stock product. I don't think that will happen for at least 2-3 more versions, though. Maybe iPhone 8 will be relatively perfect for me.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Apple should offer all this any which way.
  • JOB Dave
    JOB Dave Posts: 7
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    Just wait till the initial rush is over and it goes on sale.
  • ss
    ss Posts: 4
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    $5 for this app? This is idiotic. I thought the whole idea of jailbreaking was to install apps with more features, get free apps, get cool mods, impress fellow geeks with the "hey look what my device can do" line. I jailbroke my device, and it seems that all I'm seeing is buy this program, buy that program. And instead of being $.99 from the app store, its $5 from cydia. And don't tell me its all about money. Example: Apple tv cord costs $40. Chinese cord costs $10. Great! Except, you need 2 other cydia programs, which both cost a few bucks more. Its like: let's save you some money, while redistributing other money. Its like 3 steps ahead and 2 steps backWhat happen to open source? What happen to awesome programs for free? Go peruse sourceforge. Look at the programs there. Great stuff for free.
  • Best Jailbreak Apps
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    I am certainly not going to give 5$ for this app.