Audience Powers iPhone 4's Impressive Noise Cancellation

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imageAudience Powers iPhone 4's Impressive Noise Cancellation

iFixit has just reported that chip teardown firm Chipworks has managed to decap the chip responsible for handling iPhone 4’s noise cancellation.

Chipworks has discovered that the chip used in GSM iPhone 4 and Verizon iPhone 4 for noise cancellation is Audience’s low power audio signal processor, which is also used in Google's Nexus One (considered the gold standard for noise cancellation).

iFixit reports:

Read the full story here


  • wtms
    wtms Posts: 4
    via Wordpress
    Pretty clear that this chip does a good job. Interesting that it appeared that suppression was maximum when the user was not talking but when he was I could sometimes detect some background chatter. This suggests that the algorithm must use the level of close noise in some way to drive the filtering.
  • Rikrox
    Rikrox Posts: 2
    via Wordpress
    Seems really nice, if only I can keep a consistant signal. But regardless, love my iphone 4
  • Shrug
    Shrug Posts: 55
    via Wordpress
    the filtered conversation was great until around the 2:00 mark right near the end. it sounded rather reckon it's the filter or could that be due to weak signal perhaps?
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Who cares what powers as long as it works.
  • regurge
    regurge Posts: 1
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    I wouldn't call this "impressive" by a long shot. Firstly, the signal quality is quite badly degraded and secondly, there are audible artefacts. To better appreciate the noise-cancelling capability, more information is required: what is the signal-to-noise ratio? What kind of noisy environment was the recording made in? Was it completely reproducible? There were some peaks in the background noise in the first recording, which were not there in the second... Also, against which other cell phones did you try this test? Just hyping the qualities of the iPhone without support isn't going to convince people.
  • crm
    crm Posts: 1
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    who cares that you dont care?
  • PanamaBikeStar
    PanamaBikeStar Posts: 1
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    All I care to know is why aren't noise cancelling apps available?