Apple Unlikely To Launch 4G LTE iPhone Before 2012

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imageApple Unlikely To Launch 4G LTE iPhone Before 2012

Taiwanese publication DigiTimes claims that according to their sources Apple’s fifth generation iPhone is unlikely to support 4G LTE networks. According to them, Apple is likely to launch 4G LTE iPhone in 2012, which means that the sixth generation iPhone will support 4G LTE networks.

They’re also reporting that Apple has slowed down production of iPhone 4 units ahead of the launch of the next iPhone in September this year.

DigiTimes reports:

Read the full story here


  • San
    San Posts: 10
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    I'm a big apple fan, but when I see my friends new Android based phones that recently hit the market, what can I say...I feel disappointed.
  • Bullfrog
    Bullfrog Posts: 44
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    Apple is falling behind big time. They are already way behind in the hardware. It will be interesting to see what IOS 5 has in store for us. It better be BIG!
  • Coop
    Coop Posts: 18
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    san i agree i love apple stuff but external sd flash video 4.3 screen hd ,hdmi out,,4g 10 mp bummin here i come verizon lte with or without apple......sorry holla
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Apple isn't falling behind. Apple is right where they want to be. You guys must not own apple products nor their competitor's products. Comparing them in actual day to day usage will reveal how well apple products work.As for LTE, it's not ready and not available. Why build an LTE iphone for 10% of the people when the remaining 90% will complain all over the internet.The next iphone, whatever it may contain, will be a hot ticket item simply because it looks good, works well, and does what it's designed to do without having to tinker with processes, task managers, etc. The android boys can tweak their phones all they want. I'd rather not have to constantly monitor my phone to make sure my battery will last the day.
  • Tomdo
    Tomdo Posts: 2
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    I don't knoww about you guys... The iPhone is still the best phone. Specs don't mean everything. Yeah some phones may have dual core processors and more ram but the experience you get from those android phone's are still nothing compared to the polished feel of an ip4, single a4 chip and all. Even the 5 mega pixel camera is the best picture quality compared to most if not all phones. Specs don't matter. At least to a certain degree. What about the retina display?!? It's the ish!!! IMO, the screen is a perfect size. It's so sharp you don't need it bigger. Have you guys put a Droid phone with a 4.3 inch screen in your pocket before?!? Thing is ridiculousy huge. "is that a phone in your pocket or are you happy to see me?" Look, a bigger screen would be nice but a bigger phone than the ip4 is not. So if Apple can somehow fit a bigger screen w/out sacrificing the size of the overall phone that would be great. Try scrolling on a Android phone.. Choppy chop chop son! Even the Atrix is choppy. Pinch and zoom with photos.. All I'm sayin is we have a good phone and since Apple releases their phone once a year they'll bound to be passed up in the spec dept but that doesn't take from the experience you get with an ip4.
  • Turbo Phone Mobile Reviews
    via Wordpress
    Apple is now more sophisticated and increasingly in the design as possible, I am very happy with apple products touch, thanks superbly to give this info to me, may be useful for me personally.
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    You are experienced old phone story. new models from the competitor is making huge upgraded. I like the apple produts also. I am using iPhone from 2G/3G/3GS/4, and MacBook Air and Pro. But, we need to agree some limited spec of i4 and future model.
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    Why they need to delay till Sep ?1. AP upgrade : it is done with iPad22. camera upgrade : why ?the other stuffs are same as before. 3. waiting till OS is finished ?In fact, there is nothing make sence.
  • Doug Kilgore
    Doug Kilgore Posts: 3
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    Gotta say, I'm disappointed. I've been holding back on renewing my contract since Dec 2010, waiting for an iPhone with a good camera and 4G capability to replace my ooooold 3G. I'm tired of waiting. iPhone 4 on Verizon can't talk and use data at the same time. iPhone 5 won't be around until September or later? And still no 4G? I feel sort or like when we had to wait over a year for Apple to provide Cut and Paste support. They are falling behind the times. I'm tired of unbearably slow 3G web loads, and fuzzy crappy camera shots. I'm going to consider Android in the next few weeks unless I here some good news from Apple in the meantime.
  • Tomdo
    Tomdo Posts: 2
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    See.. That's where you went wrong noob... You're basing your ish on a crap 3G iPhone that is ancient. The common knowledge was to jump from 3G to iP4. Yeah, sure 4G LTE may be good and all but it'll zap the living crap out of your phone battery plus, you'd be lucky to even get 4G in more than a few places at this point. Secondly, have you even used the 3G network on the iP4?!? It's a waaay different experience from the iPhone 3G. I know because I went from the 3G phone to the iP4 and web browsing on the same network is night and day. Maybe not LTE but a big difference. Don't knock it until you try it.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Just get the phone, we will see later if it has what it takes.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    It's just a rumor that the next iphone is delayed. We don't know for a fact and apple hasn't commented. Besides, it could be due to supply limitations. If it does get delayed, I'm sure they have good reasons for it.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Really though, it's all about choices. If you don't like an iphone, then get something else and be done. Do people really get a kick out of coming to an iphone hacking site to attempt to tell us that our phone sucks or is "old technology?" Rest assured, those of us who are using an iphone 4 are very satisfied customers.Personally, it doesn't matter one bit when the next iphone comes out. What does the competitor have that I don't? Flash? Don't want it. 10 MP camera? Mine takes good enough pictures. SD card? Storage? Don't need it, don't want it, and don't want the hassle of swapping them around. 4g? It's not available here and it's not available in 90% of the markets.Get real already. Boasting specs and 4g is lame. If it's that important, you wouldn't be here on this site would you?I have one package that works, and it works well. It does what I need it to do and it does it smoothly without sacrificing battery life. Am I being left behind? Sorry, but I'm gonna have to say no.
  • San
    San Posts: 10
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    Hey people. That's why Apple is not forced to produce this little changes on their phone because we are acting like seeps and we go the way Apple wants us to go. iPhone 4?? You guys so happy with a phone that not even functional properly as a phone because of the antenna issues?? come on people grow up. The fact is Apple can get away with everything because of the consumers like You, whom are so happy with their outdated phone. Many of us have to say no to apple to have them produce up to date phones. We don't have to blame on Apple, they are smart because they try to take as much skin off the costumers as much as possible and most of you so happy with it.