Google Maps Web App Updated; But Wait For Google Maps Navigation For iPhone Continues

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imageGoogle Maps Web App Updated; But Wait For Google Maps Navigation For iPhone Continues

Google has released an updated version of Google Maps for mobile browsers for iOS and Android devices.

According to Google, the reason for releasing a new version of its Google Maps web app is to provide users a consistent experience wherever they use it.

Google claims that you can use many of the same Google Maps features that are available in the desktop version such as:

Read the full story here


  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
    via Wordpress
    I totally agree. This is absurd. We need a new version of the native app Google Maps for iPhone.
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
    via Wordpress
    Cry me a river. Apple will never let Google build an app as cool as what Apple thinks their app is. If you want an app as cool as Google can make it, get an Android phone.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Wont go to android just for an app Rob.
  • John Micheal
    John Micheal Posts: 2
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    more for Google Location
  • Mikedanben
    Mikedanben Posts: 1
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    X-GPS Drive. Why do most forget about such a perfect navigation app?
  • Titanss
    Titanss Posts: 31
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    Map Quest 4Free voice turn by turn app, I use it all the time.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    "If Google doesn't want to release Google Maps Navigation as it sees it as one of the competitive advantages of Android then it should at least stop advertising the iPhone web app as an alternative."WTH?!?! Who the hell thinks THAT's a good idea?! If Google don't, can't or won't make a native iphone mapnav app, why the hell shouldn't they advertise the one they have made?!?! Let it stand on its merits and individual users will judge its utility vs the native app.
  • Zolk
    Zolk Posts: 184
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    Oops - I didn't mean for my previous statement to be a reply to fas. But I was going to ask - why wouldn't you change to Android for an app? Stuck on Apple no matter what? Or one app alone isn't enough? Or you invested in many paid apps you can't take with you?
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    Switching to Droid merely for an app is like buying a new home because you don't like the color of your old one. Dummy.
  • techuelx
    techuelx Posts: 6
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    yeah we can have consistent experience. more we need.
  • techuelx
    techuelx Posts: 6
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    yes. it wil ease the consistency.any more ?
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Google Navigation is no match for a true offline navigator like Tom Tom or Co-Pilot! I've tried to use Google Navigation on my Xoom but it is so frustrating pulling maps and data over a 3G connection, not mention the bandwidth. It is useless if your not in a 3G area, even voice lookup needs an Internet connection. I don't understand why people want this so bad, it really isn't worth the hassle.
  • Rip
    Rip Posts: 38
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    TomTom is the best. Get that.
  • Robert
    Robert Posts: 146
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    Google gave iPhone users a slap in the face with this worthless web app. I can't understand why they have been silent on updating the native Maps app on iPhone. The app is stone-age compared to what's out there. I hope Apple cuts their dependence on Google Maps soon because I think Google is getting a kick out of iPhone user's frustration and hope that they will switch to Android. You know what? Screw you Google!!!
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
    via Wordpress
    The native iPhone maps app is not a Google app, it's an Apple app. Google can't update it. Given the "can't replace existing functionality" clause in the iOS SDK terms, Google can't create a Google Maps app. The only thing Google can do is walk away.
  • Erasmus
    Erasmus Posts: 12
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    I don't care HOW pretty it is, they will NOT have Google coverage. Simply put, they WILL NOT. Nobody does... some do in single countries but NOBODY has Google's database and will not get it unless they steal it.I am BEGGING Google to map an independent Google Maps app for the iPhone once they're out of this deal and Apple to not reject it out of hand like they do EVERY google app!