Coverage Of Apple's WWDC 2011 Keynote



  • wolverine2281
    wolverine2281 Posts: 17
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    nope, mines not up until november so I won't even be getting a new one until AT LEAST then. I don't need the latest as soon as it comes out. Especially when there may be a newer one a few months later
  • DAKPluto
    DAKPluto Posts: 36
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    Least exciting Apple keynote in several years.
  • YngJoe
    YngJoe Posts: 5
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    Most of the features announced were already rumored to be most possible. As for stealing the jailbreak ideas, Apple hired the guy who did the notification app on Cydia, because they knew it was something everyone wanted. As for them stealing ideas from Android, how many companies took the idea and form factor of the iPhone and made their own clones before creating something different? Giving your customers what they want is not exactly the same as stealing ideas, it's called business. I'm personally happy with most of the list for the iOS5, though I'll wait till it can be Jailbroken to update to it.
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    I am grateful to the jb community...They are years ahead of apple it seems... camera on the lockscreen?Snappy anyone?I really liked the Galaxy S 2 i think i'm gonna be switching to android....
  • iRSX
    iRSX Posts: 70
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    Expect JB for iOS 5 beta be demoed tomorrow.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    wat people like u dont understand is that android gets like 5 new phones a year apple is putting out 1 phone every year to 2 years so when u say that apple is failing behide is pretty dum you need to clam down and if u have so much **** to say about apple jus go to android cuz apple has many fans me being one of them and they dont need you money
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    when devs from the jb scene make apps we say y doesn't apple have these features and now that apple is putting them in their ios update we say wow jus copying wat we been having..
  • Kim
    Kim Posts: 29
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  • george
    george Posts: 88
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    All i want is to be able to organize photos on the iphone (without buying a JB app)
  • devol
    devol Posts: 63
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    Wow I'm not sure why all of you are bitching about iOS and praising android, I've used android, my wife uses an adroit phone for work and it effing blows, it's choppy, way too involved and compared to iOS it's ugly and IMO there is no comparison when it comes to the two platforms even thought iOS is incorporating some similar functionality. **** android as a os, it's gonna keep evolving into huge fail in the end. From what I've seen apple is just streamlining the os and it's looks like it's finally at a place where I can say I'm actually excited the next iOS release
  • D-Shiznit
    D-Shiznit Posts: 2
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    Ok, much-needed enhancements to the notification, great.Newsstand - yawn.Twitter integration - REALLY??! Who gives a damn? Is someone at Apple so off the rocker that they thought this needs to be tied in to the OS? Why not integrate Siri into the OS like a lot of people hoped for?? Where's speech-to-txt??Safari - tabs. Playing catch-up I suppose.Reminders - neat.Camera - Mostly features which should have been there to begin with.Mail - Whatever ....PC Free - Long overdue, thank you Apple?Game center - Who gives an Eff?? Is that a glorified PDA which happens to be a phone or a game console on steroids? Games are fun and all, but to make it into the '10 new things' list? Come on ...iMessanger - Some cool features, some 'whatever' features ...WHERE'S THE Siri INTEGRATION??
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    How many times does it need to be said? No new iPhone this time, I'm sure apple were responsible for the massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan! Get a grip folks, all the lives lost and rebuilding a big part of a country is more important than building a new iPhone! If you don't like it, **** of to a shitty android! No one is stopping you! My money says you'll be back, as soon as the new iPhone is released, you'll all jump ship back to apple, all you whining folk are dildos! Apple maybe releasing things that android has had for a while, but with apple, the features will work properly!
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    WHEN the hell is fall in the U.S. How fucking hard is it to say something the whole world understands like for **** sake they sell to the world but only talk to the U.S.
  • wolverine2281
    wolverine2281 Posts: 17
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    Siri as in Sirius XM radio? Just curious because this is the first time I've ever seen someone posting that they wanted integration with it
  • wolverine2281
    wolverine2281 Posts: 17
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    "In North America, autumn (Fall) is usually considered to start with the September equinox"
  • Nightedge
    Nightedge Posts: 40
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    it's the fact that I want a new phone already... Of course there is no compression but it's more like I'm saying f-you apple for making wait. This is coming from an owner that still has his 3gs
  • Nightedge
    Nightedge Posts: 40
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  • Val
    Val Posts: 60
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    I love sarcastic responses to stupid questions. Thanks you wolvie for making me laugh.I think all of these features sound cool. I'm still on 4.2.1 since I didn't fell like going through the upgrade jailbreak cycle again for such small changes. My main jailbreak apps are iRealSMS and SBSettings. If iOS 5 can mimic those I may upgrade before a jailbreak is available for the first time since iOS 2.0!
  • wolverine2281
    wolverine2281 Posts: 17
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    I'm glad :) BTW, September is the same month around the world. I was able to use these sites called google and wikipedia
  • CruzinGTO
    CruzinGTO Posts: 2
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    or could be SkyNet!
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Android isnt shitty, but Apple needs the jailbreaking innovators...
  • Rip
    Rip Posts: 38
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    No new iPhone. iOS 5 only released in the fall. Twitter integration instead of Facebook. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!I'm really disappointed about no new iPhone this month. I don't give a **** about iCloud. Dropbox is awesome. Only good news is Lion. Cant wait to download it from piratebay
  • San
    San Posts: 10
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    you made the best comment here "D-Shiznit"
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    My point is we should have to look it up every time something new is released world wide out of the US why not just say the month! Movies and games are the same it's a pain in the ass.
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    You all have to wait for the phone to be left at a bar, a website buying it, pics of it on the site, a house being broken into and a pending lawsuit to find out about iPhone 4S/5
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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  • Kim
    Kim Posts: 29
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    any news on the secret banner? have they opened that or still its closed?
  • Shalashaska
    Shalashaska Posts: 55
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    what a bunch of ungrateful nags some of you are...DIDNT U ALWAYS WANT JAILBREAK APPS AS STANDARD ???? now that they do research and development and integrate what u want in the IOS...ure iphone???? really ??? come on guys...anyone who knows apple knows they seldom ''invent'' something new...they always take existing technology and make it better..please switch to android so you come crawling back...have u ever been to the android market is real is the equivalent of windows..and they will soon flock..they are cramming their OS on every possible device they could get their hands on...while that may sound great...its an Achilles heal for the most of it...and i bet anyone who says they wanna switch to android ALREADY have android...
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    We need dev team only for unlock, nothing else.
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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